[独奏弦乐音源]Westwood Instruments Solo Strings Untamed v2.1 [KONTAKT](27.17Gb)

Westwood Instruments Solo Strings Untamed v2.1 KONTAKT – 27,17 GB


这套音色并非为传统主义者准备,也不适合胆小者。它专为喜欢另类配乐的听众设计,并受到了像 Jóhann Jóhannsson、Hildur Guðnadóttir、Jed Kurzel 和 Jonny Greenwood 等作曲家的启发。


v2.1 功能改进
更改与新增功能 >
– 添加了键盘开关的开/关按钮。
– 添加了单声道/复音模式。
– 新增了7个多音色组合。

修复与改进 >
– 现在可以通过按住 Shift 键来打开和关闭多种演奏技法。
– 进行了轻微的性能优化。

v2.0 完全翻新 :)
更改与新增功能 >
– 在此版本中,我们录制并添加了超过300段全新的小提琴即兴演奏。

新的用户界面与功能 >
– 演奏技法开关
– A2、B2、C2 即兴演奏(A1、B1、C1 样本的替代起始时间)
– 即兴演奏循环(循环播放即兴演奏集)
– “STORMS”演奏技法
– 黏合演奏技法及控制
– 长音演奏技法的起音控制
– 短音演奏技法的起音、紧凑度和释放控制
– 麦克风通道电平表
– 6个新的混响脉冲响应

修复与改进 >
– 提升了所有 Flautando 样本的底噪水平
– 解决了某些麦克风通道在特定情况下无法触发循环的问题
– 对各音符进行了重新调音
– 改进了释放触发机制
– 将旁路开关更改为电源开关
– 为即兴演奏增加了动态控制
– 修复了一个错误,即“学习 MIDI CC 自动化”功能会学习错误的控制器
– 进行了轻微的性能优化
– 修复了若干其他较小的 bug

v1.0 初始版本
需要使用 NI Kontakt 的完整版 v5.6.8 或以上版本!

Improvised, expressive and human solo strings
Human, raw and expressive solo string instruments featuring; Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass. We’ve recorded over 1000 unique, improvised performances over the four instruments. Instantly playable by just playing harder or softer on your keyboard. From breathy and fragile murmurs to absolutely wild and manic bursts of chaos.

Not for the traditionalist, and not for the faint of heart. This is for fans of alternative scores and inspired by composers like Jóhann Jóhannsson, Hildur Guðnadóttir, Jed Kurzel and Jonny Greenwood.

There’s also our unique and powerful STORMS articulation, can create crescendos from a solo performance to a frenetic ensemble. As well as all of the this, there are many other classic long and short note articulations which complement the sound and character of all the instruments.
Release Notes

v2.1 Functionality Improvements
Changes & Additions >
– Added Keyswitches On/Off switch.
– Added Mono/Poly mode.
– Added 7 Multis

Fixes & Improvements >
– Multiple articulations can now be added turned on and off by holding down the shift key.
– Minor performance improvements.


v2.0 Complete overhaul :)
Changes & Additions >
– Over 300 brand new improvisations on the violin have been recorded and added in this release.

New UI & Functionality >
– Articulation switches
– A2, B2, C2 Improvisations (alternative start time of A1, B1, C1 samples)
– Improvisations Round Robins (cycles through the Improvisation sets)
– Storms articulation
– Glue articulations with controls
– Long articulation Attack control
– Short articulation Attack, Tightness and Release controls
– Mic channel meters
– 6 new reverb IRs

Fixes & Improvements >
– Improved noise floor for all Flautando samples
– An issue which caused missing round robins with certain mics
– Re-tuned various notes throughout
– Improved release triggers throughout
– Changed bypass switches to power switches
– Dynamics control now available for Improvisations
– Fixed a bug where “Learning MIDI CC Automation” would learn the wrong control
– Minor performance improvements
– Several other minor bug fixes


v1.0 Initial release
Requires the FULL version of NI Kontakt v5.6.8 or above required!


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