[恐龙母带混音插件套装] IK Multimedia T-RackS 5 MAX v2 v5.10.4 U2B+安装教程+使用教程 [MacOSX](2.7Gb)


IK Multimedia T-RackS 5 MAX v2 v5.10.4 U2B Mac [MORiA] | AU | VST | VST3 | STANDALONE | 2.7 GB

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T-RackS 5 v2 已发展成为有史以来最强大的混音和母带模块化系统,在 T-RackS 5 MAX v2 中提供了最大的处理多功能性、改进的音频引擎和多达 53 个高品质模块。 这是您对音频进行专业处理和定稿所需的一切,从原始混音到完美的成品,您都可以上传到领先的数字交付和流媒体服务或用于 CD 印刷。T-RackS 5 v2 为你提供了专业工具,让你的混音和母带制作才能更上一层楼。T-RackS 5 v2 具有 22 个模拟和数字处理器,可立即扩展桌面录音室的功能,实现非凡的多功能处理和深情的模拟特性。

T-RackS 5 v2 包括
T-RackS 5 v2 不仅每一个处理器本身都令人惊叹,而且在 T-RackS 独立应用程序中最多可以串联 16 个处理器,这使得试听不同的效果链、打开或关闭处理器、重新排列处理器顺序以及执行并行处理变得异常简单,只需将它们拖放到所需的位置即可。但这只是其中一种可能性。您可以将这些模块作为插件单独打开,执行标准的多轨混音任务,也可以将它们作为 “插件套件 “在您喜爱的 DAW 中使用。

所有 T-RackS 5 插件都支持 64 位音频单元、VST2、VST3 格式,并可随意调整大小。

创新音色,可在 DAW 中使用,也可单独使用
T-RackS 5 提供 3 种不同的工作环境,让你自由优化工作流程。您可以在 DAW 中将模块作为单个插件使用,也可以在集成插件套件中使用,该套件可同时容纳多达 16 个模块并创建复杂的信号链。
当然,你也可以将 T-RackS 作为独立应用程序运行,在其可调整大小的界面上执行所有处理。此外,如果你拥有 IK 的 ARC 系统,当你以独立模式打开 T-RackS 时,ARC 处理将无缝集成到信号链中。

除了 22 个处理器外,您还将获得 T-RackS 5 专业计量套件,它能为您提供有关音频资料内容的即时、完整的可视化反馈,让您可以轻松提供专业效果,满足最严格的广播兼容性标准。

在 T-RackS 5 v2 中,您现在可以直接在界面中对全长制作进行排序和组合,并创建一个具有适当音轨元数据(如暂停、淡入淡出、音轨 ID、ISRC 代码、CD 文本等)的连贯专辑序列。然后,你可以导出单个高质量主音频文件或以各种格式导出整个项目,如 WAV、AIF、用于专业复制工厂的标准 DDP 图像或 Wav Cue 文件。

我们让 T-RackS 5 的音效比以往更加强大。现在,项目支持高达 192 kHz / 32 位浮点的音频,因此您无需离开单一界面,就能为高清音乐平台和发行制作母带。
此外,我们还增加了 4 种抖动选项供你选择,这意味着你可以在降低音轨位深度时优化抖动噪声,使其与歌曲的实际内容相匹配。
此外,T-RackS 还改进了内部重采样引擎,以提供同类最佳的性能,包括从最终限制阶段输出时的 DDM(数字交付母带处理),为防止 MP3、AAC 编码或类似压缩和解压缩过程可能产生的采样间峰值和过冲提供了额外的保护。

包括 22 个处理器
独立工作站、插件套件以及适用于 Audio Units、VST2、VST3 和 AAX 格式的单个插件
T-RackS 外壳可串联多达 16 个处理器
与 ARC System 3 处理器独立集成
支持 64 位本机
SCC™ 技术与 IK 独特的 DSM™ 技术相结合,提供了迄今为止最逼真的古董设备软件仿真效果
使用极为方便,具有基于风格的预设、全链可视化、一键式单模块或链旁路、”比较 “功能等。

T-RackS 5 v2
与 Apple 硅 M1 和 M2 处理器完全兼容
兼容 ASIO(Windows)和 CoreAudio(Mac OS X)(仅限单机版)
可配置的混音/母带链–最多可运行 16 个并行/串行处理器
支持高达 192 kHz 的采样率
DSM™ 和 SCC™ 专有 IK 技术可为模拟硬件设备提供极其精确的数字模型
与 64 位应用程序和操作系统原生兼容


T-RackS 5 v2 has evolved into the most powerful mix and master modular system ever, offering maximum processing versatility, an improved audio engine and up to 53 high-quality modules in T-RackS 5 MAX v2. It’s everything you need to professionally treat and finalize your audio from raw mixes to a perfect finished product ready for uploading to the leading digital delivery and streaming services or for CD printing. T-RackS 5 v2 provides you with the professional tools you need to take your mixing and mastering talents to the next level. It features 22 analog-modeled and digital processors which instantly expand the power of your desktop-based recording studio, for extraordinary processing versatility and soulful analog character.

