PreSonus Studio One 5 Professional v5.5.2 v5.3.0 [WiN, MacOSX](330.16Mb)

录制、制作、混音、母带制作和执行所有功能都来自一个直观的应用程序。Studio One® 5 以易用性为核心,是您从工作室到舞台的创意合作伙伴。Studio One 由各种工具驱动,这些工具可以在不妨碍您的情况下增强您的创造力;我们率先推出了拖放式工作流程,该工作流程继续在其他地方被模仿。在其他 DAW 中需要五个步骤的费力任务通常只需要……一。一个流行的例子:您可以通过简单的拖放将MIDI转换为音频并返回。

作曲、录制、制作、混音、母带制作和表演的 DAW NEW!可单独使用或作为 PreSonus Sphere 会员
资格的一部分 NEW!传统记谱法
的乐谱视图 NEW!与Studio One一起现场表演!使用您录制的资产将您的录音室声音带到现场表演中;现场播放虚拟放大器;从新的显示页面
NEW!完全重新设计的 Native Effects 插件套件
NEW!MPE/Poly Pressure 支持高级 MIDI 乐器
无限的音频和乐器轨道、高级自动化功能、虚拟乐器、总线和 FX 通道
Console Shaper 通过 Mix Engine FX 的跨通道处理
功能,通过控制过载、噪音甚至真正的通道串扰来模拟控制台的声音 Chord Track 可处理任何或所有轨道的音频和音符数据,以进行谐波编辑和歌曲原型设计
五种强大的虚拟乐器,包括:Impact XT 鼓采样器;Presence XT 虚拟采样播放器;麦泰复调模拟建模合成器;莫吉托单声道减法合成器;和 Sample One XT 现场采样器和采样编辑器
Patterns 允许通过熟悉的鼓机/步进音序器风格的 UI 直观地创作鼓和旋律

1. 乐谱打印
5.1 版为 Studio One Professional 添加了乐谱打印功能。乐谱和单个部分现在可以直接从Studio One打印!支持打印任意数量的音轨,从单个乐器到完整的管弦乐编曲。此视频中还介绍了其他几项作曲增强功能以及乐谱打印:

2. 回顾录音

3. 强大的曲目/频道搜索和过滤选项

4. Clip Gain Envelopes
的旁路选项 Clip Gain 包络现在可以从 Event 上下文菜单和 Event Inspector 中绕过,从而可以快速轻松地比较 Gain Envelopes 的结果,而不会丢失任何调整。

5. 组合拍号/调号轨道
乐谱视图将反映添加到 Studio One 新签名轨道的任何调号更改。在应用程序之间发送分数时,这些分数也会传输到 Notion。

6. 辅助时间轴标尺选项

7. 编辑器
中的全局轨道 全局轨道现在可以显示在编辑器中,并在钢琴视图和鼓视图中编辑音频或音符事件时用作指南。

8. 显示页面上
的外部乐器支持 虚拟乐器播放器现在支持外部 MIDI 乐器。补丁可以包括程序更改和库更改消息,因此您可以从节目中控制整个 MIDI 装备!

9. Ampire/Pedalboard 更新
Ampire 和 Pedalboard 之间的拖放踏踏板设置,所以继续从你的吉他手那里偷走那个 Big Fuzz 音色……我们不会说!

10. 与 ATOM 控制器的大量扩展集成
注意 模式编辑器中的事件现在已着色,以匹配 Impact、ATOM 和 ATOM SQ 中的打击垫颜色,因此您始终知道正在触发哪些声音以及哪个打击垫正在控制它。此外,还有一个新的 Musicloops 格式的鼓舞人心的鼓模式和变化模式库,便于拖放保存和导出。


Studio One 5.1 是一项重大更新,对 Studio One 5 Artist 和 Professional 的所有者免费。单击此处查看完整的更改日志,然后单击 Studio One 起始页中的“检查更新”,立即获得所有这些新功能!

版本 5.4.1 发行说明(2021 年 10 月 14 日):


  • [Apple Silicon 原生]调谐器显示不正确的结果
  • [原子广场]固定了“乐曲”、“乐器”和“编辑器”按钮的页码
  • [macOS操作系统]触摸事件在插件选择菜单中偏移
  • [笔记编辑器]按 Tab 键到下一个音符无法始终如一地工作
  • 来自 Capture 的 32 位浮点录音在 Studio One 中显示为 16 位
  • Alt+拖入排列会间歇性地使 S1 崩溃
  • WAV 文件中的 BPM 未正确应用于音频部分
  • 无法将 WAV 文件拖拽到浏览器以使用 FX 导出事件
  • 取消混音保留渲染部分
  • 通过触摸关闭插件编辑器时崩溃
  • 使用 Acustica Audio N4 插件崩溃
  • 将和弦从和弦轨道拖动到编曲时,“光标跟随编辑位置”选项失败
  • 将笔记从笔记编辑器拖动到排列会产生意想不到的结果
  • 将检测到的和弦的时间拉伸音频事件拖动到乐器轨道上会创建长度错误的事件
  • 从浏览器搜索结果中拖动 Splitter 显示不需要的行为
  • 在某些情况下报告的音频监控延迟更高
  • 多乐器内部的 Impact XT 会产生不需要的噪音
  • 注意:启用 MPE 时,未发送到 MIDI 输出
  • 传输停止时管道“ping”不起作用
  • 当 Studio One 仍处于打开状态时,系统关闭时可能会崩溃
  • 使用 Jazz 字体的 Notion 乐谱显示不正确
  • 某些自动化参数可能与总线自动化的错误轨道相关联
  • SoundCloud浏览器选项卡偶尔会保持为空
  • 激活插件小睡时,混响尾部会从某些 AU 插件中切断
  • 在“执行视图”中显示页面时,当“歌首”处于焦点时,按空格键播放/停止不起作用

Record, produce, mix, master, and perform all from a single, intuitive application. Designed with ease of use at its core, Studio One® 5 is your creative partner from studio to stage. Studio One is driven by tools that enhance your creativity without getting in the way; we pioneered its drag-and-drop workflow that continues to be imitated elsewhere. Laborious tasks that take five steps in other DAWs usually only take… One. A popular example: you can convert MIDI to audio and back with a simple drag-and-drop.

