[综合效果器套装]Waves Ultimate 15 v24.06.24 Incl V.R Patch+安装方法 [WiN, MacOSX](8.75 GB+9.08 GB)


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[最新版综合效果器套装] Waves Ultimate 15 v24.09.16+安装方法+使用教程 [WiN, MacOSX]

Waves Ultimate 15 v24.06.24 macOS| 24 June 2024 | 8.75 GB
Waves Ultimate 15 v24.06.24 Incl V.R Patch WiN (Incl V.R Patch) | 24 June 2024 | 9.08 GB


[Waves高质量教程]全插件中文深度解析 完全篇(7.82Gb)

Waves卸载干净的方法[WiN, MacOSX]

特别提示:Waves V15 仅支持以下或更高版本DAW

Pro Tools 2023.12、2024
Logic Pro10.8, 11
Premiere Pro24
Studio One Professional6
FL Studio21

所有Waves 插件:全面升级至 V15 版本

**Waves V15 新功能与改进**

– **新增:[StudioVerse乐器]** — 一款虚拟乐器架插件,让你能够演奏来自StudioVerse库的数千条音轨链,每条链结合了分层乐器、MIDI效果器和音频效果器。创建并跨DAW分享你自己的乐器预设,并在StudioVerse上发布它们。
– **更新:StudioRack** — 现称为**[StudioVerse音频效果]**。我们优化了搜索引擎,并在精简的插件窗口中增加了标签和推荐预设,帮助你更快找到预设并迅速听到效果。StudioVerse音频效果与旧版StudioRack预设和会话兼容。
– **SSL G-Master总线压缩器新增功能**:增加了高通侧链滤波器。
– **H-Delay混合延迟器新增功能**:
– 增加双模式,分别控制左右声道的延迟时间。
– 可选择乒乓延迟从左或右开始。
– **所有Waves插件新增功能**:添加了MIDI学习功能,以及将MIDI映射预设保存为独立于插件预设的层的能力。(请注意,此功能尚未添加到Mac上的Audio Unit宿主,如Logic、Digital Performer和Luna。)[了解更多]。
– **所有Waves插件新增功能**:收藏预设——保存并管理你最喜欢的设置,并通过预设浏览器轻松访问它们。
– **超过70个插件新增功能**([查看完整列表]:现在滚动预设时可以锁定输入和干湿参数,实现无缝的A/B比较。
– **新增插件至热门捆绑包**:
– Mercury捆绑包:Nx Virtual Mix Room, Spherix。
– Horizon捆绑包:CLA Unplugged, Greg Wells PianoCentric, Key Detector, Magma Springs, Manny Marroquin Triple D, Nx Virtual Mix Room, Retro Fi, Lofi Space, Spherix, Voltage Amps。
– Diamond捆绑包:CLA Unplugged, Greg Wells PianoCentric, Key Detector, Magma Springs, Manny Marroquin Triple D, Nx Virtual Mix Room, Retro Fi, Lofi Space, Spherix, Voltage Amps。
– Platinum捆绑包:CLA Unplugged, Greg Wells PianoCentric, Key Detector, Magma Springs, RetroFi, Lofi Space, Voltage Amps。
– Gold捆绑包:Key Detector, Magma Springs, Voltage Amps。
– **新增高清HiDPI图形界面**:CLA Epic, CLA EchoSphere, Scheps 73 和 H-Comp混合压缩器新增高清界面。
– **改进:Abbey Road插件** — 为了便于访问,所有插件名称现在都以”Abbey Road”开头。
– **新增通知功能**:插件菜单栏会通知你当有更新可用。
– **新增许可证到期提醒**:插件内会通知你Waves Creative Access订阅许可证即将到期或离线系统需要重新同步。
