[世界民族6乐器人声音源] Best Service Ethno World 6 [KONTAKT](21.4Gb)




Best Service Ethno World 6 Complete KONTAKT | 21.4 Gb

ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete 是一个图书馆的顶峰,该图书馆在 16 年的时间里不断发展和改进。在第六版中,库中添加了 80 种新乐器和声音,体积为 13 GB。

屡获殊荣的电影作曲家马塞尔·巴索蒂(Marcel Barsotti)(例如《教皇琼》、《伯尔尼的奇迹》)收集了来自世界各地的大量乐器,还录制了来自不同文化的各种独唱和合唱。

ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete 现在由 320 种乐器和声音组成,汇总在大约 800 个补丁中。为了获得最真实的声音,这些乐器是用不同的演奏技术录制的,可以通过按键开关轻松准确地从补丁中获取。该库包含 33.4 GB(未压缩)的样本数据和 28,789 个样本。所有仪器的分辨率均为 24 位和 44.1 kHz。

在制作人安德烈亚斯·霍夫纳(Andreas Hofner)的指导下进行的录音中,来自世界各地的70多名音乐家和歌手都参与了录制。录音是在不同的当地录音室进行的,使用一流的设备,如Neumann和Brauner的麦克风,SPL前置放大器和RME的转换器。

ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete 包含来自亚洲、非洲、欧洲、北美和南美最多样化地区的令人难以置信的乐器和声音。在这里,您将找到适合民俗、民族和现代音乐的乐器和录音。


Best Service Ethno World 6 KONTAKT

除了经过电影配乐验证的太鼓和大型民族嗵鼓外,还有数百个鼓舞人心的循环,甚至还有一个完整的类别专门用于“锣、铃铛和金属类型乐器”,从大型大风锣到精致闪闪发光的风铃。ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete 的新功能是一些独特的声音,例如 Paiste 的两米跨度锣、几种新的打击乐器和水耳机。

前身的几乎所有部分都再次进行了扩展。此外,ETHNO WORLD 5 的几件乐器也被重新录制,其中包括一个新的曼陀林和一把美妙的班卓琴,由德国最好的班卓琴演奏家之一 Rüdiger Helbig 演奏,经过无数的发音和舔音编程。

此外,您现在还会发现六角琴、自动竖琴、日本古筝、上述具有多种演奏风格的新曼陀林、南美 charango、bansuri、低音 quena 和印度长笛,以及 launeddas、mancosedda、dvojacka 和爱尔兰横笛的其他演奏风格。

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ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete 提供来自喀麦隆、几内亚、中国、伊朗、土耳其、保加利亚、北非、西班牙和乌克兰的大量独唱、短语和合唱团。来自非洲、阿拉伯、牙买加和印度的新贡献扩大了声音和合唱团。例如,Houari Algerian rai 歌手不仅完美地注定了创造真实的氛围,而且同样适合用于 EDM 和 Hip-Hop。
最佳服务 民族世界 6 KONTAKT

凭借其乐器和声音的选择,ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete 是电影和电视制作的完美图书馆,这些作品需要来自世界特定地区的真实声音。当然,这些乐器和人声也适合用于各种类型的音乐制作,这些音乐作品包含了这些特定的声音元素——从流行音乐到环境音乐再到舞蹈。


ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete包含以前版本的所有声音,分为“弓形乐器,”弦乐器,“木管乐器和铜管乐器,”关键乐器,“世界鼓,”世界打击乐“和”锣,铃铛和金属以及“人声”。
最佳服务 Ethno World 6 KONTAKT

此外,还为第6版新录制了许多特殊文书。其中包括新的“甘美兰类别”,其中包含来自巴厘岛和爪哇的两个不同的甘美兰管弦乐队,有 slendro、pelog 和国际调式可供选择,正在慕尼黑城市博物馆录制。在这里,您会发现超过 25 种乐器,例如 kempli、kendhang 鼓、cheng cheng、铃铛、kecer 钹、kethuk 和 kempiang。

这些乐器由和声理想的巴厘岛女歌手、典型的苏林长笛和竖琴相辅相成。因此,ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete 提供了来自印度尼西亚的最大的甘美兰乐器管弦乐装置。
最佳服务 Ethno World 6 KONTAKT

ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete 还通过提供完整的高山民间音乐合奏来解锁一个全新的区域,包括弹拨乐器、铜管乐器以及男性和女性约德勒。寻找施蒂里亚口琴、尼龙弦音乐会吉他、古筝、拉斐尔琴、扬琴、阿尔卑斯号、长笛、小号、长号、大号、民间小提琴和两把单簧管等乐器。当然,也没有缺少原声低音。

对于历史背景,例如历史电影和奇幻电影,ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete 提供了大量的中世纪乐器选择,其中包括急促的古尔迪琴、文艺复兴时期的琵琶、小提琴、doucaine、shawm、pasalterium、泵风琴和 shruti 盒。简而言之:关于火与冰的歌曲所需的所有乐器。


ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete 使用 Native Instruments 的免费 Kontakt 5 Player 作为其样本引擎,当然也可以与完整版的 Kontakt 5 一起使用。对于新版本,用户界面在图形上完全重新设计,并针对超快速访问进行了优化。有许多编辑可能性以及创新功能。ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete 支持 Native Kontrol 标准 (NKS),该标准允许标记 NI Komplete Kontrol 键盘和 NI Maschine 并与之交互。
最佳服务 Ethno World 6 KONTAKT

