[世界民乐]Evolution Series 系列全家桶 (中国风马头琴呼麦古筝太鼓等)[KONTAKT](200+Gb)
P2P | 09 November 2021 | 18.02 GB
这是 Evolution Series 尚未发布的私人古筝库 2.0 版。
。现在支持 Native Instruments Kontakt Player。
享受 Real AudioZ 独家优惠!
这是我们世界音乐之旅的下一章,重量从 40 Gig(RAW)降至约 18 Gig(NI 压缩)。Evolution
Series 与世界著名的古筝制造商 Hong Sound(Emilymax)合作,专门制作独特的手工乐器。这些乐器是真正的珍宝,被中国和台湾的一些精英音乐家使用。
位于乐器标题文本正下方的是 3 个中心框。在每个框中,您可以选择并加载一个发音。由于有 3 个框,每个预设“插槽”最多可以加载 3 个发音。发音框阈值:
位于 3 个发音框之间的是灵敏度阈值。这可以调整 3 个框之间的移动。例如,如果“垂直模式”设置为“速度”,并且您的按键压力在 0-80 之间(如图所示),您将播放最低的框,81-109 您将播放中间的框,110-127 您将播放顶部的框。水平模式:
控制如何访问预设“插槽”。最常见的模式是“按键开关”,尽管您可以使用任何其他 midi CC 控制在每个插槽之间移动。虚拟模式:
不同的“发音盒”。根据您喜欢的工作方式,您可以选择不同的 midi 控制器方法。
一个“插槽”本质上是 3 个“发音盒”的预设。您最多可以拥有 20 个“插槽”。界面中间的大网格表示正在使用多少个“插槽”以及在任何给定时间点选择了哪一个。
这允许您设置起始音符来映射您的“键控开关”组。例如,如果设置为 C0,第一个键控开关将从 C0 开始,其余的将按半音顺序跟随。Legato
作为一项实验,我们添加了精彩的 SIPS 脚本来提供假连奏。这更像是一个附加功能,但对于更多的旋律线很有帮助。
NKS 支持:
所有 Color 仪器均兼容 NKS。请参阅您的 NKS 硬件手册以了解更多信息。
与 NI Kontakt Player v6.5.3 及更高版本配合使用!
This is the (still) unreleased private Guzheng library version 2.0 by Evolution Series.
Not for sale yet
Now with Native Instruments Kontakt Player support.
Enjoy this Real AudioZ Exclusive!
This is the next chapter in our world music journey weighing in at approximately 18 gigs (NI compression) down from 40 Gig (RAW).
Evolution Series partnered with world- renowned Guzheng maker Hong Sound (Emilymax), specialising in unique hand-crafted instruments. These instruments are a true gem and used by some of China and Taiwan’s elite musicians.
Located just below the Instrument header text are 3 centre boxes. Within each box you can choose and load an articulation. As there are 3 boxes you can load up to 3 articulations per preset ‘slot’.Articulation Box Threshold:
Located between the 3 Articulation Boxes is the sensitivity threshold. This adjusts the movement between the 3 boxes. For example if ‘Vertical Mode’ is set to ‘Velocity’ and your key pressure is between 0-80 (as in the picture) you will play back the lowest box, 81-109 you playback the middle box, and 110-127 you playback the top box.Horizontal Mode:
Controls how to access the Preset ‘Slots’. The most common mode is ‘keyswitches’ although you can use any other midi CC control move to between each slot.Virtual Mode:
Controls how you move between the ‘Articulation Boxes’. For example with it set to ‘Velocity’ you can use key pressure to playback
different ‘Articulation Boxes’. Depending on how you like to work you can choose a different midi controller method.Slots:
One ‘slot’ is essentially a preset of 3 ‘articulation boxes’. You can have up to 20 ‘slots’. The big grid in the middle of the interface represents how many ‘slots’ are being used and which one is selected at any given point in time.
This allows you to set the starting note to map your group of ‘keyswitches’. For example if set to C0 the first keyswitch will start at C0 and the rest will follow on chromatically.
Legato ON:
As an experiment we have added the wonderful SIPS script to provide a fake legato. This is more of a bonus feature but can be helpful for more melodic lines.
Moves the whole instrument mapping in semitone steps.
Moves the whole instrument mapping in octave steps.
NKS Support:
All Color instruments are NKS compatible. Please refer to your NKS hardware manual for more information.
Working with NI Kontakt Player v6.5.3 and higher!