[EQ均衡器]HoRNet Total EQ v1.3.3 [WiN, MacOSX](9.8Mb)

HoRNet Total EQ v1.3.3 WiN-MOCHA| VST3/AAX | 1.8 MB

HoRNet Total EQ v1.3.2 MAC / WIN AU VST VST3 RTAS AAX| MAC / WIN | 8 MB

安装方法:复制到您的 VST3/AAX 插件文件夹!

TotalEQ 1.3.2 可用,此更新对插件所有者,包括:
修复了频谱与 EQ 频段的错位
固定鼠标滚轮在第一次移动时将 Q 重置为 0.1

HoRNet TOTAL EQ 是一款精确且多功能的均衡器,带有方便的频谱分析仪。 TOTAL EQ 的独特之处在于每个均衡器频段的每个参数都可以从频率图上的控制点进行控制,这意味着您无需四处寻找您正在编辑的频段的控件,但一切将在您的鼠标指针范围内。

均衡器本身非常通用,可提供多达 12 个不同的频段,它们中的任何一个都可以像数字精确均衡器一样运行,也可以具有模拟特性。这个插件中的模拟仿真是我们做过的最先进的,当然它模拟了模拟设备的饱和度,但也模拟了组件容差,因此没有一个乐队表现得像另一个乐队。简而言之,它意味着轻微的不可预测性,使事情变得更有趣和“鲜活”。

每个频段都可以像 17 种不同的可用滤波器类型中的任何一种一样工作,包括低通、高通、带通、高架、低架和经典的全参数峰值均衡器。

除了特定于滤波器类型的标准 eq 控制之外,每个频段都可以用作动态滤波器,借用我们的 HoRNet DynEQ 的自动启动和释放以及自动阈值,这种方法可以让您轻松控制每个频段的动态行为无需许多控件,使动态均衡器就像在屏幕上拖动一个点一样简单。
EQ 的每个频段都具有 Mid/Side 功能,允许您单独选择源并正确微调立体声图像的频率响应。


为了更轻松地做出 EQ 决定,我们还添加了代表“等响度”的“EQ LOUD”按钮,借用我们 CLMS 插件的代码,无论您对 eq 频段做什么,我们都能够保持响度水平恒定,这反过来让你能够判断你的情商决定,消除臭名昭著的“响度偏差”

多达 12 个不同的均衡器频段
每个频段有 17 种不同的滤波器类型
每个频段的 M/S 或立体声模式
Apple Silicon M1 支持
macOS(带有 Metal 的 10.11 及更高版本)和 Windows

TotalEQ 1.3.2 is available, this update is free for owners of the plugin and includes:
Fixed misalignment of frequency spectrum with EQ bands
Fixed mouse scroll wheel resetting Q to 0.1 on first move
Fixed some bands being muted after deactivating “listen” for a band
Added scroll wheel control for frequency and gain

HoRNet TOTAL EQ is a precise and versatile equalizer with a handy spectrum analyzer. The peculiar feature of TOTAL EQ is that every parameter of each equalizer band can be controlled from the control point on the frequency chart, this simply means that you will never have to look around to find the controls for the band you are editing, but everything will be there right at your mouse pointer reach.

The equalizer itself is very versatile providing up to 12 different bands, any of them can behave like digital precise EQs or can have analog character. The analog emulation in this plugin is the most advanced we have ever made, of course it emulates the saturation of analog gear but also the component tolerance so that no band behaves like another. In a few words it means a slight level of unpredictability that make things more interesting and “alive”.

Each band can work like any of the 17 different available filter type, including low pass, high pass, band pass, high shelf, low shelf and the classic fully parametric peak equalizer.

In addition to the standard eq controls specific to the filter type, every band can work as a dynamic filter borrowing the automatic attack and release and the automatic threshold from our HoRNet DynEQ, this approach gives you easy control on the dynamic behaviour of the each band without needing many controls and making dynamic EQ as easy as dragging a dot on the screen.
Each band of the EQ has Mid/Side capabilities allowing you to select individually the source and to correctly fine tune the frequency response of your stereo image.

The plugin also provide global controls that allow you to enable or disable analog emulation and saturation globally, and the ability to link input and output so that when you change one the other gets updated accordingly and you can easily drive the analog engine of the plugin without changing its output level.

To take EQ decision more easily we also added the “EQ LOUD” button that stands for “equal loudness”, borrowing the code from our CLMS plugin we are able to keep the loudness level constant no matter what you do to your eq bands, this in turns gives you the ability to judge your EQ decisions removing the infamous “loudness bias”

Realtime spectrum analyzer
Equalizer response curve display
Up to 12 different equalizer bands
17 different filter types for each band
Each band can act as a standard or dynamic eq
Separate control for analog response emulation for each band
Separate control for analog saturation for each band
Separate control for analog saturation amount for each band
Solo and Mute buttons for each band
M/S or stereo mode for each band
Global analog emulation and saturation switches
Automatic output compensation on input level change
Constant loudness monitoring
Resizable interface, hardware accelerated
Apple Silicon M1 support
macOS (10.11 and later with Metal) and Windows

home page


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