– **新增预设**:Nir Z的预设已添加至Abbey Road Chambers, Abbey Road Reverb Plates, Abbey Road TG Mastering Chain, BB Tubes, CLA Mixhub, Magma Tube Channel Strip, OVox, SSL EV2和SSL G Channel。
– **改进**:之前在Waves.com上展示的艺术家预设已添加至GTR3 ToolRack。
– **VST2支持说明**:最新软件版本未更新VST2支持,未来版本也将不再提供。
– **所有Waves插件的错误修复**:
– 修复:在Reaper中离线渲染乐器轨道不再导致乐器静音。
– 修复:在Pro Tools中,即使在文本输入后,空格键在播放状态下也能正常工作。
– 修复:在Logic中使用鼠标时,Maschine和Komplete Kontrol旋钮保持稳定,不再抖动。
– 修复:Tab键在文本输入后正常工作。
– **个别插件的错误修复**:
– 修复(Abbey Road Saturator):加载包含Abbey Road Saturator的LV1会话,不再有全范围直流噪声风险。
– 修复(Bass Fingers/Slapper):在Cakewalk中导出或冻结轨道不再移除第一个音符。
– 修复(BB Tubes):在某些情况下修正延迟报告。
– 修复(CLA Epic):延迟时间现在响应撤销/重做。
– 修复(CLA Epic):混音锁定状态现在随会话保存。
– 修复(CLA Guitars):Clean + Re-amp开启时没有噪音。
– 修复(CLA MixHub):旁路输入模块时无音频损坏。
– 修复(Clarity Vx系列):使用辅助账户登录Pro Tools时不再冻结。
– 修复(CR8):具有Unicode名称或路径的样本现在可以通过拖放加载。
– 修复(Flow Motion):使用Pro Tools离线提交时,MIDI部分的第一个音符将播放。
– 修复(GTR Stomp):踩钉现在响应撤销/重做。
– 修复(H-Delay):在BPM模式下点击设置延迟时间。
– 修复(Kaleidoscopes):修正Waves FIT和Avid控制器的控制台映射。
– 修复(Linear Phase Multiband Compressor):修正旁路音频路径。
– 修复(Magma Springs):修正自动化通道标签和值。
– 修复(Manny Marroquin Delay):启用Doubler后立体声图像一致。
– 修复(NLS):修正旁路音频路径。
– 修复(Nx Germano Studios):修正控制台映射。
– 修复(OVox):在Reason中编写自动化时不发生音频损坏。
– 修复(Renaissance Axx):修正旁路音频路径。
– 修复(Scheps Omni Channel):修正控制台映射。
– 修复(Scheps Omni Channel 2):自动激活在使用MIDI学习移动参数时正常工作。
– 修复(Scheps Omni Channel 2):DS2模块:改变模块顺序不会破坏监听音频路径。
– 修复(Scheps Omni Channel 2):DS2:频率控制调整时,侧链监听控制在开启状态下视觉上保持活跃。
– 修复(Scheps Omni Channel 2):“奇数”饱和度首次启用时电平不会下降。
– 修复(Scheps Omni Channel 2):在A/B设置间切换和更改插槽时,模块的开关设置不变。
– 修复(Scheps Omni Channel 2):VST3扫描信息现在随插件实例一起保存。
– 修复(Silk Vocal):在实时应用中修正缩略图。
– 修复(SSL EV2):修正控制台映射。
– 修复(TRACT):为SuperRack和Avid控制器修正控制台映射。
– 修复(Vocal Bender):文本输入时Flatten接受所有音符。
– 修复(Waves Stream):发送方插件在接收音频的人员使用网页应用且采样率改变时不会崩溃。
– 修复(Waves Stream):旁路接收方插件并终止流时不会发生崩溃或挂起。
– 修复(Waves Tune):全局移除“缺少ReWire”消息,因为ReWire在许多系统上不再受支持。
– **Waves Central v15.0.2更新**:
– V15更新和安装适用于所有插件和捆绑包。
– 改进安装进程条。
– 从Waves Creative Access页面提供Waves Essential安装。
– 增加二次许可证筛选器。
– 修复:外部驱动器离线安装。
– 修复:引导式游览中的一些错误。
– 修复:图形错误。

