Ergo Kukke Cy-FX Kontakt| 1GB
用我们前沿的FX Kontakt音效库打破陈规,为您的下一个项目增添独特风味,解锁声音的边界。这款库旨在对抗千篇一律的音效库,为您的创意注入活力。
正如Ergo Kukke所说:“特效和惊喜是保持音乐吸引力的关键——在一个注意力分散的世界里,这是非常必要的。”
– 810个32位/48kHz WAV格式音效
– 1.31 GB的音效库
– 分类包括:8位与游戏音效、警报与计时器、生物与怪兽、数据传输、装置声音、下降效果、未来感音效、故障音、击打与爆破、抬头显示器(HUD)、上升效果、机器人声音、惊悚效果、交通工具与引擎声,以及两个额外的奖励音效文件夹。
– 直接访问WAV文件,便于使用,自由度更高
– 兼容Kontakt 7.5.0及以上版本
A new era of FX has arrived. Cy-FX.
Unlock the sonic frontier with our cutting-edge FX Kontakt library, created to combat stagnated FX libraries and add spice to your next project.
Inspired by visions for the future, cybernetics, robotics, machinery and futuristic gadgets, Cy-FX works for sound designers and music producers alike. You will get value and uniqueness.
Cy-FX comes with 810 sounds in 17 categories. For creativity, 17 single snapshots and 25 main snapshots will make your music/sound stand out. The main snapshots include drum kits, atmospheric sounds, robotics, gadgets etc.
“FX and surprises are what keeps your music interesting – much needed in a world of shortened attention spans” Ergo Kukke
Cy-FX, your new companion for the future.
810 sounds in 32bit/48kHz WAV
1.31 GB library
8Bit & Game, Alarm & Timer, Creatures & Critters, Data, Device, Downer, Futuristic, FX, Glitch, Hits & Bursts, HUD, Riser, Robotics, Scared, Vehicle & Engine and two extra bonus FX folders.
Access to WAV files for convenient use and freedom
Works with Kontakt 7.5.0+