HoRNet TrackUtility MK2 v2.1.1 WiN-MOCHA | VST3/AAX | 736 KB
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HoRNet TrackUtility MK2:多功能音频处理利器,一屏掌控混音全局
TrackUtility MK2堪称音频工程界的瑞士军刀,集多种实用音频处理器于一体,让您无需加载多个插件,即可在直观且逻辑清晰的界面中进行各项操作。无论是将立体声转换为单声道、消除直流、调整声像、剪辑音量等,TrackUtility MK2都能轻松应对,满足您的多样化需求。
得益于输出部分的限幅器、立体声宽度控制器(亦可用作伪立体声模拟器),以及自动增益RMS模式,TrackUtility MK2同样适用于主输出总线,助力快速母带制作。只需设置RMS至期望的最大电平,激活自动增益和限幅器,微调立体声图像,即可快速实现母带级别的音质提升。
RetaiL Patched
为了去除或更换购买者签名,HoRNet TrackUtility MK2已进行零售版修补,确保每位用户都能无障碍地使用全部功能,尽享高效、专业的音频处理体验。
TrackUtility MK2不仅是音频工程师的得力助手,也是音乐制作人、录音师的理想选择,无论是在工作室还是现场演出,它都能助您一臂之力,让您的作品更具专业质感。立即体验TrackUtility MK2,开启您的音频处理新篇章。
Many useful tools packed in handy GUI
TrackUtility MK2 is a swiss army knife for audio, it features different useful processors that you would otherwise need to find loading many plugins in a handy and logic GUI that you can keep on your screen together with other plugins.
When you need to change a track from stereo to mono, remove DC, pan, trim, etc. TrackUtility MK2 is there for you.
Thanks to the limiter in the output section, the stereo wideness control, that can also act as a fake stereo simulator, and to the auto gain RMS mode TrackUtility is also very useful on the master bus for quick mastering. Set the RMS to your desired maximum level, engage the auto gain and the limiter. Set the stereo image to taste, here is a quick mastering recipe.
Building on the strength of the previous version TrackUtility MK2 adds a very handy grouping function to allow for the change of any parameter to a whole bunch of instances at once, revamp the RMS meter with a freely adjustable windows, include the latest auto gain algorithm and borrows the limiter code straight from Magnus, allowing you to choose three different auto release times.
RETAiL PATCHED! just to remove/change buyer signatures
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