– 包含Waves Ultimate 2024.3-V.R补丁。
– 目前不支持且未测试Apple Silicon(苹果自研芯片)平台的兼容性。
– Waves Gemstones(宝石系列)和Key Detector(按键探测器)无法正常工作。

🏠 首页


All Waves Plugins: Across-the-board software update to V15

- New Features & Improvements in Waves V15
- New: [StudioVerse Instruments](https://www.waves.com/plugins/studioverse-instruments) -- a virtual instrument rack plugin where you can play from thousands of chains from the StudioVerse library, each combining layered instruments, MIDI FX and audio FX. Create & share your own instrument presets across DAWs, and publish them on StudioVerse.
- Updated: StudioRack -- now called [StudioVerse Audio Effects](https://www.waves.com/plugins/studioverse-audio-effects). We've optimized the search engine and added tags & suggested presets to a streamlined plugin window to help you find presets faster and hear results quickly. StudioVerse Audio Effects is backwards compatible with old StudioRack presets & sessions.
- New in SSL G-Master Buss Compressor: High-pass sidechain filter added
- New in H-Delay Hybrid Delay:
- Dual Mode added for separate control of left and right delay times.
- Choose whether ping-pong delays start from left or right.
- New in all Waves plugins: MIDI Learn added, plus the ability to save MIDI map presets as a separate layer than plugin presets. (Please note that this feature has not been added in Audio Unit hosts [Mac] such as Logic, Digital Performer and Luna.) [Learn more here](https://www.waves.com/support/how-to-control-waves-plugins-with-midi-in-your-daw).
- New in all Waves plugins: Favorites Presets -- Save and manage your favorite settings and access them easily through the Preset Browser.
- New in over 70 plugins ([see full list](https://www.waves.com/support/how-to-lock-input-and-mix-values-on-preset-load)): You can now lock the Input and Dry/Wet parameters when scrolling through presets, for seamless A/B comparison.
- New: Plugins added to popular bundles
- Mercury: Nx Virtual Mix Room, Spherix.
- Horizon: CLA Unplugged, Greg Wells PianoCentric, Key Detector, Magma Springs, Manny Marroquin Triple D, Nx Virtual Mix Room, Retro Fi, Lofi Space, Spherix, Voltage Amps.
- Diamond: CLA Unplugged, Greg Wells PianoCentric, Key Detector, Magma Springs, Manny Marroquin Triple D, Nx Virtual Mix Room, Retro Fi, Lofi Space, Spherix, Voltage Amps.
- Platinum: CLA Unplugged, Greg Wells PianoCentric, Key Detector, Magma Springs, RetroFi, Lofi Space, Voltage Amps.
- Gold: Key Detector, Magma Springs, Voltage Amps.
- New: Hi-res HiDPI graphic interfaces added for CLA Epic, CLA EchoSphere, Scheps 73 and H-Comp Hybrid Compressor.
- Improved: Abbey Road plugins have been renamed for easy access: All plugin names now start with "Abbey Road."
- New: You will now receive notification through the plugin hamburger menu when updates are available.
- New: You will now receive notification via plugins before Waves Creative Access subscription licenses expire or require resync for offline systems: [Learn more](https://www.waves.com/support/license-expiration-message-offline-systems).
- New: Presets by Nir Z added to Abbey Road Chambers, Abbey Road Reverb Plates, Abbey Road TG Mastering Chain, BB Tubes, CLA Mixhub, Magma Tube Channel Strip, OVox, SSL EV2 and SSL G Channel.
- Improved: Artist presets previously featured on Waves.com added to GTR3 ToolRack.
- VST2 support has not been updated in the latest version of our software and will not be available in future releases.
- Bug fixes in all Waves plugins
- Fixed: Bouncing instrument tracks offline in Reaper will not result with muted instruments.
- Fixed: The space bar now operates correctly in Pro Tools, even after text entry, while the transport is in play.
