[采样器工具]Koala Sampler v1.4091/v1.4085 for iPhone iPad iPod Touch [iOS,APK](64Mb)

Koala 是一款终极口袋大小的采样器。您可以使用手机的麦克风即时录制任何声音。利用 Koala 用这些采样创建节奏,添加效果,制作完整的曲目!

Koala 的超级直观界面帮助您快速创作曲目,没有复杂的操作。您还可以将应用的输出重新采样回输入端,通过各种效果,使得音色的可能性无限。

Koala 的设计完全专注于让音乐制作过程即刻开始,保持流畅并充满乐趣,避免被繁复的参数和微调所困扰。

“最近一直在用那个4美元的 Koala 采样器,毫无疑问它是一款出色的工具,让一些昂贵的节奏机相形见绌。一定要试试。”
— flying lotus, Twitter

* 使用麦克风录制多达64个不同的采样
* 用16种内置优质效果器变换您的声音或其他任何声音
* 导入您自己的采样
* 从250种内置声音中选择
* 将应用的输出重新采样为新的采样
* 导出循环或整个曲目为专业品质的 WAV 文件
* 直接导出至 Ableton Live Set
* 复制/粘贴或拖动合并序列
* 使用高分辨率的序列器创作节奏
* 通过 AudioShare 或直接在 Koala 中打开导入采样
* 键盘模式让您按音阶演奏或选择9种音阶之一
* 量化、添加摇摆感以获得正确的节奏感觉
* 正常/一次性播放/循环/反向播放采样
* 6组音色抑制
* 每个采样可调节起音、释放时间和音色
* 为整个混音添加任意一种或全部8种效果
* AUv3 兼容 — 可在 GarageBand、Logic、Cubasis 等中使用
* AudioBus 3.0 和 Inter-App Audio 兼容
* MIDI 控制 — 通过键盘演奏您的采样,将效果映射到旋钮
* 通过 WiFi 与他人使用 Ableton Link 合奏
* 包含一份免费的 Ableton Live Lite 许可证
* 使用 AI 将采样分离成单独的乐器(鼓、贝斯、人声和其他)
* 设置自定义背景图像,并从不断增长的背景视觉效果列表中选择

* 增加低音
* 增加高频
* 模糊
* 机器人声
* 回声
* 升八度
* 降八度
* 合成器

16种内置 DJ 混音效果:
* 位损
* 音高移调
* 峰值滤波器
* 环形调制器
* 回声
* 结巴
* 门控
* 共振高低通滤波器
* 切割
* 反转
* 电子舞曲
* 速度延迟
* 语音盒
* 振幅调制
* 污染
* 压缩器

SAMURAI 内购功能包括:
* 时间拉伸(4种模式:现代、复古、节奏和重新调音)
* 钢琴卷帘编辑器
* 自动切片(自动、等分和懒惰切片)
* 三段均衡器
* Pocket operator 同步输出

兼容性:iOS 10.0 或更高版本
iPhone iPad iPod Touch

v1.4091 版本,2024年7月23日

现在可以在键盘模式下设置使用的 MIDI 通道。

Koala is the ultimate pocket-sized sampler. Record anything with your phone’s mic instantly. Use Koala to create beats with those samples, add effects and create a track!

Koala’s super intuitive interface helps you make a tracks in a flash, there is no brake pedal. You can also resample the output of the app back into the input, through the effects, so the sonic possibilities are endless.

Koala’s design focuses totally on making the music making progress instant, keeping you in the flow and keeping it fun, not getting bogged down by pages of parameters and micro-editing.

“Been putting that $4 koala sampler to good use lately. Undeniably great tool that puts some of these expensive beat boxes to shame. A must cop.”
— flying lotus, twitter

* Record up to 64 different samples with your mic
* Transform your voice or any other sound with 16 superb built-in fx
* Load your own samples
* Choose from one of 250 built-in sounds
* Resample the output of the app back into a new sample
* Export loops or entire tracks as professional quality WAV files
* Direct export to Ableton Live Set
* Copy/paste or merge sequences just by dragging them
* Create beats with the high-resolution sequencer
* Import samples using AudioShare or just open them in Koala
* Keyboard mode lets you play chromatically or one of 9 scales
* Quantize, add swing to get the right feel
* Normal/One-shot/Loop/Reverse playback of samples
* 6 Choke groups
* Attack, release and tone adjustable on each sample
* Add any (or all) of the 8 effects to the entire mix
* AUv3 compatible – use in GarageBand, Logic, Cubasis etc etc
* AudioBus 3.0 and Inter-App Audio compatible
* MIDI controllable – play your samples on a keyboard, map the effects to knobs
* Jam with others over WiFi with Ableton Link
* Free copy of Ableton Live Lite included
* Use AI to separate samples into individual instruments (drums, bass, vocals and other)
* Set your own background image and choose from a growing list of background visual FX.

8 Built-in Microphone FX:
* More Bass
* More Treble
* Fuzz
* Robot
* Reverb
* Octave up
* Octave down
* Synthesizer

16 Built-in DJ Mix FX:
* Bit-crusher
* Pitch-shift
* Comb filter
* Ring modulator
* Reverb
* Stutter
* Gate
* Resonant High/Low Pass Filters
* Cutter
* Reverse
* Dub
* Tempo Delay
* Talkbox
* VibroFlange
* Dirty
* Compressor

Features included in SAMURAI In-App Purchase
* Timestretch (4 modes: Modern, Retro, Beats and Re-pitch)
* Piano roll editor
* Auto-chop (auto, equal, and lazy chop)
* 3 Band EQ
* Pocket operator sync out
Compatibility: iOS 10.0 or later
iPhone iPad iPod Touch
What’s New:
v1.4091 Jul 23, 2024

You can now set the midi channel used for keyboard mode.
Other small tweaks
Fixes bugs with recording and resampling

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