Psyform Samples Psytrance Cubase Template Stellardrone Project|Samples » presets, patches, impulses 150.47 MB
在这个项目中,您将找到一个专业的 Cubase 10.5 Psytrance 模板,其灵感来自 Astrix、Electric Universe 和 Outsiders 等艺术家的声音,每个艺术家的风格和氛围略有不同。
Serum 1.334(或更高版本)
Xfer 免费插件
Sylenth1 v3
Fabfilter:Pro Q2、Pro L2、Saturn、Pro-R
In this project you’ll find a professional Cubase 10.5 Psytrance template inspired by the sound of artists like Astrix, Electric Universe and Outsiders, each one in slightly different styles and vibes.
The project are well optimized, easy to study and showcase all of the techniques and tricks used. This project is ideal to start building your own track or simply to learn and make use of some of the sounds in it, which are all of course royalty-free. As always, the only external plugins you need are:
Serum 1.334 (or newer)
Xfer free plugins
Sylenth1 v3
Fabfilter: Pro Q2, Pro L2, Saturn, Pro-R
For bassline: (optional, .wav already included) Quadrafuzz