[智能编曲软件]PG Music Band-in-a-Box 2024 Update Build 1113 with Activated Patch [WiN](547MB)

PG Music Band-in-a-Box 2024 Update Build 1113 with Activated Patch WiN| 23 July 2024 | 547 MB






– 修复:保存为XML时,节拍未被写入的问题。
– 修复:导入XML到除旋律/独奏以外的轨道时,轨道未被冻结,可能会重新生成。
– 修复:导入XML中未指定文本的和弦,可能会忽略和弦类型,只显示常规大调和弦。
– 修复:潜在的XML问题,包括导入节拍和时间签名。
– 修复:乐谱打印输出可能出现两次“结束”字样。
– 修复:在预览窗口中保存一系列乐谱图像的默认文件夹未设置为歌曲文件夹。
– 修复:在某些情况下,保存位图可能仍会影响预览图像的大小。
– 修复:人声合成的右键菜单项目无法工作。
– 修复:第41小节后,小节设置中的静音功能失效。
– 修复:32位UserTracks无法工作。
– 修复:编辑|歌词菜单中有两个命名不正确的项目。
– 修复:使用风格变换时,RealTracks和RealDrums不同步。
– 修复:一些RealDrums结尾处出现噪音(例如LaPopJazzCoolEv16)。
– 修复:RealDrums的滴答偏移设置未被应用。
– 修复:轨道操作>擦除轨道不可撤销。
– 修复:“此轨道上没有RealTracks。是否选择一个?”的消息在删除小节时出现。
– 修复:和弦构建器中的错误帮助视频链接。
– 修复:启动期间可能崩溃。
– 修复:插件忽略了RenderMIDIToAudio设置。


– 修复:风格页面上的贝司轨道在某些情况下无法生成。
– 修复:MIDISuperTrack在某些情况下无法生成。
– 修复:即使歌曲未做任何更改,插件也会提示保存。
– 修复:无扩展名保存时,最近文件无法找到。
– 修复:保存到SGU文件夹的轨道在打开新歌时应重置。


– 修复:RT1645:原声吉他,独奏,SambaFusionCarlos Ev 190在shot和hold时弹奏和弦而非单音。
– 修复:RT2346:铜管组,节奏,Funk 2部分,Ev 110以单声道而非立体声渲染。
– 修复:RT844:电吉他,节奏,CountryRockPopping Ev 120有一小节声音不对。
– 修复:RT3633:电吉他,节奏,DublinPopArpConstant Ev 120在RealTracks选择器中没有Direct Input选项。
– 修复:RT3163:电贝司吉他,节奏,BluesyPopSteady8thsBrent Ev 100和RT3165:电贝司吉他,背景独奏,RockabillyLicksBrent Sw 190播放速度减半且音高降低八度。
– 修复:RT2914:原声吉他,指弹,Folky16thsBrent Ev16 085和RT3644:原声吉他,指弹,IndieFolkAlternate Ev16 085不弹奏’sus’和弦。
– 修复:RT2966:原声贝司,JazzWaltzFastABNeil Sw 220在某些时刻与其它乐器不同步,特别是在A副风格下。
– 修复:MST SEt 39中的多个SynthMaster试听文件播放了错误的乐器。
– 修复:RT3694:钢琴,节奏,MinorBluesCompMiles Sw 140不弹奏大和弦,如果输入大和弦则无声。
– 修复:RT4244:电贝司,PopSwingBouncyAB Sw 120输入斜杠和弦时无声。
– 修复:RealDrum TeenBeatUptempoEv16没有数拍。
– 修复:电吉他,背景,CinemaHeldLowDarin独奏和乐队试听文件互换。
– 修复:口琴,背景,CountryBalladJellyRoll Ev 085和电吉他,节奏,ModCountryBalladPower1 Ev16 075缺少shot和hold。
– 修复:RT2958:原声贝司,SmoothCoolNeil Sw16 075无法正确弹奏大和弦和小和弦。
– 修复:RT2748:钢琴,节奏,AltHipHop Ev16 085存在Cm7和弦问题。
– 修复:NewOrleansMardiGras16ths^在变化2时完全不播放,在变化5时没有数拍。
– 修复:SambaBrazilBrushPercAlex16ths有时会有空小节。
– 修复:RT3715:巴里通原声吉他,指弹,AmericanaRootsy Ev16 085会弹奏不适合单和弦的音符。
– 修复:RT3080:曼陀林,节奏,AmericanaPop8thsAndy Ev 100在大和弦中弹奏了属七音。
– 修复:RT1645:原声吉他,独奏,SambaFusionCarlos Ev 190在shot和hold时弹奏和弦而非单音。
– 修复:RT3404:电贝司,LoungeFunkAlex Ev16 080和MIDI SuperTrack 3517:Bass, LoungeFunkAlex Ev16 080不弹奏正确的主和弦结尾。
– 修复:Picnic.sty可能无法正确加载,或显示错误的副风格。
– 修复:多个试听文件播放不正确,或音量过小。
– 修复:多个RealDrums演示音频文件不播放。
– 修复:多个MIDI SuperTracks试听文件缺失或错误。
– 修复:多个风格演示音频文件有卡住的MIDI音符。
– 添加:多个缺失的风格演示音频文件。
– 修复:’Synth, Rhythm DiscoShakuhachiHeld Ev 120’和’Synth, Rhythm DiscoShakuhachiPulse Ev 120’播放错误的副风格。
– 修复:’Synth, Rhythm DiscoSynthGuitDelaySync Ev 120’和’Synth, Rhythm DiscoSynthGuitDelayStraight Ev 120’播放错误的副风格。

Band-in-a-Box is an intelligent automatic accompaniment program for your multimedia computer. You can hear and play along to many song ideas and go from “nothing” to “something” in a very short period of time with Band-in-a-Box as your “on demand” backup band..

