[复古合成器]KORG Collection 5 v1.0.2 U2B [MacOSX](2.1Gb)

KORG Software Collection 5 v1.0.2 U2B Mac [MORiA]| STANDALONE | AUi | VST3i | 2.1 GB

在2024年,KORG 将向 KORG Collection 中加入三款备受国际喜爱的乐器,每一款都在音乐史上留下了深刻的印记。

首先,ARP 2600:这款传奇的、改变行业的合成器于1971年推出,在70年代对爵士、摇滚、流行和放克音乐产生了巨大影响,并出现在众多好莱坞电影中。KORG 在2020年忠实地复刻并再版了 ARP 2600 作为 ARP 2600 FS/ARP 2600M,ARP 2600 FS 已被仔细建模并复刻用于 KORG Collection。

其次,VOX Super Continental:这款精心建模的组合式风琴首次出现在1960年代,在60年代英国入侵时期的音乐中广泛出现,并延续到了70年代和80年代的斯卡和新浪潮场景。

最后是 EP-1:EP-1 模拟了1960年代首次出现的电子钢琴,并自此在灵魂、爵士和流行音乐中备受喜爱。这款插件基于 Korg 著名的 KRONOS 和 NAUTILUS 合成器中开发的 MDS(多维合成)技术。

ARP 2600 v1.0.2 发布说明
– 改进了Arpeggiator、Motion Sequencer 和 LFO 之间的同步。
– 在Librarian中,即使对于当前对象类型不存在,也会显示当前选定的类别和集合过滤器,并可以清除这些过滤器。
– 效果预设浏览器的过滤器现在在迷你和全效果编辑器之间保持同步。
– 改进了激活的 Set List 的初始选择。
– 在试用版中的“购买”按钮现在指向正确的URL。
– 之前,创建到 ADSR/AR 和 AUX ENV Gate Source 或 Manual Start 的调制路由会导致崩溃。这个问题现已修复。

EP-1 v1.0.2 发布说明
– 在Librarian中,即使对于当前对象类型不存在,也会显示当前选定的类别和集合过滤器,并可以清除这些过滤器。
– 效果预设浏览器的过滤器现在在迷你和全效果编辑器之间保持同步。
– 改进了激活的 Set List 的初始选择。
– 在试用版中的“购买”按钮现在指向正确的URL。
– 之前,加载一个 Performance 时,如果 FX3 包含非混响的效果类型,它会被更改为混响类型并关闭。如果随后保存 Performance,则 FX3 的先前设置会丢失。这个问题现已修复。

VOX Super Continental v1.0.2 发布说明
– 在Librarian中,即使对于当前对象类型不存在,也会显示当前选定的类别和集合过滤器,并可以清除这些过滤器。
– 效果预设浏览器的过滤器现在在迷你和全效果编辑器之间保持同步。
– 改进了激活的 Set List 的初始选择。
– 在试用版中的“购买”按钮现在指向正确的URL。

In 2024, KORG is adding three more internationally beloved instruments to the KORG Collection, each of which have left their mark on music history.

First, the ARP 2600: a legendary, industry-changing synthesizer introduced in 1971 which had a stunning influence on jazz, rock, pop and funk in the 70s, and was featured in countless Hollywood movies. KORG faithfully recreated and reissued the ARP 2600 in 2020 as the ARP 2600 FS/ARP 2600M, ARP 2600 FS have been carefully modeled and reproduced for the KORG Collection.

Second, the VOX Super Continental: This carefully modeled combo organ first appeared in the 1960s featuring extensively in music from the 1960s British Invasion era through to the ska and new wave scenes in 70s and 80s.

Lastly the EP-1: The EP-1 models electric pianos that first appeared in the 1960s and have become beloved in the soul, jazz, pop music ever since then. This plugin is based on the MDS (Multi-Dimensional Synthesis) technology developed for Korg’s renowned KRONOS and NAUTILUS synthesizers.
ARP 2600 v1.0.2 Release Notes
Improved synchronization between Arpeggiator, Motion Sequencer, and LFO.
In the Librarian, the currently selected Category and Collection filters are shown – and can be cleared – even if they do not exist for the current object type.
Filters for Effect Preset browsers now stay in sync between mini and full effects editors.
Improvements to initial selection of the active Set List.
The “Buy” button in the demo version now leads to the correct URL.
Previously, creating a modulation routing to ADSR/AR and AUX ENV Gate Source or Manual Start caused a crash. This has now been fixed.

EP-1 v1.0.2 Release Notes
In the Librarian, the currently selected Category and Collection filters are shown – and can be cleared – even if they do not exist for the current object type.
Filters for Effect Preset browsers now stay in sync between mini and full effects editors.
Improvements to initial selection of the active Set List.
The “Buy” button in the demo version now leads to the correct URL.
Previously, when a Performance was loaded, if FX3 contained a non-reverb Effect Type, it was changed to a Reverb Type and turned off. If the Performance was then saved, the previous settings for FX3 would be lost. This has now been fixed.

VOX Super Continental v1.0.2 Release Notes
In the Librarian, the currently selected Category and Collection filters are shown – and can be cleared – even if they do not exist for the current object type.
Filters for Effect Preset browsers now stay in sync between mini and full effects editors.
Improvements to initial selection of the active Set List.
The “Buy” button in the demo version now leads to the correct URL.

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