- Fixed: Maschine and Komplete Kontrol knobs maintain stability and do not jitter when using the mouse in Logic while Waves plugins are active.
- Fixed: The tab key operates correctly after text entry.
- Bug fixes in individual plugins
- Fixed in Abbey Road Saturator: Loading LV1 sessions with the Abbey Road Saturator inserted will no longer risk full-scale DC noise.
- Fixed in Bass Fingers/Slapper: Exporting or freezing tracks in Cakewalk will no longer remove the first note.
- Fixed in BB Tubes: Corrected latency report in some scenarios.
- Fixed in CLA Epic: Delay times now respond to Undo/Redo.
- Fixed in CLA Epic: Mix Lock state is now saved with the session.
- Fixed in CLA Guitars: There is no noise when in Clean + Re-amp is On.
- Fixed in CLA MixHub: No audio corruption when bypassing the Input module.
- Fixed in Clarity Vx, Clarity Vx Pro, Clarity Vx DeReverb and Clarity Vx DeReverb Pro: Pro Tools will not freeze when logging in with a secondary account.
- Fixed in CR8: Samples with Unicode in their name or path now load in drag and drop.
- Fixed in Flow Motion: The first note in a MIDI part will play when using Pro Tools offline commit.
- Fixed in GTR Stomp: Stomps will respond to Undo/Redo.
- Fixed in H-Delay: Tap will set delay time in BPM mode.
- Fixed in Kaleidoscopes: Corrected control surface mapping for Waves FIT and Avid controllers.
- Fixed in Linear Phase Multiband Compressor: Corrected bypass audio path.
- Fixed in Magma Springs: Corrected automation lane labels and values.
- Fixed in Manny Marroquin Delay: Consistent stereo image after enabling Doubler.
- Fixed in NLS: Corrected bypass audio path.
- Fixed in Nx Germano Studios: Corrected control surface mapping.
- Fixed in OVox: No audio corruption when writing automation in Reason.
- Fixed in Renaissance Axx: Corrected bypass audio path.
- Fixed in Scheps Omni Channel: Corrected control surface mapping.
- Fixed in Scheps Omni Channel 2: Auto engage is now working properly when parameters are moved with MIDI learn.
- Fixed in Scheps Omni Channel 2: DS2 module: Changing module order does not corrupt the listen audio path.
- Fixed in Scheps Omni Channel 2: DS2: The sidechain listen control remains visually active after adjusting the frequency control while it is on.
- Fixed in Scheps Omni Channel 2: Level will not drop when "Odd" saturation is engaged for the first time.
- Fixed in Scheps Omni Channel 2: Modules' On/Off settings will not change when moving between Setup A/B and changing slots.
- Fixed in Scheps Omni Channel 2: VST3 scan is now saved with previously opened instances of the plugin.
- Fixed in Silk Vocal: Corrected thumbnail in live apps.
- Fixed in SSL EV2: Corrected control surface mapping.
- Fixed in TRACT: Control surface mapping for SuperRack and Avid controllers.
- Fixed in Vocal Bender: Flatten accepts all notes in text entry.
- Fixed in Waves Stream: Sender plugin will not crash upon sample rate change when the person receiving audio is using the web application.
- Fixed in Waves Stream: No crash or hang will occur when the Receiver plugin is bypassed and the stream is terminated.
- Fixed in Waves Tune: Globally removed the "ReWire is Missing" message, since ReWire is no longer supported on many systems.
- Waves Central v15.0.2 is now available with the following updates:
- V15 update and installation is available for all plugins and bundles.
- Improved installation process bar.
- Waves Essential installation is available from the Waves Creative Access page.
- Added Second License filter.
- Fixed: Offline installtion from external drive.
- Fixed: Some bugs in Guided Tours.
- Fixed: Graphic bugs.