T-RackS 5 v2 includes:
Not only is each one of these processors amazing on its own, but you can chain up to 16 of them within the T-RackS standalone application, which makes it remarkably easy to audition different effects chains, turn processors on and off, rearrange their order and perform parallel processing by just dragging and dropping them to the desired position. But this is just one of the possibilities. You can open the modules individually as plug-ins, for standard multi-track mixing duties, or use them as “plug-in suite” within your favorite DAW.

All T-RackS 5 plug-ins support 64-bit Audio Units, VST2, VST3, formats and are resizable at will.

Innovative tone, in a DAW or on its own
With T-RackS 5, you have the freedom to optimize your workflow as you please with 3 different working environments. You can use the modules as single plug-ins inside your DAW or under an integrated plug-in suite that can host up to 16 modules at a time and create complex signal chains.
You can, of course, run T-RackS as a standalone application and perform all processing from its resizable interface. Plus, if you own IK’s ARC System, the ARC processing will be seamlessly integrated into the signal chain when you open T-RackS in standalone mode.

Advanced metering
In addition to the 22 processors, you will also get the T-RackS 5 professional metering suite, which provides you with immediate and complete visual feedback about the content of your audio material, so you can easily deliver professional results that will satisfy the strictest broadcast compatibility standards.
Metering includes everything from Peak, RMS, Dynamic Range meters, spectrograph, a real-time analyzer, phase correlation meters and much more. The metering section can be even launched as a separate floating window on a second screen, to let you keep an eye on levels while you focus on mixing and mastering.

Album assembly
In T-RackS 5 v2 you now can sequence and assemble your full-length production directly within the interface and create a cohesive album sequence, with suitable track metadata, like pauses, fades, track ID’s, ISRC codes, CD-Text, etc. Then you can export single high-quality master audio files or the whole project in various formats such as WAV, AIF, standard DDP image for professional replication plants, or Wav Cue files.
It’s fast, it’s intuitive, and most importantly, it brings back the fun of sequencing an album that, despite being considered by many as a tedious activity, is indeed a true art form and one of the most emotional aspects of creating a full music experience.

Audiophile grade audio engine
We made T-RackS 5 more sonically powerful than ever. Now projects are supported with audio up to 192 kHz / 32-bit floating point, so you can master for high-definition music platforms and distribution without ever leaving its single interface.
Plus, we added 4 dithering options for you to choose from, meaning you can optimize the dithering noise when reducing the bit-depth of your tracks to match the actual content of the song.
On top of that, T-RackS internal resampling engine has also been improved to deliver nothing less than best-in-class performance including DDM (Digital Delivery Mastering) on the way out from the final limiting stage, offering an additional layer of protection against inter-sample peaks and overshoots that could be generated by MP3, AAC encoding or similar compression and decompression processes.

22 processors included
Standalone workstation, plugin suite and single plugins for Audio Units, VST2, VST3 and AAX formats
Custom Shop functionality lets you purchase additional modules from inside the program
T-RackS shell allows for chaining of up to 16 processors
Standalone integration with ARC System 3 processing
All processors available as individual plug-ins
64-bit native support
High-fidelity oversampling for high-quality audio processing through the entire signal path
SCC™ technology coupled with IK’s unique DSM™ technology provides the most realistic software emulation of vintage gear to date
Extremely easy to use, with style-based presets, full chain visualization, one-click single module or chain bypass, “compare” function and more.

T-RackS 5 v2
Works as a standalone application, as well as a plug-in
Full native compatibility with Apple silicon M1 and M2 processors
ASIO (Windows) and CoreAudio (Mac OS X) compatible (standalone only)
Configurable mixing/mastering chain – run up to 16 parallel / series processors
High-quality oversampling
High-precision and high-transparency digital processors
Accurately analog-modeled vintage classic devices
Full-latency compensation support
Module and Global presets
Multiple curves Fade In and Out (standalone only)
Multiple Snapshots, independent for each audio file (standalone only)
Supports sampling rates up to 192 kHz
Supports multiple input and output audio formats (Wav, Aiff, sd2, MP3), sampling rates and resolutions
High-quality sampling rate and bit depth converters
Single or Multiple audio files processing (standalone only)
DSM™ and SCC™ proprietary IK technologies for extremely accurate digital models of analog hardware devices
Native compatibility with 64-bit applications and operating systems

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