[AI 音乐编辑软件]Algoriddim Neural Mix Pro 2.0 TNT [MacOSX](145Mb)

Neural Mix Pro 依然基于 AI 引擎,它不仅可以实时分离歌曲的人声、乐器、节奏,还可以对歌曲进行变速、转调和 Loop 截取,为 DJ 和制作人提供更加快速的歌曲编辑流程。

TNT | Jul 2024 | 145 MB

欢迎使用 Neural Mix™ Pro,这是一款面向制作人、DJ 和音乐家的 AI 驱动音乐播放器和编辑器。Neural Mix™ Pro 由获得多项 Apple 设计奖的 Algoriddim 打造,提供直观的界面来分离任何歌曲的节拍、乐器和人声。

您可以创建节拍精确的循环、更改节奏和移调歌曲的调性,同时实时删除人声、打击乐或和声部分。高级离线导出功能让您能够以原始音质提取清唱和乐器,以便在您最喜爱的 DJ 或音乐制作软件中使用。

无论您是专业人士还是只是喜欢玩音乐的人,Neural Mix™ Pro 都可以让您将歌曲解构为原始组件,为您的创意工作流程提供独特的工具。

– 提取任何歌曲的节拍、乐器和人声
– 并排查看多轨波形

AI 音乐播放器
– 实时隔离节拍、乐器和人声
– 单独静音人声或乐器部分
– 高质量时间拉伸:改变歌曲的节奏而不影响其音高(最高 +-75%)
– 移调:将歌曲转置为不同的调(最高 +-1 个八度)
– 自动 BPM 和调检测
– 频率彩色波形
– 节拍量化循环

– 输出选项:乐器、无伴奏合唱、鼓、泛音、泛音+人声、鼓+人声、通道混音
– 导出文件的可选目标 BPM 和调转换
– 多轨导出
– WAV 和 AAC 输出文件格式

– 单独提取节拍匹配的人声、打击乐或泛音循环
– 精确修剪到音频区域或样本
– 设置自动量化或手动循环入点和出点
-使用可调目标 BPM 和键的不同文件格式

– 音乐和 Finder 集成
– 乐器、无伴奏合唱的多轨播放列表和文件夹导出
– 强大的曲目排序和搜索选项

专为 macOS 打造
– 用于高级机器学习的 Core ML
– 多核分析和导出
– 支持触控栏
– 多点触控触控板控制
– 通过 VoiceOver 实现

访问 应用内购买:完整版 – 包含
兼容性:macOS 10.15 或更高

版本 修复:为 macOS Monterey 启动

Welcome to Neural Mix™ Pro, the AI-powered music player & editor for producers, DJs, and musicians. Created by Algoriddim, winner of multiple Apple Design Awards, Neural Mix™ Pro provides an intuitive interface to isolate beats, instruments, and vocals of any song.

You can create beat-precise loops, change tempo, and transpose the key of a song, all while removing vocals, percussive, or harmonic parts in real-time. The advanced offline export allows you to extract acappellas and instrumentals in pristine sound quality, for use in your favorite DJ or music production software.

Whether you’re a professional or just someone who loves to play with music, Neural Mix™ Pro allows you to deconstruct songs into its original components providing a unique tool to your creative workflow.

Music Source Separation
– Extract beats, instruments, and vocals of any song
– View multi-track waveforms side by side

AI Music Player
– Isolate beats, instruments, and vocals in real-time
– Mute vocal or instrumental components individually
– High-quality time-stretching: change the tempo of a song without affecting its pitch (up to +-75%)
– Pitch-shifting: transpose a song into a different key (up to +-1 octave)
– Automatic BPM and key detection
– Frequency colored waveforms
– Beat-quantized looping

Offline Export
– Output options: Instrumental, Acappella, Drums, Harmonic, Harmonic+Vocals, Drums+Vocals, Channel Mix
– Optional target BPM and key transformation for exported files
– Multi-track export
– WAV and AAC output file formats

Loop Editor
– Extract beat-matched vocal, percussive or harmonic loops individually
– Trim precisely to an audio region or sample
– Set auto-quantized or manual loop in & out points
– Export loops into different file formats using adjustable target BPM and key

Music Browser
– Music and Finder integration
– Multi-track playlist & folder export of instrumentals, acappellas
– Powerful track sorting and search options

Built for macOS
– Core ML for advanced machine learning
– Multi-core analysis and export
– Support for Touch Bar
– Multi-touch trackpad control
– Accessibility through VoiceOver

In-App Purchases: Full Version – included
Compatibility: macOS 10.15 or later

Fix: launch for macOS Monterey

home page


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