[DJ工具]Native Instruments Traktor Pro Plus v3.11.0 Rev1 [WiN](754.6Mb)

TRAKTOR PRO Plus 是 TRAKTOR PRO 现有用户的附加套餐。通过该订阅,我们将在通常的主要版本之外发布越来越多令人兴奋的新功能。这些功能并不是基本功能的强制性要求,而是为了利用 Soundwide(包括 iZotope、Plugin Alliance 和 Brainworx 在内的总品牌)旗下各实体的某些创新技术来改善音效和性能。我们希望,这将使您能够更直接地了解 TRAKTOR 正在进行的开发,从而定期为创作灵感提供新的实例。

解锁我们的最新功能。我们将经常为 Plus 用户添加最先进的工具和效果。我们在路线图中列出了未来几个月的发布时间表,你可以在这里查看。

traktor 模式播放器

集成 iZOTOPE 放大器
我们将 Ozone Maximizer 与 TRAKTOR 的主输出集成在一起,让你的声音和组合达到新的高度。

三个月的 beatport 和 beatsource 流媒体服务
年度用户可通过 Beatsource 的基本层级或 Beatport 的高级流媒体层级获得三个月的免费流媒体服务,您可以在这里从精心策划的播放列表和数百万首点播曲目中建立曲库。

3.11.0 _ 2024-01-03
Traktor 3.11 是一个功能和错误修复更新,引入了 X1MK3 的自定义超映射和其他改进,以及错误修复和优化。
添加了 X1 MK3 过度映射
现在,每个按钮和旋钮及其相应的移位层都可以分配给控制器管理器中任何可映射的 Traktor 功能。
增加了 X1 MK3 全浏览器视图选项
增加了按钮 1-4 的推移控制选项
现在可以为数字按钮 1-4 及其移位层分配 BPM 推移。
为推移按钮增加了热键 5/6 选项
现在还可将热键 5/6 映射到推移按钮,以实现更多的第一层热线索控制。
现在,在滚动可用图案列表时,X1 MK3 效果显示屏会显示所选图案图形。
改进了 CPU 负载降低功能
对 Traktor 的透明限幅器进行了优化,以降低限幅器激活时的 CPU 整体使用率。
修正了 macOS Sonoma 中连接的音频设备故障
在 macOS Sonoma 中,包括 CDJ 在内的连接音频设备可再次作为 Traktor 音频设备完全使用。
修正了外部混音器模式下 X1 MK3 通道音量故障
在混音器模式中,当软件以外部混音器模式运行时,X1 音量旋钮不再意外控制通道音量。
修正了 BPM 检测崩溃的问题(Apple Silicon)
现在你可以使用传统 Traktor 元数据加载非导入音轨。
修正了 S8 和 D2 上不显示样本名称的问题
现在 S8 和 D2 上会重新显示从模式播放器中选择的样本名称。

修订 1 注:更正了补丁程序中的路径提取,现在它能正确提取和替换所有文件。(文件名丢失),提取和替换许可证和服务中心时没有错误提示。

NI Traktor Pro Plus 3.11.0-bobdule Rev1 WIN| Date: 2024.1 | Size: 754.6 MB

TRAKTOR PRO Plus is an add-on subscription for existing TRAKTOR PRO users. Through this subscription, we will release an ever-growing stream of exciting new features outside of the usual major releases. These features will not be mandatory for base functionality but are intended to improve sound and performance by utilizing certain innovative technologies found across the entities of Soundwide (the umbrella brand that includes iZotope, Plugin Alliance, and Brainworx). Our hope is that this will enable you to enjoy more immediate access to our ongoing developments at TRAKTOR, thereby providing new instances for creative inspiration on a regular basis.

Unlock our latest features. We’ll be adding cutting-edge tools and effects for Plus subscribers frequently. We’ve outlined our release schedule for the coming months in a road map, which you can see here.

Use built-in sound packs to create custom percussion loops to complement your sets, all mappable to your existing setup and hardware.

We’ve integrated the Ozone Maximizer with TRAKTOR’s master output, allowing you to take your sounds and sets to new heights.

Annual subscribers will get three months of free streaming through Beatsource’s basic tier or Beatport’s Advanced streaming tier, where you can build libraries from curated playlists and millions of on-demand tracks.

3.11.0 _ 2024-01-03
Traktor 3.11 is a feature and bugfix update introducing custom overmapping and other improvements for the X1MK3 as well as bugfixes and optimisations.
ADDED X1 MK3 overmapping
Every button and knob and their corresponding shift layer can now be assigned to any of the mappable Traktor functions in the Controller Manager.
ADDED X1 MK3 full browser view options
The switch to full browser view can now be enabled when either turning the Browse encoder or when shift-pressing it.
ADDED Nudge control option for buttons 1-4
It is now possible to assign BPM nudging to number buttons 1-4 and to their shift-layers.
ADDED Hotcues 5/6 option for nudge buttons
It is now possible to also map Hotcues 5/6 to the Nudge buttons for even more first layer Hotcue control.
ADDED Hotcue nudge controls
The selected Hotcue can now be nudged left and right with a pair of mappable buttons.
ADDED Display pattern graphics when selecting
The X1 MK3 effect displays now show the selected pattern graphics when scrolling through the list of available patterns.
IMPROVED CPU load reduction
Traktor’s Transparent Limiter has been optimised to reduce overall CPU usage when the limiter is active.
FIXED Connected audio device malfunction in macOS Sonoma
In macOS Sonoma connected audio devices including CDJs are fully available again as a Traktor audio device.
FIXED X1 MK3 channel volume malfunction in External Mixer mode
In Mixer mode the X1 volume knobs no longer accidentally control the channel volumes when the software is running in External Mixer mode.
FIXED BPM detection crashing (Apple Silicon)
You can now load non-imported tracks with legacy Traktor metadata.
FIXED Individual pre-listen on Remix Deck slots
It is now possible to pre-listen the slots of Remix Decks individually again.
FIXED Sample name not displayed on S8 and D2
The name of the selected sample from the Pattern Player is now displayed again on S8 and D2.

Rev1 note: Ccorrected the path extract in the patcher, now it extract and replace all correctly. (the file name was missing) it extract and replace the license and service center without error alert.

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