[影视弦乐音源]Audio Brewers Crescent v1.5 Stereo Version [KONTAKT](10.82Gb)

Audio Brewers Crescent v1.5 Stereo Version KONTAKT- 10,82 GB

与’Crescent’乐器相遇 在我们的音乐探索之旅中,’Crescent’是我们最新的一次尝试,旨在将音乐和乐器更贴近于您——作曲家的心灵深处。’Crescent’由四个大提琴组成的半圆形(新月形)四重奏构成,这正是整个声学旅程的起点。


为了达到全方位的沉浸感,我们特别调整了这个库,无论您希望被大提琴完全包围,还是只想要一个小规模的大提琴组合出现在前面(以及介于两者之间的一切可能性),都能够得到满足。无论您使用耳机、立体声音箱、环绕声系统甚至是杜比全景声(Dolby Atmos)设置,’Crescent’都能够让您感受到大提琴的拥抱。

接下来谈谈真正的环绕声定位(True Panning)——’Crescent’是唯一允许您自由放置各部分乐器于任何位置的弦乐库,无需硬性定位任何声音。您可以获得完全真实的效果,符合您的需求:大提琴部分位于听者的右侧?没问题!位于中央?完成!位于后方?当然可以!真正的环绕声定位彻底解决了传统立体声硬性定位带来的低质量结果问题,无论您使用的是立体声还是环绕声系统,都能获得真实且完美的效果。

最后,我们完全重新设计了多音连奏(Polyphonic Legato),专为那些现场演奏音乐的作曲家而打造。现在您不再需要在数字音频工作站(DAW)中创建四个轨道并被鼠标束缚。有了’Crescent’,您只需坐在MIDI控制器前,即可轻松完成多音连奏,随意切换连奏类型和演奏技巧,使用任意数量的声音,无需再盯着电脑屏幕。

### 乐器
还有什么乐器能比大提琴更美妙动听呢?当然是四个大提琴!而且,它们围绕着听者,从最柔和的持续音到Sul Tasto、Sul Ponticello,甚至是更多实验性的持续音,这一切都将覆盖您的音乐旅程,完美地呈现每一个细节。从甜美的持续音一直到Sul Tasto,您都能找到所需的一切!

### 下一代多音连奏



### 演奏技巧列表
– **持续音**
– 持续音(弱、中、强)
– 扁平持续音(弱、强)
– 使用弱音器(弱、中、强)
– Flautando(中)
– Sul Tasto(弱、强)
– Sul Ponticello(弱、强)
– 和声
– Tremolo
– Sul Ponticello的Tremolo

– **特殊持续音**
– 长弧(弱转中转弱)
– 短弧(弱转中转弱)
– Sforzando
– Crescendo
– Decrescendo
– 半音上行弯曲(中、强)
– 半音下行弯曲(中、强)
– 全音上行弯曲(中、强)
– 全音下行弯曲(中、强)
– Marcato
– 调音持续音
– 自由动态持续音
– 调音持续音

– **短音**
– Pizzicato(弱、中、强)CC1或速度控制,三种力度
– Bartok Pizzicato(强)CC1或速度控制,三种力度
– Spiccato(弱、中、强)CC1或速度控制,三种力度
– Saltando(弱、中、强)CC1或速度控制,三种力度
– Col Legno(中)CC1或速度控制,三种力度

– **连奏(慢速和快速Portamento)**
– 持续音(弱、中、强)
– 使用弱音器(弱、中、强)
– Flautando(中)
– Sul Tasto(弱、强)
– Marcato
– Sul Ponticello(弱、强)
– Tremolo
– Sul Ponticello的Tremolo

– **其他**
– 大调扫弦
– 小调扫弦
– 弦乐和声
– 其他特殊效果

– **混音视角**
– **点位(单声道)**
– Spot 1
– Spot 2
– Spot 3
– Spot 4

– **立体声**
– 混合(制作就绪)
– 近
– 中
– 远

– **沉浸式(Ambisonics)**
– 180°,半环绕
– 180°存在感,半环绕
– 360°,全环绕
– 360°存在感,全环绕
– 观众,定向

**注意事项:** 需要使用Native Instruments Kontakt FULL版本v6.2.1及以上!

Meet the instrument.
In our search for push music forward, ‘Crescent’ is our latest bet in our philosophy of bringing music and instruments closer to YOU, the composer.

