[自动频谱分析仪和图形均衡器]HoRNet ThirtyOne MK2 v2.1.0 [WAV](1.5Mb)

HoRNet ThirtyOne MK2 v2.1.0 WiN-MOCHA| VST3/AAX | 1.5 MB

安装方法:复制到您的 VST3/AAX 插件文件夹!

带有自动均衡器的频谱分析仪和 31 频段均衡器
ThirtyOne MK2 是一个包含频谱分析仪和图形均衡器的插件,两者都有标准的 31 个三分之一倍频程。


均衡器也受到模拟单元的启发,让 ThirtyOne 可以重现您习惯的主链感觉。

我们非常小心地重现了由平滑增加的电流驱动的 LED 的平滑照明,每列十二个 LED 都经过 20dB/倍频程滤波器(与原始硬件单元一样),其响应速度可在 0.25、1 或 4 秒之间选择,让您可以看到快速峰值和平均频率水平。

每个条形 LED 的值都可以是 1、2 或 3 dB(与原始硬件单元相同),我们还添加了 6dB/LED 选项,当更改分辨率时,LED 显示屏左侧的刻度会相应更新。我们还

为每个频带添加了最大峰值保持 LED,可以启用或禁用,而原始单元没有这个功能。在

频谱分析仪的正下方,我们放置了 31 个滑块,可让您调整输出并修复任何特定的共振。每个滑块驱动一个标准的 1/3 倍频程二阶滤波器,可以从 -15 调整到 +15 dB,您还可以更改每个频带的值,在每个滑块下方的框中输入该值。


ThirtyOne MK2 提供三种不同的“自动均衡”算法:平均值、中位数和幸运,前两种基于一些数学模型,而第三种则是一个幸运的错误,我们决定保留它,因为它听起来不错 😀

“自动均衡”与频率分析仪输出相连,因此改变分析速度会影响算法,使用 0.25 秒会非常快速地改变均衡,并允许您跟踪快速频率峰值,而使用 4 秒设置更多地作用于平均频率内容。要


可以使用“EQ 量”旋钮减少或增加生成的 EQ 曲线,该旋钮将“自动 EQ”算法计算的每个增益缩放一个固定值,并允许您增加或减少每个频段的级别,同时保持它们之间的相同比率。

Spectrum analyzer and 31 band equalizer with Auto EQ
ThirtyOne MK2 is a plugin that includes a spectrum analyzer and a graphic equalizer, both have the standard 31 one third octave bands.

This pair of tools is very common in every rack of any live mixer as the final tool in the master bus, for this reason we decided to recreate the behaviour and specific time response of a very common Italian analog spectrum analyzer.

The equalizer is also inspired by analog units allowing ThirtyOne to recreate that master chain feeling that you are used to.

We put a great care in recreating the smooth lighting of LEDs driven by a smoothly increasing current flow, each column of twelve LEDs comes after a 20dB/octave filter (like the original hardware unit) and it’s response speed is selectable between 0.25, 1 or 4 seconds allowing you to see both fast peaks and average frequency level.

Each of the LED of the bar can have a value of 1, 2 or 3 dBs (like in the original hardware unit) and we also added 6dB/LED option, when changing the resolution the scale on the left of the LED display updates accordingly.

We also added a maximum peak hold LED for each frequency band that can be enabled or disabled that the original unit did not have.

Right below the spectrum analyzer we have put the 31 sliders that will let you shape the output and fix any particular resonance. Each of the sliders drives a standard 1/3 octave second order filter and can be adjusted from -15 to +15 dB, you can also change the value for each band typing in the box below each slider.

The equalizer has a very special feature called the “Auto EQ”, when enabled the output of the spectrum analyzer is used to tune the gain for each of the EQ band allowing the equalizer to automatic set itself so that the maximum harmonic balance is achieved.

ThirtyOne MK2 provides three different “Auto EQ” algorithms: Average, Median and Lucky, the first two are based on some mathematical models while the third one is a lucky mistake and we decided to keep it because it sounded good 😀

“Auto EQ” is linked to the frequency analyzer output so changing the analysis speed affects the algorithm, using the 0.25s changes the equalization very fast and allows you to track also the fast frequency spikes, while using the 4s setting works more on the average frequency content.

To tune the “Auto EQ” output you can use what we call a “compensation curve” which is an offset that it’s applied to every level computed by the “Auto EQ”, so if you think that the resulting eq curve it’s too extreme in some band you can correct it using the “custom” setting of the compensation curve. If you find a compensation curve that you like you can export it and then load it in other projects using the “load” and “save” buttons.

The resulting EQ curve can be decreased or increased using the “EQ Amount” knob that scales every gain computed by the “Auto EQ” algorithm by a fixed value and allows you to increase or reduce the level of each band while maintaining the same ratio between them.

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