[影视管弦乐音源]Sonuscore and Best Service – Elysion [KONTAKT](12.69Gb)

P2P | 24 October 2019 | 12.69 GB

基于 Ensemble Engine 的评分工具 – Massive Hybrid Twin to The Orchestra
什么是未来 你的宇宙听起来如何 无穷大是什么意思

Elysion 是我们解决重大问题的重要答案!一个巨大且令人难以置信的快速评分工具,完美地填补了空间的灵感。为未来打分,体验无限的声音宇宙,Elysion只需指尖即可展开。

– Elysion 建立在手工制作的处理和合成声音之上,被视为原声乐器
– Elysion 为混合作曲设定了很高的水平:令人难以置信的简单和令人发指的美丽
– Elysion 是 The Orchestra
的巨大混合双胞胎– Elysion 包含 142 种可演奏乐器和 230 多个复杂的动画主题

作为第一个能够捕捉到合成乐器令人难以置信的动态和活泼特征的人,Elysion 重新定义了采样。我们录制、采样和制作了合成的未来声音,将它们视为原声乐器。这导致了难以想象的动态和前所未有的声音。Elysion 集成到我们开创性的合奏引擎中,形成了 The Orchestra 的全新大型混合双胞胎。

Elysion 旨在将我们的旗舰 The Orchestra 的范围扩展到数字时代并超越数字时代。他们共同设定了混合作曲的新水平:令人难以置信的简单和令人发指的美丽。

– Expierence 142 种可立即演奏的
混合有机乐器的简单性– Expierence 超过 12.500 个样本的无限深度,所有样本都经过精心记录、手工制作和分层,最多可分层
5 个速度层– Expierence 超过 230 个复杂动画和完全可定制主题的灵活性

为未来打分 用户界面是 THE ORCHESTRA 备受赞誉的 UI 的高级进展。最基本的控件可以轻松快速地访问,让您专注于创意得分。

强大的功能 – Supernatural Workflow
Elysion 为我们广受好评的合奏技术带来了许多新功能。

– 采样合成乐器 – 多达 3 个循环和 5 个速度层加深了我们精心手工制作的合成乐器的动态,提供了极致的表现力:每一层都经过精心设计,以在音色、冲击力和强度方面与真实乐器的巨大活力相对应,甚至超越。

– 合奏引擎 2.0 – 对于 Elysion,我们重新设计了广受好评的合奏引擎,可让您同时演奏和自定义多达五个乐器模块。在每个模块中,您现在可以通过包络或琶音器自由控制它。现在,您甚至可以在琶音器和包络中的两个图层之间变形,这使您可以在一个音块中控制多达 10 个交错的节奏。额外的口吃功能进一步丰富了我们 Envelope 的可能性,让您只需使用持续的乐器即可创建极其复杂的节奏。

– 运动引擎 – Elysion 带有自己独特的动态 FX 引擎。它允许从根本上自定义乐器,例如通过 Midi CC 控制起音或衰减。除了其他特效之外,运动引擎还包括两个平移步进器,可以立即实时呼吸和变化到每个模式中。

Elysion 为即时灵感和创作做好了充分的准备,为 Ensemble 引擎提供了 230 个复杂的动画和完全可定制的主题。每个主题都由我们的合奏引擎中的五种可控乐器组成,为您提供对声音的巨大影响。

– 闪闪发光的球体 – 球体是生动而持久的主题,具有巨大的动态范围。简单的击键和和弦产生丰富的未来主义合奏声音,每个声音都对未来音调有不同的诠释。

– 强大的脉冲 – 合成的脉冲包含节奏模式,提供非常广泛的不同音色和风格。从简单而令人难以置信的有用节奏到完全开箱即用的灵感。

– 动画主题 – 动画合成主题更进一步,从任何演奏的音符中创造出复杂多样的合奏节奏。这是未来的起点!

使用 MIDI Drag’n’Drop 导出您的 Cutsom 演奏 一旦您受到主题的启发,请将您的表演安排拖放到您的 DAW 中。
现在,您可以在您拥有的每个库中自由使用它。将合奏引擎的强大功能释放到您的个人模板中,更改音符,组合不同的模式并使其成为您自己的模式。体验 Elysion 和 The Orchestra 在您的 DAW 中融合在一起的惊人效率


– 采样合成乐器,包含多达 3 个循环和 5 个速度层
– 改进的 Ensemble 引擎 2.0,具有新的强大功能
– 独特的运动引擎允许基本定制
– THE ORCHESTRA 的大规模混合双胞胎,将电影作曲提升到一个新的水平
– 超过 230 个复杂的动画和完全可定制的主题,具有多达 5 种完全可控的乐器
– 超过 142 种可立即演奏的
混合有机乐器 – 12500+ 个单独的样本。所有精心录制、采样和手工制作
– MIDI-Export:将合奏引擎的强大功能释放到您的个人模板中

“Elysion”由Sonuscore / Dynamedion开发,Sonuscore / Dynamedion是The Orchestra、Trinity Drums以及NI Action Strings、Action Strikes和Emotive Strings的制造商。

Elysion 适用于 NI Kontakt 和 Free Kontakt Player 6.1.1 及更高版本!

