[中国民乐玉族完整版]Strezov Sampling JADE Ethnic Orchestra v1.1 [KONTAKT](102.43Gb+13.25Gb)



翡翠民族管弦乐团由50多种乐器组成,分布在100多个乐器区,为您提供多种选择,如弓弦合奏、弓弦独奏、拨弦、人声、木管乐器、打击乐器(基于我们的X3M引擎)并推出了由柳博米尔·戈舍夫(Lyubomir Goshev)专门为图书馆设计的音效键盘。该图书馆由作曲家兼多乐器演奏家徐塞思(Seth Tsui)共同制作,徐塞思在中国北京主持并录制了此次会议。



–约220 GB的未压缩内容(压缩内容大小约为103 GB)



–使用多个Rond Robins和多个动态层记录的所有内容

–3个话筒位置–Close&Decca(调整音调实验室)、Hall(一个“室内”混响,在Sofia Session Studio中跟踪)+定制卷积混响






–附加功能,如“速度动态影响器”,从Strezov Sampling广受赞誉的合唱团和Afflatus系列中知道的复调真实连奏

需要本地乐器Kontakt Player或Kontakt FULL v5.7.1及更高版本!

The biggest collection of Chinese and Mongolian virtual instruments out there. A unique and breathtaking collection featuring some of the best Chinese musicians recorded in their country with state of the art equipment and a deep sampling approach with up to 4 dynamic layers. An Ethnic Chinese Orchestra, Percussion Section, two Choirs and more all in one package.

We learned so much about ethnic instruments when we sampled Balkan Ethnic Orchestra in 2017. After spending three years refining our sampling process Strezov Sampling finally brings to you the next product in our Ethnic series. Being inspired by the special sound of Chinese instruments and Mongolian singers we decided it’s hightime to create an inspiring instrument in that area filling a huge gap in today’s virtual instrument landscape.

Comprised of over 50 instruments spread across more than 100 instrument patches, Jade Ethnic Orchestra gives you the option to choose between multiple categories, such as Bowed Strings Ensembles, Bowed Strings Solo, Plucked Strings, Voices, Woodwinds, Percussion (based on our X3M engine) and stemmed out sound-designed pads created especially for the library by Lyubomir Goshev. The library was co-produced by composer and multiinstrumentalist Seth Tsui, who conducted and recorded the sessions in Beijing, China.

JADE Ethnic Orchestra is a huge collection of Asian ethnic instruments. Most of the sampled instruments originate from China, but along with them we have included others, like the Hoomai men choir, the Mongolian Longsong Quartet, Moorin-Khuur, the Shakuhachi and many others Asia is to be proud of. A detailed list of the library’s content, a thorough description of the instruments and other technical info can be found at the end of the manual.


– Approx. 220 GB of uncompressed content (compressed content size is approx.103 GB)
– Instant Ethnic sound inspired by Chinese film soundtrack classics
– Over 50 instruments in the biggest collection of sampled Chinese and Mongolian instruments
– All content recorded with multiple Round-Robins and within multiple dynamic layers
– 3 mic positions – Close & Decca (Tweak Tone Labs), Hall (a “chamber” reverb, tracked in Sofia Session Studio) + custom convolution reverb
– True legato sampling for all instruments
– The powerful Syllabuilder engine with CONNECT and MORPH modes that allow you to create your own sample content within Kontakt, along with never-before sampled sounds like the Mongolian Hoomai singers and the Longsong Quartet
– Ability to Load and Save your lyrics, built-in preset manager
– The X3M Engine powering the percussion section for maximum flexibility and customization options
– Integrated Help
– Additional functions like “Velocity Dynamic Influencer”, polyphonic true-legato known from Strezov Sampling’s acclaimed choirs and Afflatus Series

Requires Native Instruments Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v5.7.1 and higher!

下载价格8 金币
1.新疆和台湾是百度网盘限制区,可以使用手机网络,不要连接WIFI,然后转存到网盘下载! 2.海外打不开百度网盘链接,可以使用梯子,连接大陆网络即可!


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