[分贝计]SPL Meter v11.3 for iPhone iPad iPod Touch [iOS](22.6 MB)

SPL Meter v11.3 for iPhone iPad iPod Touch [iOS]| 29 July 2024 | 22.6 MB

声级计 (SPL Meter) 是一款专为您的 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 设计的专业级声级计,也称为分贝计或 dB 计。


在内部,我们采用了先进的数字信号处理 (DSP) 算法,符合或超过 ANSI / IEC 1 型标准。从 iOS 6 开始,我们可以禁用麦克风滤波器和限制器,以实现手持式声级计的真实性能。

现在,通过升级 SPL Meter 与 iTestMic —— 我们专门为 iOS 设备设计的专业测试与测量麦克风,您将获得一个经过校准且准确的声级计,其性能符合行业 2 型标准。更多详情请访问我们的网站。

请不要将我们与 Radio Shack 的声级计相提并论,我们的产品要精确得多!

我们还加入了数字 LCD 显示屏,如图所示,使这款声级计成为 iPhone 和 iPad 上的最佳选择。而这一点是旧式的模拟声级计所不具备的!

当您翻转手机时,屏幕也会随之翻转,这样您可以直接指向声音来源。需要注意的是,iPhone X 不支持倒置模式。

SPL Meter 是一款通用应用 —— 一次购买,即可在所有 iOS 设备上使用。

SPL Meter 由 Studio Six Digital 团队开发,该团队还制作了商店中的其他专业音频和声学应用程序。基于我们更昂贵的 “SPL” 应用程序引擎,SPL Meter 的滤波器和衰减率符合或超过 ANSI 1 型标准。请注意,此应用并非玩具或游戏。

SPL Meter 是每个从事音频工作的人都必须在手机上安装的一款音频应用!我们不仅制作了最好的版本,而且定价合理,让您无法拒绝。

*** 主要功能:

滤波器 —— 提供 A 和 C 加权滤波器。
衰减 —— 可选 ANSI 快速或慢速。
量程 —— 9 个档位覆盖 40dB 到 120dB。
校准 —— 预校准适用于典型 iPhone 或 iPad 内置和耳机麦克风,可根据专业校准的声级计进行调整。可访问我们基于云的 iOS 设备校准数据库,随着新设备的发布我们会不断更新。
内置 / 外置麦克风 —— 选择“内置”激活补偿滤波器,旨在使内置或耳机麦克风的频率响应平坦化。“外置”则用于搭配我们即将在今年夏天晚些时候发布的 iPhone 测量麦克风使用。更多细节请访问我们的网站。
SPL Meter 定价亲民,让任何人都可以轻松体验我们的专业准确应用。Studio Six Digital 致力于将 iPhone 和 iPod Touch 打造成专业的音频和声学测试设备。

请查看我们全套专业级音频和声学应用:SPL,专业数字 iPhone 声级计;SPL Graph,用于记录随时间变化的声压级;RTA,1/3倍频程实时分析仪;FFT,用于详细的声学分析;ETC,能量-时间曲线功能;RT60,用于自动八度带衰减时间测量;Speaker Pop,用于测试扬声器极性;以及 Generator,iPhone 信号发生器。

此外,如果您正在寻找更多优秀的声学和音频测试应用,请关注我们的旗舰应用 AudioTools,专为音频专业人士打造。

兼容性:iOS 12.1 或更高版本
适用设备:iPhone iPad iPod Touch

SPL Meter is a professional-grade sound level meter, also known as a decibel or dB meter, for your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

Modeled after a traditional analog SPL meter, we have faithfully reproduced all the characteristics and qualities found in those meters, including the ballistics, ranges, filters, and decay rates.

Under the hood we have advanced DSP-based algorithms that meet or exceed ANSI / IEC Type 1 standards. And starting with iOS 6, we can disable the mic filters and limiters, to get the real world performance of a hand-held SPL meter.

And now, upgrade SPL Meter with iTestMic, our pro-grade test & measurement mic, made specifically for iOS devices. Using iTestMic with SPL Meter, you get a calibrated, accurate SPL Meter, that meets industry standards for Type 2 performance. See our website for more information.

But don’t compare us to a Radio Shack meter, ours is much more accurate!

We have also included a digital LCD display, as shown in the image, to make this the best SPL meter available for iPhone or iPad. And this is something that the old analog meters never had!

The screen will flip when you flip the phone over, so that you can point the iPhone mic directly at the sound source. (iPhone X does not support upside down mode)

SPL Meter is a universal app — buy once, and use on all of your iOS devices.

SPL Meter is built by the same team that created the other great professional audio and acoustics apps on the store, Studio Six Digital. Built on the engine of our more expensive “SPL” app, SPL Meter’s filters and decay rates meet or exceed ANSI type 1. This app is not a toy or a game.

SPL Meter is the one audio app that everyone who works in audio must have on their phone! Not only have we made the best one, but we’ve priced it so you can’t afford not to get it.


FILTERS — A and C weighting filters are provided.

DECAY — Choose ANSI Fast or Slow.

RANGES — 40dB to 120dB in 9 ranges.

CALIBRATION — Comes pre-calibrated for the typical iPhone or iPad built-in and headset mic, but you can adjust the calibration if you have a professional, calibrated meter to compare it to. Accesses our cloud-based iOS device calibration database, which we updates as new devices are released.

INTERNAL / EXTERNAL MIC — Select Internal to activate the included compensation filter, which is designed to flatten the frequency response of the built-in or headset mic. External will work with our iPhone Measurement Mic, to be released later this summer. See our website for more details.

SPL Meter is bargain-priced to make it easy for anyone to check out one of our professional, accurate apps. Studio Six Digital is dedicated to making the iPhone and Touch a professional audio and acoustics test device.

Check out our full line of professional-grade audio and acoustics apps: SPL, the professional digital iPhone sound level meter, SPL Graph, for recording SPL over time, RTA, a 1/3 octave real-time analyzer, FFT, for detailed acoustic analysis, ETC, the energy-time curve function, RT60, for automated octave-band decay time measurement, Speaker Pop, to test speaker polarity, and Generator, the iPhone signal generator.

Also, if you are looking for more great acoustical and audio test apps, have a look at AudioTools, our premier app for audio professionals.
Compatibility: iOS 12.1 or later
iPhone iPad iPod Touch

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