[音乐制谱软件汉化版]MakeMusic Finale [WiN, MacOSX](6.64Gb)

Finale是美国MakeMusic公司推出的一款出版级别的打谱软件。系统要求:Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)、MacOS 10.10 – 10.14

详细介绍 安装方法

WIN汉化+MAC英文|6.64 GB

特别推荐:Finale 打谱软件教程(1.88Gb)

Finale is the world-wide industry standard in music notation software. Anywhere music appears on the printed page, Finale likely created those pages. Finale helps the choir to sing, the band to march, the students to learn, and the orchestra to raise the excitement level in the latest blockbuster movie.
Finale 是乐谱软件的全球行业标准。无论音乐出现在打印页面上的哪个位置,Finale 都可能创建了这些页面。Finale帮助合唱团唱歌,乐队进行曲,学生学习,管弦乐队提高最新大片的兴奋程度。

Part of what sets Finale apart is its unique ability to create anything on the printed page. Where other software offers paint-by-numbers solutions, Finale offers complete freedom and flexibility. As a result, musicians around the world rely on Finale to create, edit, audition, print, and publish the widest variety of musical scores.
Finale 与众不同的部分原因在于其在打印页面上创建任何内容的独特能力。其他软件提供按数字绘制的解决方案,而 Finale 则提供了完全的自由和灵活性。因此,世界各地的音乐家都依靠 Finale 来创作、编辑、试听、打印和发布最广泛的乐谱。

Finale also offers breathtakingly realistic music playback, and more ways to share music with others. Today’s Finale represents the latest evolution in music notation software, making Finale’s signature freedom and flexibility easy for everyone to use.
Finale 还提供令人叹为观止的逼真音乐播放,以及更多与他人分享音乐的方式。今天的 Finale 代表了乐谱软件的最新发展,使 Finale 标志性的自由度和灵活性让每个人都能轻松使用。

Share your music with the world

Capture musical inspiration. Engrave a beautiful score. Share your artistic vision with others. Just as every musician is unique, so are the reasons each uses music notation software. Today’s Finale supports you, making it easy to create whatever you can imagine AND to work in the order and manner that best support your creativity.
捕捉音乐灵感。刻上优美的乐谱。与他人分享您的艺术愿景。正如每个音乐家都是独一无二的一样,每个人使用乐谱软件的原因也各不相同。今天的 Finale 支持你,让你轻松创造你能想象到的任何东西,并以最能支持你创造力的顺序和方式工作。

No matter where your inspiration leads you, from a simple lead sheet or student worksheet, to orchestrating for Hollywood or preparing your Broadway score, choose the solution that supports your vision.

Focus on your art, not the details

When inspiration strikes, Finale takes care of the details so you can focus on your music. Capture ideas as fast as you can – with no obstacles to slow you down.
当灵感来袭时,Finale 会处理好细节,以便您可以专注于音乐。尽可能快地捕捉想法 – 没有任何障碍会减慢您的速度。

Your music, your way 您的音乐,您的方式
In an instant you can move measures, change keys, or perform dozens of edits to capture, arrange, perfect, and print anything you can imagine. Finale even offers creative and editorial input, from automatically adding a drum groove to indicating when when notes have been written out of an instrument’s range.
您可以立即移动度量、更改键或执行数十次编辑,以捕获、排列、完善和打印您能想象到的任何内容。Finale 甚至提供创意和编辑输入,从自动添加鼓槽到指示何时音符超出乐器的音域。

Enter notes your way 以自己的方式输入笔记
The choice is yours. Play in your notes with a MIDI keyboard, mouse, or computer keyboard. You can also import a wide variety of file types, including MIDI and MusicXML™.
选择权在您手中。使用 MIDI 键盘、鼠标或计算机键盘弹奏音符。您还可以导入各种文件类型,包括 MIDI 和 MusicXML。™

What’s New in MakeMusic Finale 25:
MakeMusic Finale 25 的新功能:

Create Your Way 创造你的方式
– Whatever music you imagine, the new Finale can bring it to life, more quickly and easily than ever before.
– 无论您想象什么音乐,新的 Finale 都可以比以往任何时候都更快、更轻松地将其变为现实。

