[智能增益VU计量插件]HoRNet VUMeter MK4 v4.2.5 MOCHA [WiN](1.5Mb)

HoRNet VUMeter MK4 v4.2.5 WiN-MOCHA VST3/AAX | 1.5 MB

安装方法:复制到您的 VST3/AAX 插件文件夹!

HoRNet VU Meter MK4:智能增益管理,精准把控音量
HoRNet VU Meter MK4是一款数字VU计量插件,集自动增益设置与分组功能于一体,其全新优化的GUI界面既可缩放,又占用空间更少,让您专注于计量条的显示。此外,VU Meter MK4还允许您为轨道和分组命名,将所有参数变化发送至项目中的任意VU Meter MK4实例(不仅限于同一分组),并在不关闭GUI的情况下,直接查看项目中任一实例的电平值。

监测进入DAW的信号电平对于正确混音至关重要。VU Meter在录音和混音阶段均发挥着重要作用。录音时,300毫秒的积分时间让VU Meter成为了感知音量的理想指标,与峰值电平计配合使用,有助于改善麦克风技巧,力求音量与峰值值尽可能接近。VU Meter MK4具备校准设置,允许您将0VU点设定为A/D转换器的最佳水平(默认为-18dBFS,但建议阅读A/D转换器规格,将校准值设为其指定的内部顶空)。这是因为每款A/D转换器都具有模拟前端,若录制电平过高(接近0dBFS),则可能过载模拟阶段。

在混音过程中,VU Meter插件的作用更为突出,与DAW的峰值电平计结合使用,能帮您识别瞬态能量过大、响度不足的问题轨道。其中,自动增益功能尤为实用。增益分配是混音的关键环节,尤其在使用模拟插件时,过高的输入可能导致过多的失真积累,影响整体混音质量。

为了避免这一问题,只需激活VU Meter MK4的自动增益功能,它会自动调节内部增益,使信号峰值维持在预设范围内(-3至+3 VU)。对于瞬态强烈的音源,自动增益可能过度提升音轨电平,导致削波。为此,我们设置了最大峰值上限,防止信号超出设定值。

分组功能允许您将多个VU Meter实例归为一组(例如,鼓组),只需一次点击,即可对同一分组内的所有实例应用自动增益、参考电平和颜色设置。选择任一参数的“发送至全部”选项,即可将该设置复制至项目中的所有VU Meter MK4实例,即便它们不属于同一分组。

RetaiL Patched
为了去除或更换购买者签名,HoRNet VU Meter MK4已进行零售版修补,确保每位用户都能无障碍地使用全部功能,精准掌控混音过程中的每一个细节。
Metering tool with automatic gain staging

The HoRNet VU Meter MK4 is a digital VU meter plugin with automatic gain setting and grouping functions, the new GUI is now scalable and has been optimised to take less space than the previous version and let you focus on the meter bars. In addition to the GUI VU Meter MK4 also allows you to give names to your tracks and groups, send every parameter change to any instance of VU Meter MK4 (not just the ones in the same group) and display the level of any of the other instances in the project without closing the GUI and choosing a new track.

Know your levels before it’s too late

Monitoring the signal level coming into your DAW is crucial for a correct mixing, VU meter helps you both in recording and mixing stage.
When recording your tracks it’s useful to have a loudness indicator like the VU meter that with its 300ms of integration time gives you a helpful view of the perceived loudness of your signal. Used in conjunction with peak meters it can help you to improve your miking technique since it’s always desirable to have loudness and peak value as close as possibile. VU Meter MK4 has a calibration setting that will allow you to set the 0VU point to the best level for your A/D converters (by default is set to -18dBFS but you should read the spec of your A/D and set the calibration to the specified internal headroom). This is because every A/D converter has an analog front-end and if you record too hot (close to 0dBFS) you risk to overload that analog stage.

Auto gain for quick mixing preparation

In mixing VU Meter plugin is even more useful, used in conjunction with the peak meter of your DAW can help you identify critical tracks that have too much energy in the transients and not enough loudness, but the single most useful feature is the auto gain. Gain staging is a crucial part of every mix, especially if you use analog emulating plugins, hitting them too high means creating too much distortion that then adds up in the mix.

To avoid this you can simply engage the automatic gain function of VU Meter MK4 that will adjust the internal gain to make the signal peak at your desired level (between -3 and +3 VU). With transient heavy sounds it may happen that auto gain boosts too much your tracks and drive them into clipping, to avoid this we have provided a max. peak ceiling that will prevent your signal from going higher than the set value.

The grouping function allows you to group instances of vu meters together (say your Drums group) and apply auto gain, reference and color settings to every instance belonging to the same group with just one click, choosing the “Send to all” option of any parameter, you can copy that value to every other VU Meter MK4 in your project, even if they don’t belong to the same group.

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