[影视黑暗深沉低音乐器音源]Best Service Dark Horizon [KONTAKT](1.13Gb)

Best Service Dark Horizon KONTAKT- Samples » Kontakt 1.13 GB

宇宙黑暗通往声音未来的旅程很快变得黑暗而坚韧。 在 Sonuscore 的 Best Service – Dark Horizon 中,Elysion 著名的集成引擎已被劫持、增强和蒸发。 随着漂浮的宇宙遗迹,黑暗地平线将未来塑造成一个由大量低音、宇宙琶音和漂移垫组成的反乌托邦氛围。 将简单的和弦变成不真实的、噩梦般的空间景观,同时移动调制轮会弯曲时间,将您带入可怕狂怒的黑暗、不同的角落。
– 体验 80 种可立即演奏的重低音​​乐器的多样性。
– 体验超过 1.2GB 样本内容的无限深度。
– 体验 180 个复杂的动画和完全可定制的主题的灵活性。

Dark Horizo​​n 是一款惊天动地的重低音合成器,使用合成器构建,各种声音被弯曲和扭曲成迷人的音景和强大的低端。 Dark Horizo​​n 与 ELYSION 使用相同的引擎构建,使用新的预设、主题和效果创建更暗的声音调色板。

Dark Horizo​​​​n专注于黑暗,肮脏的低音,推动了Elysion系列尚未探索的水平和音调。太空工程师托拜厄斯·蒙格瑟(Tobias Menguser)将无线电波发送到宇宙的遥远角落,超越已知的宇宙,那里只有可怕的噩梦和现实的虚构潜伏着。在那些不为人知的地方,声音被扭曲和试验,制作了一个完整的黑暗和低音的声音调色板。它们变异成咆哮的乐器、尖叫的振动和震动地面的潜艇。

对于环境音乐、现代电子音乐和实验音乐,Dark Horizo​​n 可以通过其研磨和凹槽库为您的工作带来新的力量。对于得分和大片,这些声音是完美的紧张建设下划线。

黑暗地平线 – 包括什么?
作为 Elysion 系列的深层底线,Dark Horizo​​n 是一款功能强大的 Kontakt 乐器,它可以重新合成管弦乐声音和声音 FX 以及各种稀有的模拟合成器和 FX 盒。由此产生的乐器是令人心碎的声音,令人痛苦的主题,有节奏的琶音,旋转的垫子,以及一系列将它们推向更远超出想象的效果。

+ Ambient – Resynthesized – Cinematic – Dark Horizo​​​​n利用模拟机架效果和可怕的神的黑暗力量将声音推向无法识别的极端。将 Dark Horizo​​n 用作任何需要深沉低音和坚韧深度的项目的评分工具,或者将其用作真正出色的合成器,以创造具有出色声音力量的创新旋律。

+ 分层 – 肮脏 – 强大 – 具有四层声音和板载压缩器、延迟和大厅混响,创造独特而令人不安的组合,以获得真正的原创体验。每一层都链接到一个独立的琶音器和两个平移引擎,让您可以轻松创建复杂的、不断变化的垫子。

+ 重新定义采样 – 充满表现力和多样性 – 我们录制、采样和制作声音,将它们视为原声乐器。这会产生难以想象的动态和前所未有的声音。与开创性的合奏引擎相结合,Dark Horizo​​n 与 Elysion 2 和 The Orchestra 一起进一步扩展了我们最强大的作曲阵容。

Elysion 和 The Orchestra 的用户会发现 Dark Horizo​​n 的用户界面很熟悉,所有基本控件都在同一个地方,或者很容易找到。

+ 主页 – 从主页选择乐器、预设和控制所有图层。 同时演奏多达 4 种乐器。

+ 合奏引擎 – 使用广受好评的合奏引擎修改和完善您的声音,直至最后的细节。 只需弹奏一些和弦,即可创造令人兴奋的全新声音体验。

+ 混合页面 – 混合和平移您的图层,并将实时和动态变化融入到每个模式中。

+ 运动引擎 – 从根本上自定义仪器,例如转向 起音或衰减 vi MIDI CC。

+ 预设浏览器 – 使用直观的过滤器和类别探索大量预设。

+ Pan Engine – 通过控制和自动化声音的平移来创建出色的运动和效果。
强大的功能 – 超自然的工作流程
Dark Horizon 采用广受好评的合奏技术,使您能够通过演奏简单的和弦来创造复杂的声音。

+ 修改后的合奏引擎 – 黑暗地平线使用 Elysion 合奏引擎的修改版本。 这意味着您最多可以同时演奏四个不同的乐器模块,并且每个模块都允许对琶音器进行独立控制。 使用调制轮解锁令人惊叹的过滤效果,产生大量动态的数字可能性。