– Now a full 64-bit application, the new Finale includes many under-the-hood enhancements resulting in improved performance. But that’s only half of the equation.
– 现在,新的 Finale 是一个完整的 64 位应用程序,包括许多引擎盖下的增强功能,从而提高了性能。但这只是等式的一半。

– While Finale has always been recognized as the software that can create ANYTHING, the new Finale also streamlines your workflow so that you can create in a more intuitive and efficient manner.
– 虽然 Finale 一直被认为是可以创建任何东西的软件,但新的 Finale 还简化了您的工作流程,以便您可以以更直观、更高效的方式进行创作。

– Plus there are new ways to sync with other apps, new sounds, and better ways to share your music with others.
– 此外,还有与其他应用程序同步的新方法、新的声音以及与他人分享音乐的更好方式。

– Take control of your music, your creative process, and your legacy.
– 掌控你的音乐、你的创作过程和你的遗产。

Get more done in less time

Finale has always been recognized as the music notation software that can create anything. The new Finale simplifies the creation process in multiple ways.
Finale 一直被认为是可以创建任何东西的音乐符号软件。新的 Finale 以多种方式简化了创作过程。

– While previous versions of Finale could create tall time signatures, like those seen at left, it admittedly took a few steps. Today it’s easy.
– 虽然以前版本的 Finale 可以创建高拍号,如左图所示,但不可否认的是,它需要几个步骤。今天很容易。

– When entering notes into transposing staves, the new Finale plays the correctly transposed pitch both upon entry and playback.
– 当将音符输入到转调五线谱中时,新的 Finale 会在进入和播放时播放正确转调的音高。

– An all new Aria Player greatly simplifies and expedites the selection of instruments from the ever-growing library of stellar Garritan sounds.
– 全新的咏叹调播放器大大简化并加快了从不断增长的 Garritan 声音库中选择乐器的过程。

– We’ve also made new looks possible (including contoured dashed slurs) and eliminated dozens of bugs.
– 我们还使新外观成为可能(包括轮廓虚线诽谤),并消除了数十个错误。

Connect with ReWire support
使用 ReWire 支持进行连接

– The new Finale includes ReWire support making it possible to use Finale simultaneously with top digital audio software including Digital Performer, ProTools and Logic.
– 新的 Finale 包括 ReWire 支持,可以同时使用 Finale 和顶级数字音频软件,包括 Digital Performer、ProTools 和 Logic。

– Imagine you’ve created a pop tune in Logic and want to add a live horn section. With ReWire you can create the charts in Finale, press play in Logic, and hear both programs playback simultaneously – and remain in sync. You’ll hear how your horn parts work against the existing audio tracks – before the performers come into the studio to play them.
– 假设您在 Logic 中创建了一首流行曲,并想要添加一个现场号角部分。使用 ReWire,您可以在 Finale 中创建图表,在 Logic 中按下播放键,并同时收听两个节目的播放,并保持同步。在表演者进入录音室演奏之前,您将听到您的号角声部如何与现有音轨配合使用。

– ReWire will also benefit anyone writing for film as it also allows you to synchronize with the video support found in programs like Digital Performer, ProTools and Logic.
– ReWire 也将使任何为电影写作的人受益,因为它还允许您与 Digital Performer、ProTools 和 Logic 等程序中的视频支持同步。

– Connecting with other programs is one more way Finale helps you create your way.
– 与其他程序连接是 Finale 帮助您创建自己的方式的另一种方式。

64-Bit Support and More 64 位支持等
– Finale is now a full 64-bit application. This means that you can take best advantage of the processing powers of modern computers.
– Finale 现在是一个完整的 64 位应用程序。这意味着您可以充分利用现代计算机的处理能力。

– It also ensures that Finale can maintain compatibility with future operating systems and makes it easier for Finale developers to improve your user experience more quickly.
– 它还确保 Finale 能够保持与未来操作系统的兼容性,并使 Finale 开发人员更容易更快地改善您的用户体验。

– Finale users utilizing high-end sound libraries know that many of these are 64-bit only. The new Finale will allow them to use these libraries directly in Finale, without any intervening 3rd party software AND allow them to load more samples into memory than ever before.
– 使用高端声音库的 Finale 用户知道其中许多只有 64 位。新的 Finale 将允许他们直接在 Finale 中使用这些库,而无需任何第三方软件干预,并允许他们将比以往更多的样本加载到内存中。

