[超逼真虚拟原声蜂鸟吉他音源]Prominy Hummingbird v1.26 [KONTAKT](40.39Gb)

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Prominy Hummingbird v1.26 KONTAKT| Update ONLY – 67 MB | FULL – 40,39 GB

超逼真虚拟原声吉他 – 真实还原1963年Gibson® Hummingbird的声音,包含大约80GB,89,000个采样。 Hummingbird使你能够创作并实现强大而自然的原声吉他乐段,模仿真实的吉他演奏!

令人难以置信的实时演奏性 – Hummingbird SPI(超级性能乐器)

通过Hummingbird SPI,你可以在实时中演奏出超乎寻常的逼真原声吉他演奏。你可以即刻访问多种演奏技巧,无需中断表演,迅速创作出极具说服力的吉他曲目。

  • 单音符、模拟双音符和弦(小二度、二度、小三度、大三度、四度、减五度、五度、升五度、六度、七度、大七度、八度)、采样实录和弦(八度、大调、小调、七和弦、小七和弦、大七和弦、加九和弦、挂四和弦、九和弦、小七挂九、大七挂九、减七和弦、增和弦、开放/低音和弦等)、模拟和弦(大调、小调、七和弦、小七和弦、大七和弦、加九和弦、挂四和弦、七挂四和弦、九和弦、升九、小七降五、增和弦、开放/低音和弦等)、用户自定义和弦(使用用户和弦编辑器可以创建任意和弦)、实时勾击与推弦、实时连音滑音、颤音、颤音、拨片颤动、消音与拨弦噪音、下滑音、自然泛音、打击乐效果、品丝噪音、拨片停止噪音、琴桥消音噪音、释放噪音、位置变换噪音、特殊效果等…





















除了捕捉自然立体声的立体声录制样本外,还提供双轨录音乐器作为一种获得立体声效果的另一种选择。“双轨录音”是一种在录制吉他曲目时常使用的技巧,它给予吉他曲目良好的宽广立体声像和厚度。使用Hummingbird SPI,你可以通过简单加载双轨录音乐器轻松再现这一点。不会有相同的样本同时在两个频道播放。你不需要立体声延迟或调整MIDI数据来模拟双轨录音。





NKS(Native Kontrol Standard®)就绪

Hummingbird正式支持NKS(Native Kontrol Standard®),允许Hummingbird与KOMPLETE KONTROL和MASCHINE硬件之间实现直观无缝的交互。你可以通过KOMPLETE KONTROL S系列键盘/Maschine硬件和软件控制主要参数。KOMPLETE KONTROL S系列键盘的Light Guide指示灯显示可用的键位切换和各演奏技法的可演奏键范围。



  • [新增] 自动将多声道触后转换为单声道触后,因此用户的MIDI键盘提交多声道触后时,可以通过触后演奏颤音。
  • [修复] E♭9(开放和弦)的和弦结构错误。
  • [修复] A♯5(开放和弦)的和弦结构错误。
  • [修复] 当选择单音符乐器并播放琶音键时,指板监视器未正确显示位置。
  • [修复] 当选择单音符乐器并紧接着播放琶音键后播放扫弦键,会导致问题。


  • [修复] 当单音符乐器被选中,且以低力度演奏D4(或D♯4)时,以下.nki文件的样本平衡不正确;
    • D4: Hummingbird_S.nki, Hummingbird_S_lite.nki
    • D♯4: Hummingbird_S_doubletrack.nki, Hummingbird_S_doubletrack_lite.nki


  • [修复] 在某些情况下,当选择模拟和弦乐器并使用触后时,持续音样本的音量变为0。
  • [修复] 指板监视器在某些情况下未能显示正确的品位位置。
  • [修复] 其他小错误修正。


此更新需要Kontakt Player(或Kontakt完整版)5.8.1或更高版本!

Ultra Real-sounding Virtual Acoustic Guitar – The true sound of Gibson® 1963 Hummingbird – includes approx. 80GB, 89,000 samples.
Hummingbird enables you to compose and create powerful and natural acoustic guitar
tracks that imitate real acoustic guitar playing!

Incredible real-time playability – Hummingbird SPI (Super Performance Instrument)
With Hummingbird SPI, you can play ultra realistic acoustic guitar performance in real-time. You can access various playing techniques instantly without stopping your performance and create convincing guitar tracks very quickly.
Single note, Emulated 2-strings dyad chords (minor 2nd, 2nd, minor 3rd, major 3rd, 4th, flat 5th, 5th, #5th, 6th, 7th, maj7th, octave), Sampled real chords (octave, major, minor, 7th, m7, maj7, add9, sus4, 9th, m7(9), maj7(9), dim7, aug, open / low chords, etc.), Emulated chords (major, minor, 7th, m7, maj7, add9, sus4, 7sus4, 9th, #9, m7(9), maj7(9), dim, dim7,m7-5, aug, open / low chords, etc.), User chords (You can make any chords using User Chord Editor.), Realtime Hammer-on & Pull-off, Realtime Legato Slide, Vibrato, Trill, Picking Tremolo, Mute & picking noise, Gliss down, Natural Harmonics, Percussion, Fret noise, Pick stop noise, Bridge mute noise, Release noise, Position change noise, Special FX, etc…

You can play ultra realistic acoustic guitar performance in real-time!