‘Crescent’ consists of a Cellos Quartet on a ‘crescent moon’ formation (semi circle), and this is where the whole sonic trip starts.

Thanks to our recording and mixing techniques, we’ve managed to create a library that will immerse your listeners in a next-level experience. With confidence, we can say there’s nothing like this around, anywhere.

And because immersion has many levels, we have mixed this library so that you can feel the most of it, whether you want to be completely surrounded by Cellos, to having a small Cellos section in front of you (with all the in-betweens!).

And when we talk immersion, we are talking of any speaker array, you will feel the Cellos embracing you whether you’re using headphones, stereo speakers, all the way up to Surround or even Dolby Atmos setups.
Now let’s talk about TRUE PANNING – ‘Crescent’ is the only strings library that allows you to freely place your sections anywhere around you, without having to hard pan anything – complete real results that fit your needs: A Cellos section on the right of the listener? Done! A Cellos section in the centre? Done! A Cellos section behind? Sure! True Panning completely phases out the stereo hard-panning that provides sub-standard results when it comes to having your strings sections organised in any fashion you might want. Regardless of you using Stereo or Surround arrays, True Panning’s results are completely real and override the old stereo hard-panning.

Finally, we have completely re-designed a polyphonic legato that will work perfect for those composers who play music live – no longer will you need to create 4 tracks on the DAW and then be enslaved by the mouse – with ‘Crescent’ you can simply sit on your MIDI Controller, and play complete polyphonic legato, switch legato types, switch articulations, use as many voices as you want, and never have to look at the computer.
The Instruments
Is there a more beautifully-sounding instrument than a Cello? Sure, four Cellos! And even better, all around the listener – a sonic embrace though the whole range of the instrument (and more) that will cover your music journey to perfection. From sweet sustains all the way to Sul Tasto, Sul Ponticello and even more experimental sustain types, you have it all!

Next-gen Polyphonic Legato
Created from the ground up, designed and coded by and for musicians, we’re proud to introduce our newest polyphonic legato, a new take focused towards freeing you from being a slave to the Mouse and the DAW. Our Polyphonic legato adapts to your playing style and is always aware of your intended interval – even if you overlap voices!

Additionally, you can switch legato styles and legato Articulations on-the-fly, never having to leave your MIDI controller!

No matter if you are using 1, 2, 4, 8 or as many voices as you want, our Polyphonic Legato is always aware of your voice movement.
Articulation List
Sustain (p, m, f)
Sustain Flat (p, f)
Con Sordino (p, m, f)
Flautando (m)
Sul Tasto (p, f)
Sul Ponticello (p, f)
Tremolo Sul Ponticello

Special Sustains
Arcs Long (p>m>p)
Arcs Short (p>m>p)
Bend Half Tone Up (m, f)
Bend Half Tone Down (m, f)
Bend Whole Tone Up (m, f)
Bend Whole Tone Down (m, f)
Tuning Sustains
Free Dynamics Sustains
Detuning Sustains

Pizzicato (p, m, f) CC1 or Velocity, RR3
Bartok Pizzicato (f) CC1 or Velocity, RR3
Spiccato (p, m, f) CC1 or Velocity, RR3
Saltando (p, m, f) CC1 or Velocity, RR3
Col Legno (m) CC1 or Velocity, RR3

Legato (slow and fast Portamento)
Sustain (p, m, f)
Con Sordino (p, m, f)
Flautando (m)
Sul Tasto (p, f)
Sul Ponticello (p, f)
Tremolo Sul Ponticello

Major Sweeps
Minor Sweeps
String Harmonics
Other SFX
Mix Perspectives
Spots (Mono)
Spot 1
Spot 2
Spot 3
Spot 4

Mix (Production Ready)

Immersive (Ambisonics)
180°, Half Surround
180° Presence, Half Surround
360°, Full Surround
360° Presence, Full Surround
Audience, Directional
Requires NI Kontakt FULL v6.2.1+!


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