– While a major undertaking, this 64-bit compatibility is just part of the forward-looking enhancements found in the new Finale. We’ve also overhauled Human Playback (today it responds instantly when you press playback) and expanded Finale’s MusicXML import and export so you can share music (back and forth) with users of other software more accurately than ever before. And of course you can share files with Finale 2014 without any conversion at all!
– 虽然这是一项重大任务,但这种 64 位兼容性只是新 Finale 中前瞻性增强功能的一部分。我们还对人工播放进行了全面改革(现在,当您按下播放键时,它会立即响应),并扩展了 Finale 的 MusicXML 导入和导出功能,因此您可以比以往任何时候都更准确地与其他软件的用户共享音乐(来回)。当然,您可以与Finale 2014共享文件,而无需任何转换!

New Garritan Sounds 新加里坦之声
Great playback sounds inspire not only our listeners, the inspire the creative process. When you hit play and the results exceed your expectations, you push harder, too. The library of premium Garritan sounds included with Finale has been significantly augmented with more than 100 new additions, including a stunning Concert D grand piano from the award-winning Personal Orchestra 5, dozens of exotic world instruments, plus new keyboards, brass, woodwinds, choirs, strings, mixtures, percussion, and more.
出色的播放声音不仅激发了我们的听众的灵感,还激发了创作过程。当你点击播放并且结果超出你的预期时,你也会更加努力。Finale 中包含的优质 Garritan 音色库已显着增加 100 多种新增内容,包括来自屡获殊荣的 Personal Orchestra 5 的令人惊叹的 Concert D 三角钢琴、数十种异国情调的世界乐器,以及新的键盘、铜管乐器、木管乐器、合唱团、弦乐、混音器、打击乐器等。


01. 下载 Finale_25.5_full.dmg 和 External_25.5.dmg。
02. 从 External_25.5.dmg 映像,安装 Garritan ARIA Player(MAC_ARIA_Player_v1.872.pkg 包)
03. 从 Finale_25.5_full.dmg 映像,安装 Finale (MacDiskInstaller_25.0.0.7722.dmg 映像)
04. 从 Finale_25.5_full.dmg 映像,安装 Finale 更新(MacDiskUpdater_25.5.0.259.dmg 映像)
05. 断开计算机与网络的连接。
06. 运行 主程序
07. 用虚拟机或Windows运行 R2R-注册机 里的 MakeMusic_KeyGen.exe
08. 在注册机中选择 MakeMusic Finale 25.
09. 在注册机中生成序列号。
10. 单击 Finale 窗口中的 Authorize Now 按钮。
11. 输入用户名和序列号。
12. 单击下一步按钮(在中间窗口中,选择继续)。
13. 选择网站“Website”。
14. 在 Finale 注册窗口中,将用户代码输入到注册机窗口中。
15. 使用密钥生成器生成授权码。
16. 在注册窗口中输入授权码。


01. 通过选择所需的程序组件(FinaleSetup.exe 文件)安装 Finale v25。
02. 安装更新 Finale 25.5(文件 FinaleUpdater-25.5.exe)。
03. 断开计算机与 Internet 的连接。
04. 运行 Finale 25.5
05. 运行 R2R 文件夹中的 MakeMusic_KeyGen.exe。
06. 在注册机中选择 MakeMusic Finale 25
07. 生成序列号。
08. 单击 Finale 窗口中的 Authorize Now 按钮。
09. 输入用户名和序列号。
10. 单击下一步(在中间窗口中,选择继续)。
11. 选择网站“Website”。
12. 在 Finale 注册窗口中,将用户代码输入到注册机窗口中。
13. 使用密钥生成器生成授权码。
14. 在授权窗口中输入授权码。


打开Finale安装完的目录,复制备份下 FinRes.dll 文件,然后使用下载的汉化文件夹里的 FinRes.dll 文件替换后重新运行Finale即可。

下载价格5 金币
1.新疆和台湾是百度网盘限制区,可以使用手机网络,不要连接WIFI,然后转存到网盘下载! 2.海外打不开百度网盘链接,可以使用梯子,连接大陆网络即可!


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