+ 运动引擎 – 黑暗地平线带有自己独特的动态 FX 引擎。 它允许对仪器进行基本定制,例如 通过 Midi CC 转向攻击或衰减。 除了其他 FX 之外,Motion Engine 还包括两个 Pan Steppers,可以立即将现场和变化融入到每个模式中。

一旦您受到 ‘ 中的主题的启发,请将您的演奏安排拖放到您的 DAW 中。 现在您可以在您拥有的每个库中自由使用它。 将 ensemble 引擎的力量释放到您的个人模板上,更改音符,组合不同的模式并让它们成为您自己的。 体验 Dark Horizon、Elysion 2 和 The Orchestra 在您的 DAW 中融合的令人难以置信的效率。

Dark Horizo​​n带有180个复杂的动画和完全可定制的主题,分布在五个不同的类别中。 每个类别都有其独特的风格和目的,为您提供节奏元素、深色纹理或非常适合演奏旋律的声音。
Dark Horizo​​n 是由 Sonuscore / Dynamedion 为最佳服务而开发的,该公司是 The Orchestra、ELYSION、Trinity Drums、Strings of Winter、Horns of Hell 以及 NI Action Strings、Action Strikes 和 Emotive Strings 的制造商。

Best Service Dark Horizo​​n KONTAKT screenshotTobias Menguser 自 1990 年代以来一直从事声音设计工作,并开始为 Waldorf、Ensoniq 和 Clavia 等公司编程合成器,并在为 Ensoniq EPS16+ 和 ASR10 制作示例 CD-ROM 方面做出了开创性的工作。在 2000 年代初期,Tobias 已经在 Native Instruments 工作了 10 多年,他帮助 Komplete 取得了今天的成就,在过去的十年中,他为 450 多部美国电影预告片贡献了声音。

Tobias 的最新项目主要集中在软件乐器构建上,包括为 Sonuscore、Softube、Heavyocity、Steinberg、Presonus 和 Arturia 工作。 “在我的工作室工作并设计样本和乐器不适合我,”Tobias 告诉我们,“这很有趣——知道这些样本和乐器会激发音乐家创作令人兴奋的曲目和乐谱!

– 惊天动地的重低音合成器,带来非凡而深沉的低音。
– 由著名声音设计师 Tobias Menguser 设计。
– 由与 Elysion 相同的引擎构建而成,并带有修改后的 Ensemble Engine、Motion Engine 和 Pan Engine。
– Elysion 和 The Orchestra 熟悉且直观的用户界面。
– 180 个复杂的动画和完全可定制的主题,具有多达 4 种完全可控的乐器。
– 80 种可立即演奏的重低音​​乐器。
– 765 个单独的样本。所有这些都经过仔细记录、采样和手工制作。
– MIDI 导出:将合奏引擎的力量释放到您的个人模板上。
适用于 NI Kontakt Player v6.6.1 或更高版本!

The Cosmic Darkness
A journey into the future of sound turned dark and gritty fast. In Best Service – Dark Horizon, by Sonuscore, Elysion’s famous ensemble engine has been hijacked, augmented, and vaporized. With the drifting cosmic remains, Dark Horizon molds the future into a dystopian atmosphere of massive basses, cosmic arps, and drifting pads. Turn simple chords into unreal, nightmarish space-scapes, while moving the mod-wheel bends time and transports you into the dark, disparate corners of eldritch furies.
– Experience the diversity of 80 instantly playable, bass-heavy instruments.
– Experience the infinite depth of over 1.2GB of sample content.
– Experience the flexibility of 180 complex animated and fully customizable themes.

Dark Horizon is an earth-shattering bass-heavy synth built using synthesizers and a variety of sounds bent and warped into fascinating soundscapes and powerful low ends. Dark Horizon is built from the same engine as ELYSION, creating an even darker sound palette with new presets, themes, and effects.

For Extraordinary and Dark Bass Sound
With a focus on dark, dirty bass sounds, Dark Horizon pushes levels and tones not yet explored by the Elysion series. Space engineer Tobias Menguser sent wavs into the far reaches of the cosmos, beyond the known universe, where only the terrifying nightmares and figments of reality lurk. In those unknown places, the sounds were twisted and experimented upon, crafting a full sound palette of dark and low basses. They mutated into growling instruments, screaming oscillations, and ground-shaking subs.

For Modern Producers and Score Composers
For ambient, modern electronic, and experimental music, Dark Horizon can bring a new power into your work with its library of grinds and grooves. For scoring and blockbusters, these sounds make for perfect tension-building underscore.

Best Service Dark Horizon KONTAKT screenshotDark Horizon – What´s Included?
As the deep underbelly of the Elysion series, Dark Horizon is a powerful Kontakt instrument that resynthesizes orchestral sounds and sound FX along with a great variety of rare analog synths and FX boxes. The resulting instruments are mind-crushing sounds, gut-wrenching themes, rhythmic arps, whirling pads, and a set of effects to push them even further beyond the imagination.