Fretboard Monitor
The SPI automatically selects a proper string / fret position depending on the situation. You can also change the string manually by key switches. The Fretboard Monitor visualizes the current fret position / playing technique you are playing.
Intelligent Instrument Key Switch with chord recognition
You can instantly select an instrument (articulation) using the Instrument Select Key Switches. All the instruments can be assigned to any key switches and you can create your own key switch mapping. The key switches have a chord recognition feature that enables you to select a chord instrument by not only hitting a key that the chord is assigned, but also by hitting the chord notes in the key switch range. In other words, you don’t need to memorize the key switches for the chord instruments. Just hold the chord notes in the key switch range, and you are ready to play the chord.

Real sampled chords
The extensive number of the ‘real’ chord samples makes your guitar tracks very convincing. (octave, major, minor, 7th, m7, maj7, add9, sus4, 9th, m7(9), maj7(9), dim7, aug, open / low chords, etc.) Hummingbird includes the huge number of ‘real’ recorded (in other words, ‘pre-recorded’ or ‘pre-played’) chord samples. You can instantly access the various types of guitar chords. Prominy’s guitar libraries are the only ones that include such a huge number of the real chord samples.
Real emulated chords
Though Hummingbird already includes a huge number of real chord samples, more chords (and more chord shape variations per each chord) are available with the emulated chords. Our unique recording / programming make it possible for you to get a realistic chord sound that is close to a real sampled chord sound, even if you are playing emulated chords.

minor 2nd-dyad , maj2nd-dyad, minor 3rd-dyad, major 3rd-dyad, 4th-dyad, flat 5th-dyad, 5th-dyad, #5th-dyad, 6th-dyad, 7th-dyad, maj7th-dyad, octave-dyad, major, minor, 7th, m7, maj7, add9, sus4, 7sus4, 9th, #9, m7(9), maj7(9), dim, dim7, m7(b5), aug, open / low chords, etc.

User Chord
User Chord Editor enables you to build your own chord shapes and make any chords you like. Each string is fully customizable and you can configure how the string is played using the User Chord Editor. (For example, normal sustain or mute or picking noise, always play open string regardless the fret position, strum the string or not, root string, etc.)
A large number of guitar percussion samples
Hummingbird includes a larger number of percussion samples (hitting, tapping, knocking the various part of the guitar’s body) that enable you to play and create percussive and rhythmic guitar tracks.

Customizable Strum Key
As well as the User Chord Editor, you can configure how each string is played when you hit the Strum Keys and the Normal Key.
Arpeggio Key
Arpeggio Key is a dedicated key for each string. When a chord instrument is selected, each note of the chord is automatically assigned to the Arpeggio Key for the string so you can play arpeggio with the keys.

*This is not a so-called ‘Arpeggiator’. This is a feature that enables you to play a certain note (string) of the chord individually.

True stereo recording
The samples were recorded using three microphones; a pair of small diaphragm microphones for stereo recording, and one large diaphragm microphone for monaural recording. As a stereo option for the large diaphragm microphone, a Double-Tracking instrument is available (see below).

In addition to the stereo recorded samples that capture a natural stereo sound, Double-Tracking instruments are available as another option to get a stereo sound. ‘Double-Tracking’ is a technique that is frequently used in recording guitar tracks. It gives the guitar track a nice, wide-spread stereo images and thickness. With Hummingbird SPI, you can reproduce it very easily just by loading the double-tracking instruments. No identical samples are played simultaneously in both channels. You don’t need a stereo delay or tweaking your midi data to emulate the double-tracking.
Realtime Legato Slide / Realtime Hammer-on & Pull-off
With Hummingbird’s Realtime Legato Slide feature using ‘real’ legato samples, you are able to get perfectly real expressions of the human finger’s legato slide that cannot be reproduced with a slide emulation by changing pitch. Hammer-on & Pull-off samples are real recorded samples as well. Realtime Legato Slide is available with all the instruments including chord instruments except FX instruments and Percussions. Realtime Hammer-on&Pull-off is available with single note instrument.

Auto Stroke Detection
With the SPI’s Auto Stroke Detection feature, SPI automatically detects the current beat position and identify proper stroke direction (down or up). There are several stroke detection modes and you can also control stroke direction manually.
NKS (Native Kontrol Standard®) ready
Hummingbird officially supports NKS (Native Kontrol Standard®) that allows for intuitive and seamless interaction between Hummingbird and KOMPLETE KONTROL and MASCHINE hardware. You can control major parameters via KOMPLETE KONTROL S series keyboard / Maschine hardware and software. KOMPLETE KONTROL S series keyboard’s Light Guide shows available key switches, playable key ranges of each articulation.
[ADDED] Poly aftertouch is automatically converted into Mono aftertouch so the user’s MIDI
keyboard that submits Poly aftertouch can play vibrato by aftertouch.

[FIXED] The chord structure Eflat9 (open chord) was wrong.

[FIXED] The chord structure Asharp5 (open chord) was wrong.

[FIXED] Fretboard monitor does not display the position correctly when Single Note
instrument is selected and Arpeggio key is played.

[FIXED] Playing StrumKey right after playing Arpeggio key causes a problem when Single
Note instrument is selected.

[Fixed] – The pan of the sample was incorrect when a single note instrument is selected and D4 (or
D#4) is played at a low velocity with the .nki files below;

[D4] Hummingbird_S.nki

[D#4] Hummingbird_S_doubletrack.nki

[fixed] Volume of sustain sample becomes 0 after using aftertouch in some situations when
an emulated chord instrument is selected.

[fixed] Fretboard Monitor does not display the correct fret position in some situations.

[fixed] Other minor fixes.
This update requires Kontakt Player (or Kontakt FULL) 5.8.1 or later!



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