Ensemble Engine based Scoring Tool – Massive Hybrid Twin to The Orchestra
What is future How does your universe sound What does infinity mean

Elysion is our big answer for big questions! A huge and incredibly fast scoring tool, perfectionated to fill the space with inspiration. Score the future and experience the infinite sound cosmos, Elysion unfolds just on a fingertip.

– Elysion is built on handcrafted processed and synthesized sounds, treated like acoustic instruments
– Elysion sets a high level for hybrid composing: incredibly simple and outrageously beautiful
– Elysion is the massive hybrid twin to The Orchestra
– Elysion contains 142 playable instruments and over 230 complex animated themes

Built on Handcrafted, Synthesized Sounds bursting of Expression and Variety
As the first one able to catch the incredible dynamic and lively character of synthetic instruments, Elysion redefines sampling. We recorded, sampled and produced our synthesized future-sounds, treating them like acoustic instruments. This results in an unimaginable dynamic and unprecedented sound. Integrated into our pathbreaking ensemble engine, Elysion forms the new massive hybrid twin to The Orchestra.

A Whole New Experience
Elysion is made to expand the range of our flagship The Orchestra into and beyond the digital era. Together, they set a new level of hybrid composing: incredibly simple and outrageously beautiful.

– Expierence the simplicity of 142 instantly playable hybrid organic instruments
– Expierencethe infinite depth of over 12.500 samples, all carefully recorded, handcrafted and layered with up to 5 velocity layers
– Expierence the flexibility of over 230 complex animated and fully customizable themes

Score the Future with our Familiar User Interface
User Interface is the advanced progression of the highly-acclaimed UI from THE ORCHESTRA. The most essential controls are easily and quickly accessible to keep you focused on your creative scoring.

Powerful Features – Supernatural Workflow
Elysion brings numerous new functionalities to our critically acclaimed ensemble technology.

– Samples Synthesized Instruments – Up to 3 Round Robins and 5 Velocity Layers deepen the dynamic of our carefully handcrafted synthesized instruments, providing an extreme expressiveness: Every layer is carefully designed to correspond and even outdo to the immense liveliness of real instruments in timbre, impact and intensity.

– Ensemble Engine 2.0 – For Elysion we reworked our critically acclaimed ensemble engine, which lets you play and customize up to five instrument modules simultaneously. Within every module you are now free to control it via envelope or arpeggiator. You can now even morph between two Layers in both the Arpeggiator and the Envelope, which lets you control up to 10 interleaved rhythms within one patch. An additional stutter feature enriches the possibilities of our Envelope even more and lets you create extremely complex rhythms by only using sustained instruments.

– Motion Engine – Elysion comes with its own unique dynamic FX engine. It allows to customize the instruments fundamentally, steering e.g. attack or decay via Midi CC. Besides other FX the Motion Engine includes also two Pan Steppers, breathing live and variation into every pattern in no time.

Maximize Your Creativity
Elysion comes well prepared for instant inspiration and composing with 230 complex animated and fully customizable themes for the ensemble engine. Every theme is arranged out of five controllable instruments within our ensemble engine, providing you an enormous influence on the sound.

– Shimmering Spheres – Spheres are lively and sustained themes with an enormous dynamic range. Simple keystrokes and chords yield a rich futuristic ensemble sound, each one with a different interpretation of the futures tone.

– Powerful Pulses – The synthesized pulses contain rhythmical patterns, providing an extremely large range of different timbres and styles. From simple and incredibly useful rhythms to inspirations completely out of the box.

– Animated Themes – The animated synthesized themes go even further and create complex and diverse ensemble rhythms from any played note. This is where the future starts!

Export Your Cutsom Performance with MIDI Drag’n’Drop
Once you have been inspired by a theme, drag and drop the arrangement of your performance to your DAW. Now you are free to use it within every library you own. Unleash the power of the ensemble engine onto your personal template, change notes, combine different patterns and make them your own. Experience the incredible efficiency of Elysion and The Orchestra merging together within your DAW

Key Features:

– Sampled Synthesized Instruments, containing up to 3 Round Robins and 5 Velocity Layers
– Refined Ensemble Engine 2.0 with new, powerful functionalities
– Unique Motion Engine allowing fundamental customizations
– Massive hybrid twin of THE ORCHESTRA for a new level of cinematic composing
– Over 230 complex animated and fully customizable themes, featuring up to 5 fully controllable instruments
– Over 142 instantly playable hybrid organic instruments
– 12500+ individual samples. All carefully recorded, sampled and handcrafted
– MIDI-Export: Unleash the power of the ensemble engine onto your personal template

“Elysion” was developed for Best Service by Sonuscore / Dynamedion, the makers of The Orchestra, Trinity Drums as well as NI Action Strings, Action Strikes and Emotive Strings.

Elysion works with NI Kontakt and Free Kontakt Player Version 6.1.1 and higher!

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