- Apple Silicon is not supported and not tested
- Waves Gemstones and Key Detector does not work

0. 在此处检查系统要求:https://www.waves.com/support/tech-specs/system-requirements#plugins|version-14

1. 转到 1- 安装程序文件夹并安装 Waves Central 并运行。

2. 卸载以前的版本并从 Waves Central 设置中运行修复权限并登录 Waves(如果您想要 Studio Verse)。(如果需要,请备份预设和其他数据)

3. 选择离线安装程序并单击从离线安装程序安装

4. 浏览您下载的 Waves 文件夹(内部:1 - 安装程序)

5. 选择 Waves Ultimate 或任何其他插件和应用程序并选择安装(取消选中 SD/HD)

6. 运行 V.R 补丁

7. 重新启动

8. 加载 StudioRack 并登录 Waves 以使用 Studio Verse。

9 完成。

感谢 Team V.R 补丁

注意:离线安装遵循官方 Waves 方法。如果安装失败,请访问 https://www.waves.com/support 寻求帮助。

Waves 仪器的样本库

?Apple Silicon 不受支持且未经测试

0. 在此处检查系统要求:https://www.waves.com/support/tech-specs/system-requirements#plugins|version-14

1. 转到 1- 安装程序文件夹并安装 Waves Central 并运行。

1a. 如果您的安装卡住了,请通过在终端中粘贴以下代码以 root 身份运行 Waves Central(输入密码后,Waves Central 将以 root 身份打开)

sudo /Applications/Waves\ Central.app/Contents/MacOS/Waves\ Central

2. 卸载以前的版本并从 Waves Central 设置中运行修复权限并登录 Waves(如果您想要 Studio Verse)。 (如果需要,请备份预设和其他数据)

3. 选择离线安装程序并单击从离线安装程序安装

4. 浏览您下载的 Waves 文件夹(内部:1 - 安装程序)

5. 选择 Waves Ultimate 或任何其他插件和应用程序并选择安装(取消选中 SD/HD)

6. 应用补丁

7. 重新启动

8. 从应用程序/Waves 运行 AU reg Utility

10. 加载 StudioRack 并登录 Waves 以使用 Studio Verse。

11 完成。

注意:离线安装遵循官方 Waves 方法。如果安装失败,请查看 https://www.waves.com/support 获取帮助。

Waves 乐器的样本库

如果之前安装过waves,想要重新安装其他版本,需要把原来电脑上安装的WAVES删除干净, 一定要注意:统统删干净,一个不能留!包括注册表等信息,否则会出现问题。具体方法:Waves卸载干净的方法[WiN, MacOSX] - 数字音频 (shuziyinpin.vip)

此隐藏内容 评论 本文后刷新页面可见!
1.新疆和台湾是百度网盘限制区,可以使用手机网络,不要连接WIFI,然后转存到网盘下载! 2.海外打不开百度网盘链接,可以使用梯子,连接大陆网络即可!


  1. NB
    Viki2024 2024-06-25 0 回复
  2. ...
    guozhaohui 2024-06-25 0 回复
  3. 感谢分享
    mandolin 2024-06-25 0 回复
  4. yomusic 2024-06-25 0 回复
  5. 感谢分享
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    admin 2024-06-25 0 回复
  8. 谢谢老师
    dream234 2024-06-27 0 回复
  9. xjnhvais
    SFQUW87 2024-06-27 0 回复
  10. nb
    酸奶思密达 2024-06-27 0 回复
  11. 不知道怎么样
    yoyo 2024-06-28 0 回复
  12. 感谢分享······
    一凡爱音乐 2024-06-30 0 回复
  13. 牛的
    630555869 2024-07-01 0 回复
  14. 感谢分享 很好
    daoyujhf 2024-07-01 0 回复
  15. 牛杯牛杯!~
    LilReE 2024-07-08 0 回复
  16. ..
    fulicaipiao 2024-07-10 0 回复
  17. 感谢分享
    might 2024-07-11 0 回复
  18. 感谢分享
    might2000 2024-07-11 0 回复
  19. 支持
    yuchen 2024-07-12 0 回复
  20. 感谢分享
    小迪 2024-07-15 0 回复
  21. 感谢分享
    阿萨 2024-07-17 0 回复
  22. 可以的很
    a1520933766 2024-07-18 0 回复
  23. 非常不错
    lihong873 2024-07-22 0 回复
  24. qinjie131332 2024-08-05 0 回复
  25. 1
    mz 2024-08-11 0 回复
  26. .
    mz 2024-08-11 0 回复
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