Ardour v8.6.0/v7.5.0 RETAiL [WiN, MacOSX LINUX ](378Mb)

Ardor 是一个开源的、由包括音乐家、程序员和专业录音工程师在内的全球团队共同努力的成果。开发是透明的——任何人都可以观看我们的工作。就像一件好的老式五金件一样,您可以打开盒子看看里面。当然,你不必……但有一天,任何人都可以的事实将会有用。

Ardor 7.5.0 中的新功能

– 节奏图编辑
– 部分元素
– 保存每个设备的 I/O 连接
– 重命名处理器
–Ardor 7.5.0 中的控制界面改进

– 播放头现在可以用作捕捉目标。网格模式下拉列表中有一个“播放头”项目,“编辑器/快照”页面上的“首选项”对话框中有一个切换按钮。
– 默认情况下,播放头现在对鼠标事件不敏感(可以在配置文件中手动更改)
– 性能改进:非重叠 MIDI 区域的播放列表渲染速度更快,多个区域的复制速度更快。
– “首选项”对话框的“外观/编辑器波形部分”已拆分为单独的页面,以减小对话框的垂直尺寸。
– 会话存档现在具有进度显示并且可以中止。
– 现在可以通过按键绑定(默认为 s)来切换混音器中选定的轨道独奏状态。
– 现在可以撤消多个非编辑器命令,例如录制和播放列表切换。
– 现在,Windows 上的自由导出速度更快。
– 很少使用的仪表类型(例如 K 米)现在可以与轨道一起使用。
– 区域分层现在保留用于剪切/复制/粘贴。
– 播放列表粘贴现在始终粘贴在顶部。
– 现在可以从区域的左侧开始时间拉伸。
– 虚拟键盘现在具有 F5 到 F8 快捷键来选择音符力度预设。
– 添加了 Roland SonicCell MIDNAM 文件。
– 虚拟后端现在有一个实时选项。
– “外观/颜色”页面上的新首选项选项允许禁用调色板为新轨道、总线或 VCA 分配颜色。
– 标记现在可以正确主题化并使用颜色名称。
– 延迟线已经过优化,现在可以使用多个 MIDI 缓冲区。




Ardour’s source code is free, but the pre-compiled, ready-to-use program is paid.

Record, Edit, and Mix on Linux, macOS and Windows.

Ardour is an open source, collaborative effort of a worldwide team including musicians, programmers, and professional recording engineers. Development is transparent — anyone can watch our work as it happens. Like a good piece of vintage hardware, you can open the box and look inside. Of course, you don’t have to … but one day the fact that anybody can will be useful.

New Features in Ardour 7.5.0

– Tempo Map Editing
– Sections Elements
– Saving I/O Connections Per Device
– Renaming Processors
– Control Surfaces

Improvements in Ardour 7.5.0

– Playhead can now be used as a snapping target. There’s a “Playhead” item in the grid mode drop-down list and a toggle in the “Preferences” dialog on the “Editor / Snap” page.
– Playhead is now insensitive to mouse events by default (can be changed in a configuration file manually)
– Performance improvements: faster playlist rendering of non-overlapping MIDI Regions and faster duplication of multiple regions.
– The “Appearance/Editor Waveform section” of the “Preferences” dialog has been split into a separate page to reduce the vertical size of the dialog.
– Session archiving now has progress display and can be aborted.
– Toggling selected track solo status in the Mixer is now accessible via keybindings (s by default).
– Multiple non-editor commands are now undoable, such as recording and playlist switch.
– Freewheel exporting on Windows works faster now.
– Rarely used meter types like K-meters can now be used with tracks.
– Region layering is now retained for cut/copy/paste.
– Playlist paste now always pastes on top.
– Time-stretching can now be started from the left side of a region.
– The virtual keyboard now has F5 through F8 shortcuts to select note velocity presets.
– Added Roland SonicCell MIDNAM file.
– The Dummy backend now has a real-time option.
– New preferences options on the “Appearance / Colors” page allow disabling the use of color palette to assign colors to new tracks, buses, or VCAs.
– Markers are now properly themable and use color names.
– Delaylines have been optimized, multiple-MIDI buffers are possible now.

Quoted from Ardour’s FAQ page:
“You are free to do anything with it that you want (including use it on as many machines as you wish, make copies of it for friends).”

But please do consider supporting the developer if you like it. You can get it for as little as $1.

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