[多功能创意虚拟乐器音源]Spitfire Audio OPW The Shoe Factory [KONTAKT](4.3Gb)

继制作“OPW”和“The Pool Project”之后,作曲家奥利弗·帕特里斯·韦德(Oliver Patrice Weder)创建了一个受古老工厂机器和氛围启发的图书馆,将其加工成一种多功能且富有创意的虚拟乐器。以磨床循环、电影般的热门歌曲、无尽的环境工厂纹理、膨胀和短裤为特色,以及他改装的三角钢琴和富有特色的铜管膨胀,所有这些都是在他的客厅里录制的,前身是一家鞋厂。

这个图书馆以工业美为中心,非常适合寻找新作品的灵感,并从意想不到的作品中制作出伟大的作品。它拥有 57 个预设和易于使用且直观的用户界面,非常适合所有级别的作曲家上手和演奏,尤其是对于那些想要尝试现代和工业作品的人。


– 直观的用户界面,无缝集成 FX,包括“Grime”、“Distortion”和“Reverb”,以及“Attack”和“Release”——
——Oliver 的三角钢琴,带有一对 C414 密切记录的两个信号,以及按键释放和踏板音量控制
– 具有 3 个不同层的工厂回声,营造出令人回味和偶然的氛围纹理
– 工厂纹理和磨床循环,由仍然完好无损的鞋厂的现场录音制作

最初,韦德计划在 2020 年搬到洛杉矶。大流行改变了这一点,他最终来到了巴利阿里群岛马略卡岛特拉蒙塔纳山脉的一个小村庄。

探索村庄的历史揭示了丰富的制鞋遗产,村庄内外有 60 多家工厂。他带着麦克风走进这些工厂,捕捉到了机器的声音和独特的氛围。这些充满激情的员工,其中一些人已经在同一台机器上工作了 40 年,他们向他展示了他们的工作是真正的爱的劳动。在了解他们之后,他意识到机器声音在他们生活中的重要性,尤其是在夏天,当工厂的声音蔓延到街道上时。


适用于 NI Kontakt Player v7.0.0 及更高版本!

A Sonic Masterpiece from a Historic Shoe Factory
Following the production of ‘OPW’ and ‘The Pool Project’, composer Oliver Patrice Weder has created a library inspired by age-old factory machines and ambiences, working it into a versatile and creative virtual instrument. Featuring grinding machine loops, cinematic hits, endlessly ambient factory textures, swells and shorts, as well as his altered grand piano and characterful brass swells, both recorded in his living room, a former shoe factory.

This library is centred on industrial beauty and is perfect for finding inspiration for new pieces and making great compositions from the unexpected. With 57 presets and an easy-to-use and intuitive UI, it is ideal for all levels of composers to pick up and play with, especially for those who want to experiment with modern and industrial compositions.

Key Features

– An intuitive UI with seamlessly integrated FX including ‘Grime’, ‘Distortion’ and ‘Reverb’, as well as ‘Attack’ and ‘Release’
– An integrated speed slider to adjust the length of swells
– Oliver’s grand piano with two signals intimately recorded with a pair of C414s, and key release and pedal volume control
– Characterful brass trio and sax swells with a blend of close and room mics
– Factory Echoes with 3 different layers for an evocative and aleatoric ambience texture
– Factory Textures and grinding machine loops produced from field recordings at still intact shoe factories

The concept of The Shoe Factory
Initially, Weder planned to move to Los Angeles in 2020. The pandemic changed this and he ended up in a small village in the Tramuntana mountains in Mallorca, part of the Balearic Islands.

Exploring the village’s history revealed a rich shoemaking heritage, with over 60 factories in and around the village. Venturing into these factories with microphones, he captured the machines’ sounds and the unique ambience. The passionate employees, some of whom had worked at the same machine for 40 years, showed him their work was a true labour of love. After getting to know them, he realised the significance of the machine sounds in their lives, especially in the summer when factory sounds spill into the streets.

This unexpected inspiration became the heart of his eponymous album and this sample library, blending with brass, saxophone, piano, and electronics recorded in his own living room, a former shoe factory.

Main Instruments
Brass Trio Swells
Sax Swells Soft
Factory Grand
Factory Echoes
Factory Shorts
Factory Swells
Factory Textures
Machine Loops
Percussion Loops

Factory Shorts Presets
Washed Out Grand
Glitch Grand
Water In The Tranny
Purring Motor
Digital Nexus
A Most Inspiring Grand
Broken Apparatus
Faded Grand
Grand on Acid
Deep Abyss
Electric Light
Soft Spot

Factory Swells Presets
A Most Satisfying Swell
Heavenly Swell
Slight Chorus Swell
Trembling Swell
Underwater Swell
Short Swell
Broken Swell
Thick Swell
Smooth Swell
Stutter Swell
Big Atmos Swell
Interference Swell
Clean Swell
Intensity Building Swell
Complex Machine Swell
Airy Swell
The Factory Swell
Brassy Swell
Calming Swell
Dark Swell

Factory Textures Presets
Deep Sole Atmos
Closing Time
Atmospheric Interference
Evolving Downtime Atmos
All Machines Running
Computerised Stitching Unit
Autonomix Stitcher
Robotic Sorting System
Vulcanising Oven
Overheated Cutting Press
Bestard Factory Atmos
Digital Pattern Cutter
Injection Moulding
Lasting Machine
Prototyping Unit
Assembly Station
Alloying Element
CNC Shoe Router
Air Compressor
Industrial Interruptor
Empty Factory Building
Abrasive Blasting
Out of Control

Works with NI Kontakt Player v7.0.0 and higher!


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