[地狱号角铜管音源]Best Service TO Horns Of Hell [KONTAKT](4.49Gb)

Best Service TO – Horns Of Hell KONTAKT 4,49 GB

掌握真正的黄铜力量。Horns Of Hell 涵盖了从闪亮的光彩到终极地狱的一切——一切都在你的 modwheel 上!Horns Of Hell 是一个庞大的铜管、管风琴和打击乐库,总共包括 67 种不同的发音。它具有绝对独特和惊天动地的部分,例如强大的男高音号角或深刻的恶魔般的邪恶铜管。


– 来自庞大的 20 人铜管乐团的 48 个强大的铜管乐团,有 28 个发音,加上所有 TO 发音,5 个 FX 和乐句补丁
– 15 种不同的管风琴注册,从同一个教堂的两个不同管风琴录制,安静圆润到雷鸣般的雄伟,以及 3 个可播放的管风琴 FX 补丁
– 各种鼓、深沉的打击、管状铃铛和定音鼓

当然,它包括我们高度重视的 MIDI 导出功能。

Made To Be Feel
Horns Of Hell 是您表达无法形容的工具。空气和金属融为一体,包含着情感的方方面面:从温暖和支撑到雄伟和压倒性。从柔和而闪闪发光到巨大而残酷。在大多数乐器消亡的极端声音中,地狱之角获得了力量。

Horns Of Hell 不仅仅是一个完整的铜管、管风琴和打击乐库,它还将闻所未闻的发音带到您的指尖。它作为一个完整的工具包来创造新的和惊人的颜色,它肯定会吸引你的痴迷。


– 小号合奏(3 人)
– 法国圆号合奏(4 人)
– 次中音圆号合奏(4 人)
– 长号合奏(3 人)
– 低音铜管(2 人)
– 邪恶铜管(4 人:低音长号、低音长号、低音大号和 Cimbasso)
– 15 个管风琴补丁,10 个手动和 5 个踏板注册。超过 5000 个记录的管道!
– 无音高打击乐 (Taikos, Tom Ensemble, Gran Cassa, Tam Tam, Snare Drum, Piatti, Suspended Cymbals)

一个由20人组成的铜管乐团分为6个部分,为《地狱之角》演奏了各种强大而令人兴奋的技巧。这些新发音的巨大表现力和能量在布达佩斯Studio 22的经典房间里被捕捉到。所有部分均以传统的座位位置录制。

Endless Inspiration Horns
of Hell 附带大量内容:

– 40+ 种不同的战争和战斗模式
– 50+ 单个 NKI
– 85 种多关节
– 总共 120 种多功能合奏预设

《The Core: The Ensemble Engine
Horns Of Hell》是广受好评的乐器《The Orchestra》的重制引擎版本,引入了修改后的预设浏览器。现在使用直观的过滤器和类别探索大量预设选择。

该引擎通过许多独立的琶音器和速度包络工作,深受 Sonuscore Origins 系列的启发。创造脉动的节奏,甚至从任何音符组合中激发灵感的完整编曲。所有这一切都不依赖于预先录制的短语 – 您可以完全控制。无论您弹奏什么和弦或音符,它都会起作用。以最短的加载时间,大量的预设为您提供开箱即用的完整整体颜色。


– 使用直观的过滤器和类别
探索您的预设– 独立的琶音器和速度包络营造出生动而有力的管弦乐色彩
– 在独立插槽中加载多达 5 种不同的乐器并一起
演奏– 每个插槽都可以分配给五个不同模块之一

“Horns Of Hell”由Sonuscore / Dynamedion开发,Sonuscore / Dynamedion是The Orchestra、ELYSION、Trinity Drums以及NI Action Strings、Action Strikes和Emotive Strings的制造商。

Horns Of Hell 适用于 NI Kontakt FULL 和 Kontakt Player v6.2.2 及更高版本!

《地狱之角》收录在《The Orchestra Complete 2》中

Horns Of Hell – The Gates Are Open!
Master true brass power. Horns Of Hell covers everything from shining brilliance to the ultimate inferno – it’s all on your modwheel! Horns Of Hell is a massive brass, organ and percussion library, including a total of 67 varied articulations. It features absolutely unique and earth-shattering sections, like the mighty Tenor Horns or the profoundly diabolic Evil Brass.

Horns of Hell Is Powered By:

– 48 powerful brass patches from a huge 20 player brass ensemble with 28 articulations, plus all TO articulations, 5 FX and phrase patches
– 15 different organ registrations, recorded from two different organs in the same church, quietand mellow to thunderous and majestic, as well as 3 playable Organ FX patches
– Various drums, deep hits, tubular bells and a timpani

Naturally, it includes our highly valued MIDI-Export feature.

Made To Be Felt
Horns Of Hell is your tool to express the unspeakable. Air and metal melt into an instrument, containing all facets of emotion: From warm and supporting to majestic and overpowering. From soft and shimmering to immense and brutal. In the extremes of sound, where most instruments perish, Horns Of Hell gains power.

The Ensemble
Horns Of Hell is not just an entire brass, organ and percussion library, it brings unheard articulations to your fingertips. It comes as an entire toolkit to create new and astonishing colors, it will certainly capture your obsession.

Experience True Power

– Trumpet Ensemble (3 Players)
– French Horn Ensemble (4 Players)
– Tenor Horn Ensemble (4 Players)
– Trombone Ensemble (3 Players)
– Low Brass (2 Players)
– Evil Brass (4 Players: Bass Trombone, Contrabass Trombone, Contrabass Tuba & Cimbasso)
– 15 organ patches with 10 manual und 5 pedal registrations. Over 5000 recorded pipes!
– Non Pitched Percussion (Taikos, Tom Ensemble, Gran Cassa, Tam Tam, Snare Drum, Piatti, Suspended Cymbals)

European Brass Ensemble
A 20-piece brass ensemble split into 6 sections performed a variety of powerful and mind-blowing techniques for Horns Of Hell. The vast expression and energy of these new articulations was captured in the classic room of Studio 22 in Budapest. All sections were recorded in their traditional seating position.

Endless Inspiration
Horns of Hell comes with a vast amount of content:

– 40+ different war and battle patterns
– 50+ single NKI’s
– 85 multi articulations
– A total of 120 versatile ensemble presets

The Core: The Ensemble Engine
Horns Of Hell comes with a reworked Engine version of the critically acclaimed instrument The Orchestra, introducing the revised preset browser. Explore the massive selection of presets now using intuitive filters and categories.

This engine works through a number of independent arpeggiators and velocity envelopes, heavily inspired by the Sonuscore Origins-Series. Create pulsating rhythms and even inspiring full arrangements from any combination of notes. All of this without relying on prerecorded phrases – you have the full control. It will work, no matter what chord or note you play. With minimum loading times, a vast amount of presets provides you with full ensemble colors right out of the box.

Sonuscore fully integrated all drums and hits into the Engine, which enables completely new and intense arrangements.

– Explore your presets using intuitive filters and categories
– Independent arpeggiators and velocity envelopes create vivid and powerful orchestral colors
– Load up to 5 different instruments in independent slots and play them together
– Every slot can be assigned to one of five different modules

“Horns Of Hell” was developed for Best Service by Sonuscore / Dynamedion, the makers of The Orchestra, ELYSION, Trinity Drums as well as NI Action Strings, Action Strikes and Emotive Strings.

Horns Of Hell works with NI Kontakt FULL and Kontakt Player v6.2.2 and higher!

Horns Of Hell is included in “The Orchestra Complete 2”

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