[氛围流行奇幻贝斯电子舞曲素材Serum预置FL模板Ableton模板]Moonboy Prism Production Suite(1.94Gb)

FANTASTiC | 06 May 2024 | 1.94 GB

官方 MOONBOY PRISM Collection – 最高品质的旋律电子音乐样本和预设库!


通过这些新技术,我创造了一个巨大的 Liquid DNB 热门歌曲“MOONBOY – Need U ft. Madishu”,现在我正在应用我为您构建的这些工具,以便在您自己的作品中使用!

这是 Liquid DNB、Melodic House、Future Bass 和 Pop 的高品质预设、工具和声音的终极集合!

拥有 PRISM 不仅能让您获得制作最美丽旋律 EDM 的工具。 它还将帮助您创新并为您创建的任何流派和风格创造全新的声音!

PRISM 具有多种样本和预设,可立即为您带来新的声音并在您的作品中创新新的想法。

您会发现超过 1750 种高品质声音和循环以及令人难以置信的奖金! 从美丽的合成器预设到独特且有节奏的鼓,甚至是广播级的人声! 使用 PRISM 可以创造出无限的东西!


轻松拖放文件即可立即制作出精彩的歌曲 – 完全可定制,打造独一无二的属于您自己的歌曲!

PRISM 包含 7 项独家奖励

由 MOONBOY 策划的大量高质量、专业录制的声音样本。

非常适合为您的音乐制作增添独特的情感触感。 这些声音具有广泛的风格和情感,非常适合任何流派,从所有电子子流派到流行、嘻哈等。


因此,使用 Clarity Vocals 为您的音乐增添一些清晰度!


Vibrance 是一个巨大的集合,包含朗朗上口的主线、高亢的合成器、复杂的琶音、美丽的旋律和和弦进行!


与 Ableton Live、FL Studio、Logic Pro、所有 DAWS 兼容。

Nebula 用于 XFER 血清
这些 100 多个预设专为强大的合成器 Serum 设计,提供广泛的氛围、打击垫和主奏,非常适合电子、环境和实验音乐。

使用 Nebula Serum Presets 将您的音乐制作提升到新的高度,这是一系列空灵、超凡脱俗的声音的优质集合,非常适合为您的曲目添加天体般的触感。

使用 Essence Soundscapes 将您的听众带到超凡脱俗的境界,这是一系列高品质、专业现场录制的氛围样本,非常适合为您的音乐增添神秘感和氛围。


无论您是在寻找豪华的音乐垫、梦幻般的音景还是超凡脱俗的氛围,MOONBOY – Essence Soundscapes 都能满足您的需求。


Quantum 是经过专业录制和处理的高品质鼓和拟音样本的集合,非常适合为您的曲目增添深度和个性。

Quantum 内部有数百个样本,从清脆有力的鼓声到独特的、独一无二的拟音声音,这些样本非常适合任何流派。

Official MOONBOY PRISM Collection – The highest quality Sample & Preset Library for Melodic Electronic Music!

Through countless hours of experimenting with new sounds & techniques – aiming to create a whole new library of sounds and melodies that inspire and captivate listeners.

Through these new techniques I’ve created a massive Liquid DNB Hit “MOONBOY – Need U ft. Madishu” and now I’m applying these tools I’ve built for you to use in your own productions!

This is the ultimate collection of High Quality Presets, Tools, & Sounds for Liquid DNB, Melodic House, Future Bass, and Pop!

Not only will owning PRISM give you access to tools to make the most beautiful Melodic EDM. It will also help you innovate and create a whole new sound for ANY Genre & Style you create!

PRISM features a diverse range of samples & presets that will instantly bring you a NEW sound & innovate new ideas in your productions.

You will find over 1750+ High Quality sounds & loops as well as incredible bonuses! From the beautiful Synths Presets to unique & rhythmic Drums, to even radio worthy vocals! There is no limit to what you can create with PRISM!

Learn professional sound design techniques by reverse engineering these presets & project files.

Easy drag-and-drop files to instantly make amazing songs – fully customizable to make unique and your own!

7 Exclusive Bonuses Included with PRISM

Clarity: Vocals
A massive collection of high-quality, professionally recorded vocal samples – curated by MOONBOY.

Perfect for adding a unique, emotive touch to your music production. Featuring a wide range of styles and emotions, these vocals are perfect for use in any genre, from all electronic sub-genres to pop, hip hop and beyond.

Whether you’re looking for catchy hooks, soulful harmonies, or emotive ad-libs, these vocals will help bring your tracks to life.

So add some clarity to your music with Clarity Vocals!

Vibrance: Melodies
Having unique and catchy melodies are key when writing beautiful and energetic music.

Vibrance is a massive collection of catchy lead lines, soaring synths, intricate arpeggios beautiful melodies & chord progressions!

Working closely with professional songwriters, made with electronic music in mind – these melodies can be used for all genres!

Compatible with Ableton Live, FL Studio, Logic Pro, All DAWS.

Nebula for XFER Serum
Designed for the powerful synthesizer Serum, these 100+ presets offer a wide range of atmospheres, pads, and leads that are perfect for electronic, ambient and experimental music.

Elevate your music production to new heights with Nebula Serum Presets, a premium collection of ethereal, out-of-this-world sounds that are perfect for adding a celestial touch to your tracks.

Essence: Ambient Soundscapes
Transport your listeners to otherworldly realms with Essence Soundscapes, a collection of high-quality, professionally field recorded ambience samples that are perfect for adding a sense of mystery and atmosphere to your music.

Featuring unique techniques combining ethereal pads & synths with real world field recordings.

Whether you’re looking for lush pads, dreamy soundscapes, or otherworldly atmospheres, MOONBOY – Essence Soundscapes has you covered.

Quantum: Drum Sample Pack
Having unique drum samples are vital to creating more dynamic and interesting rhythms, especially in electronic music

Quantum a collection of high-quality, professionally recorded & processed drum and foley samples that are perfect for adding depth and character to your tracks.

Inside Quantum are hundreds of samples, from crisp, punchy drums to unique, one-of-a-kind foley sounds, these samples are perfect for use in any genre.

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