+ Ambient – Resynthesized – Cinematic – Dark Horizon pushes sounds into unrecognizable extremes, utilizing analogue rack effects and the dark powers of eldritch gods. Use Dark Horizon as a scoring tool for any project that needs a dose of profound bass and gritty depth or use it as a really exceptional synth to create innovative melodies with outstanding sonic power.

+ Layered – Dirty – Powerful – With four layers of sounds and an onboard compressor, delay, and hall reverb, create unique and disturbing combinations for a truly original experience. Each layer is linked to an independent arpeggiator and two pan engines, allowing you to easily create complex, evolving pads.

+ Sampling Redefined – Bursting with Expression and Variety – We recorded, sampled and produced the sounds, treating them like acoustic instruments. This results in an unimaginable dynamic and unprecedented sound. Integrated into the pathbreaking ensemble engine, Dark Horizon further expands our strongest composing lineup, together with Elysion 2 and The Orchestra.

Score the Dark with a Familiar User Interface
Users of Elysion and The Orchestra will find Dark Horizon’s user interface familiar, with all the essential controls in the same places or intuitive to find.

Best Service Dark Horizon KONTAKT screenshot+ Main Page – Select instruments, presets and control all layers from the main page. Play up to 4 instruments simultaneously.

+ Ensemble Engine – Modify and perfect your sounds to the very last detail with the critically-acclaimed ensemble engine. Create exciting new sonic experiences by simply playing some chords.

+ Mix Page – Mix & pan your layers and breathe live and dynamic variation into every single pattern.

+ Motion Engine – Customize the instruments fundamentally, steering e.g. attack or decay vi MIDI CC.

+ Preset Browser – Explore the massive selection of presets using intuitive filters and categories.

+ Pan Engine – Create outstanding motion and effects by controlling and automating the panning of the sounds.

Powerful Features – Supernatural Workflow
Dark Horizon features the critically acclaimed ensemble technology, empowering you to create complex sounds by playing simple chords.

+ Modified Ensemble Engine – Dark Horizon uses a modified version of the Elysion ensemble engine. This means you can play up to four different instrument modules at the same time, and each module allows independent controls for arpeggiators. Using the mod-wheel unlocks an astounding filter effect that produces a great number of kinetic, digital possibilities.

+ Motion Engine – Dark Horizon comes with its own unique dynamic FX engine. It allows the fundamental customization of the instruments, e.g. steering attack or decay via Midi CC. Besides other FX the Motion Engine includes also two Pan Steppers, breathing live and variation into every pattern in no time.

Best Service Dark Horizon KONTAKT screenshotOnce you have been inspired by a theme in ’, drag and drop the arrangement of your performance to your DAW. Now you are free to use it within every library you own. Unleash the power of the ensemble engine onto your personal template, change notes, combine different patterns and make them your own. Experience the incredible efficiency of Dark Horizon, Elysion 2 and The Orchestra merging together within your DAW.

Maximize Your Creativity
Dark Horizon comes with 180 complex animated and fully customizable themes, spread across five different categories. Each category has its unique style and purpose, providing you with either rhythmic elements, dark textures or sounds that are perfect for playing melodies.
Dark Horizon was developed for Best Service by Sonuscore / Dynamedion, the makers of The Orchestra, ELYSION, Trinity Drums, Strings of Winter, Horns of Hell as well as NI Action Strings, Action Strikes and Emotive Strings.
Tobias Menguser has been working in sound design since the 1990s and started out programming synths for companies like Waldorf, Ensoniq and Clavia and did pioneer work in producing sample CD-ROMs for Ensoniq EPS16+ and ASR10. In the early 2000s Tobias has been working for Native Instruments for over 10 years, he helped make Komplete what it is today and in the last ten years he has contributed sounds for over 450 US movie trailers.

Tobias’s latest projects mainly focus on software instrument building and include work for Sonuscore, Softube, Heavyocity, Steinberg, Presonus, and Arturia. “Working in my studio and designing samples and instruments is not work for me,” Tobias tells us, “It’s big fun – knowing those samples and instruments will inspire musicians to create exciting tracks and scores!

Dark Horizon Key Features:
– Earth-shattering bass-heavy synth for extraordinary and dark bass sound.
– Designed by renown sound designer Tobias Menguser.
– Built from the same engine as Elysion with a modified Ensemble Engine, the Motion Engine, and the Pan Engine.
– Familiar and intuitive user interface known from Elysion and The Orchestra.
– 180 complex animated and fully customizable themes, featuring up to 4 fully controllable instruments.
– 80 instantly playable bass-heavy instruments.
– 765 individual samples. All carefully recorded, sampled, and handcrafted.
– MIDI-Export: Unleash the power of the ensemble engine onto your personal template.
Works with the NI Kontakt Player v6.6.1 or higher!


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