[ADPTR效果器插件包]Plugin Alliance ADPTR Everything Bundle 2024.04.24 [MacOSX](381.22Mb)

Plugin Alliance ADPTR Everything Bundle 2024.04.24 macOS [HCiSO]| 24 April 2024 | 381.22 MB


ADPTR AUDIO 开发新一代音频软件和插件。他们有一个简单的理念:设计能完美适应新制作技术和工作流程的工具。他们为混音、流媒体母带处理、AB 测试等创造了令人难以置信的插件。

→ ADPTR Hype

– 功能丰富的压缩、谐波和立体声宽度控制工具集于一个插件中
– 自动电平功能是 HYPE 功能的基础,可在混音中保持一致的感知响度。
– 六种压缩模式
– 六种谐波模式
– 预设库
– 用于控制并行处理的 HYPE 旋钮
– 多频段分频器,可通过直观的控制重新定义分频频率,调整各频段的平衡以进行有针对性的处理
– A/B/C/D 对比功能可将备选预置载入插槽进行直接对比,从而增强声音选择的决策过程
– 线性滤波器可保持绝对的相位关系,是并行处理、总线处理和提供卓越音质的完美选择
– 立体声模块用于对干信号和湿信号进行中间处理,以优化立体声图像和深度
– 详细的电平管理可建立向上压缩的最大电平,并配有输入和输出增益控制以及峰值和有效值电平的可视化测量功能


– 只需点击一下按钮,即可将混音与参考音轨进行比较
– 16 个参考音轨插槽
– 即时响度匹配
– 与 DAW 同步的提示点
– 五个详细的母带测量表
– 可定制的滤波器库
– 支持 Apple 的 M1 和 M2 芯片
– 可调整用户界面(S、M、L、XL)

→ ADPTR Sculpt

– 透明地重塑单个音轨、母线和母带的动态、音色和瞬态。
– 四个动态模块,包括上行压缩器/扩展器、下行压缩器/扩展器、音调平衡模块和瞬态处理器。
– 音调平衡展示台可准确显示输入音频的音调平衡。
– 每个模块都配有低频和高频滤波器以及频谱倾斜均衡器。
– 可独立旁通每个模块的频段,并调整处理规模,对声音进行微调。
– 包络检测算法(EDA)可实现无失真处理,即使在处理复杂材料时也是如此。
– 高级自适应自动增益(AAAG)可分析输入音频,并根据人类听音的方式准确应用增益。
– 主混音面板提供旁路控制、干/湿混音旋钮以及中/侧处理选项。
– 丰富的预设库,可根据材料的需要进行调整。
– 可调节范围的主输出仪表
– 支持单声道(1 进 1 出)通道配置
– 插件主题

→ ADPTR StreamLiner

– 优化 20 个不同平台的播放: 亚马逊音乐、Apple Music、Bandcamp、Beatport Pro、Deezer、Facebook、Gaana、Hungama、Instagram、Jio Saavan、Mixcloud、Napster、Pandora、Primephonic、SoundCloud、Spotify、TIDAL、Twitch、Wynk 和 YouTube Music。
– 预制流媒体平台预设
– 零延迟仪表(响度、动态范围、真实峰值)
– 内置目标电平
– 四种编解码器 AAC、MP3、Ogg Vorbis 和 Opus
– 比特率选项: 320/256/224/192/160/128/96/64/32
– 实时 A/B 混合比较
– 响度匹配
– 音效伪影试听
– 通过编解码器压缩批量导出文件

→ 包括

  • Hype 1.0.1
  • Metric AB 1.4.1
  • Sculpt 1.3.0
  • StreamLiner 1.1.0

– macOS 10.14 或更高版本
– 苹果硅或英特尔酷睿处理器

ADPTR AUDIO creates the next generation of audio software and plugins. They have a simple ethos: design tools that are perfectly adapted for new production techniques and workflows. They create incredible plugins for mixing, mastering for streaming, AB testing and more.

→ ADPTR Hype
A powerful trio of tools for multi-band enhancement


  • A feature-rich set of tools for compression, harmonics, and stereo width controls in one plugin
  • Auto Level feature that underpins HYPE’s functionality, maintaining consistent perceived loudness across the mix.
  • Six compression modes
  • Six harmonic modes
  • Preset library
  • HYPE knob for controlling parallel processing
  • Multi-band crossover for redefining crossover frequencies with intuitive controls, adjusting the balance across bands for targeted processing
  • A/B/C/D comparison functions for loading alternative presets into slots for direct comparison, enhancing the decision-making process in sound selection
  • Linear filters for maintaining absolute phase relationships, perfect for parallel processing, bus processing, and delivering superior sound quality
  • Stereo module for harnessing mid-side processing on the dry and wet signals to optimize stereo image and depth
  • Detailed level management establishes the maximum level for upward compression, complete with input and output gain controls and visual metering for peak and RMS levels

→ ADPTR Metric AB
The ultimate mix reference tool just got better


  • Compare your mix to a reference with the click of a button
  • 16 reference track slots
  • Instant loudness matching
  • Cue points that sync with your DAW
  • Five detailed mastering meters
  • Customizable filter bank
  • Support for Apple’s M1 and M2 chips
  • Resizable UI (S, M, L, XL)

→ ADPTR Sculpt
Transparently reshape dynamics, tone, and transients in ways you never have before


  • Transparently shape the dynamics, tone, and transients of individual tracks, busses, and masters.
  • Four dynamics modules that include an upwards compressor/expander, downwards compressor/expander, tonal balance module, and a transient processor.
  • A Tonal Balance Visualizer that accurately displays the tonal balance of incoming audio.
  • Each module comes with low and high-shelf filters and a Spectrum Tilt EQ.
  • Independently bypass each module’s bands and scale the processing applied to fine-tune your sound.
  • An Envelope Detection Algorithm (EDA) that results in distortion-free processing, even when processing complex material.
  • Advanced Adaptive Auto Gain (AAAG) analyzes incoming audio and accurately applies makeup gain based on the way humans hear sound.
  • A Master Mixer Panel that provides a bypass control, wet/dry mix knob, and mid/side processing options.
  • An extensive library of presets that adapt to meet the needs of your material.
  • Master output meters with adjustable range
  • Mono (1 in 1 out) channel configuration support
  • Plugin Themes

→ ADPTR StreamLiner
Optimize your music for streaming services


  • Optimize playback for 20 different platforms: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Bandcamp, Beatport Pro, Deezer, Facebook, Gaana, Hungama, Instagram, Jio Saavan, Mixcloud, Napster, Pandora, Primephonic, SoundCloud, Spotify, TIDAL, Twitch, Wynk, and YouTube Music.
  • Premade streaming platform presets
  • Zero-latency meters (loudness, dynamic range, true peak)
  • Built-in target levels
  • Four codecs: AAC, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and Opus
  • Bitrate options: 320/256/224/192/160/128/96/64/32
  • Real-time A/B mix comparison
  • Loudness matching
  • Sonic artifact auditioning
  • Batch export files with codec compression

→ Included:

  • Hype 1.0.1
  • Metric AB 1.4.1
  • Sculpt 1.3.0
  • StreamLiner 1.1.0

Supported Operation System:

  • macOS 10.14 or later
  • Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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