Summary of Changes (build 1112) (July 12, 2024)

Fixed: When saving to XML, tempo wasn’t being written.
Fixed: When importing to XML to tracks other than melody/soloist, the tracks weren’t being frozen so they likely would have been regenerated.
Fixed: When importing chords in XML that didn’t have the text specified, it could ignore the chord type and just display regular major chords.
Fixed: Potential XML issues importing tempos and time sigs.
Fixed: Notation printout could have “end” showing up twice.
Fixed: Default folder to save a range of notation images in Print Preview window wasn’t being set to the song folder.
Fixed: Saving a bitmap in Print Preview could still affect the size of the preview image in some cases.
Fixed: Right click menu items for vocal synth weren’t working.
Fixed: Mute in the Bar settings does not work after bar 41.
Fixed: 32 bit UserTracks did not work.
Fixed: Edit | Lyrics menu has two incorrectly named items
Fixed: RealTracks and RealDrums out of sync when using a Style Change.
Fixed: Blip noises at the end of some RealDrums (eg LaPopJazzCoolEv16).
Fixed: RealDrums tick offset setting was not being applied.
Fixed: Track Actions > Erase Track was not undoable.
Fixed: “There is no RealTracks on this Track. Would you like to select one?” message appears when deleting bars.
Fixed: Wrong help video link in the Chord Builder.
Fixed: Possible crash during bootup.
Fixed: Plugin was ignoring RenderMIDIToAudio setting.

DAW Plugin 6.1.13 release notes

Fixed: Bass track on style page does not generating in some cases
Fixed: MIDISuperTrack not generating in some cases
Fixed: Plugin prompts to save when no changes have been made to song
Fixed: Recent files not being found when saved without extension
Fixed: Saving tracks to SGU folder should reset when opening new song

RealTracks and other Content Updates:

Fixed: RT1645:Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist SambaFusionCarlos Ev 190 was playing chords instead of single notes for shots and holds.
Fixed: RT2346:Horn Section, Rhythm, Funk 2-part, Ev 110 was rendering in Mono instead of Stereo
Fixed: RT844:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryRockPopping Ev 120 had an off sounding bar.=
Fixed: RT3633:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm DublinPopArpConstant Ev 120 did not have the Direct Input option available in the RealTracks picker.
Fixed: RT3163:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BluesyPopSteady8thsBrent Ev 100 and RT3165:Guitar, Baritone Electric, BackgroundSoloist RockabillyLicksBrent Sw 190 were playing at half speed and down an octave
Fixed: RT2914:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Folky16thsBrent Ev16 085 and RT3644:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking IndieFolkAlternate Ev16 085 were not playing ‘sus’ chords.
Fixed: RT2966:Bass, Acoustic, JazzWaltzFastABNeil Sw 220 was playing out of sync with other instruments at times with the A substyle
Fixed: Several SynthMaster audition files from MST SEt 39 were playing an incorrect instrument
Fixed: RT3694:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm MinorBluesCompMiles Sw 140 was not playing major chords and was silent if a major chord was entered.
Fixed: RT4244:Bass, Electric, PopSwingBouncyAB Sw 120 was silent when slash chords were entered.
Fixed: RealDrum TeenBeatUptempoEv16 did not have a count-in.
Fixed: Guitar, Electric, Background CinemaHeldLowDarin solo and band audition files were swapped.
Fixed: Harmonica, Background CountryBalladJellyRoll Ev 085 and Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryBalladPower1 Ev16 075 were missing shots and holds.
Fixed: RT2958:Bass, Acoustic, SmoothCoolNeil Sw16 075 was not playing major and minor chords properly.
Fixed: RT2748:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm AltHipHop Ev16 085 had an issue with Cm7 chords
Fixed: NewOrleansMardiGras16ths^ would not play at all for variation 2, and variation 5 would not have a count-in
Fixed: SambaBrazilBrushPercAlex16ths would sometimes have empty bars
Fixed: RT3715:Guitar, Baritone Acoustic, Fingerpicking AmericanaRootsy Ev16 085 would play notes not suitable as a one chord
Fixed: RT3080:Mandolin, Rhythm AmericanaPop8thsAndy Ev 100 was playing a dominat 7th note in major chords
Fixed: RT1645:Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist SambaFusionCarlos Ev 190 was playing chords instead of single notes for shots and holds
Fixed: RT3404:Bass, Electric, LoungeFunkAlex Ev16 080 and MIDI SuperTrack 3517:Bass, LoungeFunkAlex Ev16 080 were not playing proper major endings
Fixed: =Picnic.sty may not load properly, or shows bogus substyles.
Fixed: Several Audition files were not playing correctly, or were too quiet.
Fixed: Several RealDrums Demos Audio files were not playing.
Fixed: Several MIDI SuperTracks audition files were missing or incorrect.
Fixed: Several Style Demos Audio files had stuck MIDI notes.
Added: Several missing Style Demos Audio files.
Fixed: ‘Synth, Rhythm DiscoShakuhachiHeld Ev 120’ and ‘Synth, Rhythm DiscoShakuhachiPulse Ev 120’ play incorrect substyles.
Fixed: ‘Synth, Rhythm DiscoSynthGuitDelaySync Ev 120’ and ‘Synth, Rhythm DiscoSynthGuitDelayStraight Ev 120’ play incorrect substyles.


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