[波形序列合成器]KORG iWAVESTATION v1.1.5 for iPhone iPad iPod Touch [iOS](96.6Mb)

KORG iWAVESTATION v1.1.5 for iPhone iPad iPod Touch [iOS] | 20 July 2024 | 96,6 MB

KORG iWAVESTATION —— 一款专为iOS设计的波形序列合成器。


现在,在2016年,WAVESTATION以“KORG iWAVESTATION”的形式重生,作为iPad/iPhone的应用程序。除了完全复现原有的程序,它还采用了更新的设计,让每个人都能体验到WAVESTATION惊人的声音塑造潜力。它结合了iOS特有的触摸操作和全新的图形界面,使你能够可视化并编辑WAVESTATION标志性的时变音色变化。


– 忠实复现原版WAVESTATION音色:除了提供WAVESTATION所有PCM内存中的声音,新版iWAVESTATION还基于对原硬件电路图的分析,软件层面精确复制了每一个参数的细节。

– 图形化控制的全新波形序列视图:在iWAVESTATION中,我们进一步推进,采用了一个利用iOS触摸操作特性的图形用户界面。我们更加注重序列创建,对屏幕设计进行了更新。

– 1,500种声音,700多个波形,55种效果,强大的随机序列引擎:这款新乐器包含了海量的预设和波形,涵盖了系列的所有模型。iWAVESTATION还提供了一项新的随机序列功能,将为你带来不同的视角,激发新的声音灵感。

– 与KORG Gadget协同制作音乐:iWAVESTATION可与屡获全球大奖的“KORG Gadget”音乐制作DAW应用配合使用。如果同时安装了两个应用,它可以在KORG Gadget应用内作为“Milpitas”插件使用。

兼容性:iOS 9.3或更高版本
支持设备:iPhone、iPad、iPod Touch

KORG iWAVESTATION将经典的WAVESTATION合成器体验带入了现代的iOS平台,不仅保留了原有乐器的核心技术和音色,还充分利用了移动设备的触摸交互和图形界面优势,为音乐创作者提供了更多创造性和实验性的声音设计工具。

Creating sounds with time-varying timbre, on your mobile device.
KORG iWAVESTATION – A wave sequence synthesizer for iOS.

The WAVESTATION synthesizer went on sale in 1990. This instrument featured an advanced vector synthesis system which created new sounds by combining and connecting multiple waveforms; it provided a mix/morphing function that let you use a joystick to change the balance of four oscillators, and a distinctive wave sequence function that allowed you to place waveforms in a desired sequence to create sequence patterns. To this day, it continues to be considered a legendary and still-unique instrument.

Now in 2016, the WAVESTATION has been reborn as “KORG iWAVESTATION,” an app for iPad/iPhone. In addition to completely reproducing the programs, it also features a renewed design that lets everyone experience the stupendous sound-shaping potential of the WAVESTATION. It features touch-based operation that’s distinctive of iOS, in conjunction with a new graphic interface that allows you to visualize and edit the time-varying timbral changes that are distinctive of the WAVESTATION.

[ Features ]

– A faithful reproduction of the original WAVESTATION sound: In addition to providing the sounds from all PCM memories of the WAVESTATION, the new iWAVESTATION also reproduces in software every detail of the parameters, based on an analysis of the original hardware circuit diagram.

– A new wave sequence view that can be graphically controlled: The iWAVESTATION, we advance another step with a graphical user interface that takes advantage of the touch operations that are a characteristic of iOS. Even more than ever, we’ve updated the screen design with an emphasis on creating sequences.

– 1,500 sounds, more than 700 waveforms, 55 effects, and a powerful random sequence engine: This new instrument includes a stupendous number of presets and waveforms, covering all models of the series. iWAVESTATION also provides a new random sequence function which will give you different perspectives to inspire new sounds.

– Produce music together with KORG Gadget integration: iWAVESTATION can be used in conjunction with the “KORG Gadget” music production DAW app that has won numerous awards around the world. If both apps are installed, it can be used as the “Milpitas” gadget inside the KORG Gadget app.
Compatibility: iOS 9.3 or later
iPhone iPad iPod Touch

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