The only DAW that lets you compose, record, produce, mix, master, and perform all from a single, intuitive application
NEW! Available standalone or as part of the PreSonus Sphere membership
NEW! Score View for traditional notation
NEW! Perform live with Studio One! Use your recorded assets to bring your studio sound to the live show; play virtual amps live; sequence and re-arrange your Setlist all from the new Show Page
NEW! Completely redesigned Native Effects plugin suite
NEW! MPE/Poly Pressure support for advanced MIDI instruments
NEW! MTC/MMC synchronization
Intuitive single-window work environment with quick and easy drag-and-drop functionality and multi-touch support.
Unlimited audio and instrument tracks, advanced automation features, virtual instruments, buses, and FX channels
Console Shaper emulates the sound of an analog console with control overdrive, noise, and even true channel crosstalk, thanks to Mix Engine FX’s cross-channel processing
Chord Track manipulates audio and note data of any or all tracks for Harmonic Editing and song prototyping
Five powerful virtual instruments including: Impact XT drum sampler; Presence XT virtual sample-player; Mai Tai polyphonic analog modeling synthesizer; Mojito monophonic subtractive synthesizer; and Sample One XT live sampler and sample editor
Patterns allow for intuitive drum and melody composition via familiar drum machine/step-sequencer style UI

1. Score Printing
Version 5.1 adds score printing to Studio One Professional. Scores and individual parts can now be printed directly from Studio One! Printing is supported for any number of tracks, from single instruments to full orchestral arrangements. Several other composition enhancements along with Score Printing are featured in this video:

2. Retrospective Recording
Never miss another great song idea again! Retrospective Recording captures everything you play on your keyboard or controller—even without hitting record! It works invisibly in the background on a track-by-track basis.

3. Powerful Track/Channel search and filter options
Managing large projects with a huge track and channel count is now faster and easier than ever with the addition of powerful search and filter options.

4. Bypass option for Clip Gain Envelopes
Clip Gain Envelops can now be bypassed from the Event context menu and the Event Inspector, making it quick and easy to compare the result of your Gain Envelopes without losing any of your adjustments.

5. Combined Time/Key Signature Track
The Score View will reflect any Key Signature changes added to Studio One’s new Signature Track. These will also transfer to Notion when sending a score between applications.

6. Secondary Timeline Ruler option
View minutes:seconds with bars and beats at the same time! A must for film composers.

7. Global Tracks in Editors
Global Tracks can now be displayed inside Editors and used as guides when editing audio or Note Events in Piano View and Drum View.

8. External Instruments support on Show Page
External MIDI instruments are now supported using Virtual Instrument Players. Patches can include program change and bank change messages so you can control an entire MIDI rig from your Show!

9. Ampire/Pedalboard Update
Drag and drop stompbox settings between Ampire and Pedalboard, so go ahead and steal that Big Fuzz tone from your guitarist… we won’t tell!

10. TONS of Extended Integration with ATOM controller
Note Events in the Pattern Editor are now colorized to match the pad colors in Impact, ATOM and ATOM SQ, so you always know which sound is being triggered and which pad is controlling it. And there’s a new library of inspirational drum patterns and variations patterns in Musicloops format for easy, drag-and-drop saving and export.

Too much to list!

Studio One 5.1 is a significant update and is free to owners of Studio One 5 Artist and Professional. Click here for the full change log, and click “Check for Updates” in Studio One’s start page to get all these new features now!

Version 5.4.1 Release Notes (October 14, 2021):

The following issues have been fixed:

  • [Apple Silicon Native] Tuner shows incorrect results
  • [ATOM SQ] Fixed page numbers for Song, Instrument, and Editor buttons
  • [macOS] Touch event is offset in plug-in select menu
  • [Note Editor] Tab to next note not working consistently
  • 32-bit float recording from Capture shows up as 16-bit in Studio One
  • Alt+Drag in arrangement intermittently crashes S1
  • BPM from WAV file not properly applied to audio part
  • Can’t drag WAV files to browser to export events with FX
  • Cancel mixdown keeps rendered part
  • Crash when closing plug-in editor via touch
  • Crash with Acustica Audio N4 plug-in
  • “Cursor follows edit position” option fails when dragging chords from the chord track to the arrangement
  • Dragging notes from note editor to arrangement delivers unexpected results
  • Dragging time-stretched audio event with detected chords to instrument track creates event with wrong length
  • Dragging Splitter from browser search result shows unwanted behavior
  • Higher audio monitoring latency reported in certain cases
  • Impact XT inside a multi-instrument creates unwanted noise
  • Note On not sent to MIDI outputs when MPE enabled
  • Pipeline ‘ping’ doesn’t work when transport is stopped
  • Potential crash on system shutdown when Studio One is still open
  • Scores from Notion using Jazz font are displayed incorrectly
  • Some automation parameters may be linked to the wrong track with bus automation
  • SoundCloud browser tab occasionally stays empty
  • With Plug-in Nap active, reverb tail is cut from certain AU plug-ins
  • With Show Page in Perform View, pressing space bar to play/stop doesn’t work when Setlist is in focus

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