此外,还增加了新的波形显示、采样-开始-偏移的可视化以及更清晰地使用效果,除其他功能外,延迟时间现在以与速度相关的音符值和毫秒数显示。Timemachine (TM PRO) 使用节奏适应材料提供显着改善的音频效果,尤其是对于复调舔舐和循环。

这不仅对 ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete 新录制的声音有好处,而且对 ETHNO WORLD 5 的所有声音都有好处,这些声音在这方面已经完全重新设计过。同时,补丁的数量也减少了,从而实现了更清晰的菜单结构。
最佳服务 Ethno World 6 KONTAKT

最佳服务 Ethno World 6 KONTAKT

ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete 的一个独特功能是集成的 IDB-INFO(信息数据库),可直接从每个乐器和声音进行寻址。通过菜单条目“IDB-INFO”,您可以访问乐器的照片以及有关其原始演奏技巧和调音、起源和变化的许多详细信息。此外,您还会找到如何使用按键开关演奏相应乐器并产生逼真效果的注释。

ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete is the summit of a library that has continuously grown and been improved over a period of 16 years. In this sixth edition, 80 new instruments and voices with a volume of 13 gigabytes have been added to the library.

Awarded film-composer Marcel Barsotti (e. g. Pope Joan, The Miracle of Bern) has gathered a gigantic selection of instruments from all over the word and has additionally recorded a wide choice of solo-voices and choirs from widely varying cultures.

ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete now consists of 320 instruments and voices being summarized in approx. 800 patches. For the most authentic sound, the instruments have been recorded with different play techniques that can be easily and precisely accessed from the patches by key-switches. The library consists of 33.4 gigabytes (uncompressed) of sample data and 28,789 samples. All instruments are delivered in a resolution of 24 bit and 44.1 kHz.

For the recordings that have been carried out under the direction of producer Andreas Hofner, over 70 musicians and singers from all over the world were involved. Recordings took place in different local studios with the use of first-class gear such as microphones by Neumann and Brauner, SPL preamplifiers and converters by RME.

ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete comprises an incredible spectrum of instruments and voices from the most diverse regions of Asia, Africa, Europe, North- and South-America. Here, you will find the fitting instruments and voice-recordings for folkloric, ethnic as well as for modern music.


The library contains an extensive selection of stringed instruments, plucked and bowed for the recordings, as well as the most different woodwinds including numerous flutes and, of course, a large selection of drums and percussion
Best Service Ethno World 6 KONTAKT

Beside the film-score-proven taikos and big ethnic tom drums, there are hundreds of inspiring loops and even a complete category which is dedicated to “Gongs, Bells & Metal Type Instruments”, ranging from the large big feng gong to delicately sparkling wind chimes. New in ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete are some unique sounds such as the two meter spanning gong by Paiste, several new percussion-instruments and a waterphone.

Almost all sections of the predecessor have been expanded once again. In addition, a couple of instruments of ETHNO WORLD 5 have been re-recorded, among then a new mandolin and a great sounding banjo programmed with countless articulations and licks, being played by one of Germanys best banjo-players, Rüdiger Helbig.

Furthermore, you will now find a concertina, an autoharp, a Japanese koto, the aforementioned new mandolin with multiple play styles, a South-American charango, a bansuri, bass quena and an Indian flute plus additional play styles for the instruments launeddas, mancosedda, dvojacka and the Irish traverse flute.

Best Service Ethno World 6 KONTAKT


ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete offers extensive solo-voices, phrases and choirs from Cameroon, Guinea, China, Iran, Turkey, Bulgaria, Northern Africa, Spain and Ukraine. The voices and choirs have been expanded by new contributions from Africa, Arabia, Jamaica and India. For example, the Houari Algerian rai singer is not only perfectly predestined to create an authentic atmosphere but equally suited to be used in EDM and Hip-Hop.
Best Service Ethno World 6 KONTAKT
Equally extraordinary are the Mongolian overtone singings, the voices of the Chinese opera, Arabian, Indian and African choirs and solo-voices as well as the chants of American natives. Thus, there is a versatile choice of voices being usable in the wide range of film-scoring, for ethnic- or traditional music but also suited for modern music productions.

With its choice of instruments and voices, ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete is the perfect library for film- and television productions that demand authentic sounds from specifiy regions of the world. Naturally, the instruments and voices also lend themselves to be used in music productions of diverse genres that embrace these specific sonic elements – from pop to ambient to dance.


ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete contains all sounds of the previous versions, being sorted in the categories “Bowed Instruments”, “Stringed Instruments”, “Woodwind & Brass”, “Key Instruments”, “World Drums”, “World Percussion” and “Gongs, Bells & Metals” and “Voices”.
Best Service Ethno World 6 KONTAKT

In addition, a good number of special instruments have been newly recorded for version 6. Among these is the new “Gamelan” category containing two different gamelan orchestras from Bali and Java, available in slendro, pelog and international tunings, being recorded in Munich’s Stadtmuseum. Here, you will find more than 25 instruments such as kempli, kendhang drums, cheng cheng, bells, kecer cymbals, kethuk and kempiang.

These instruments are complemented by a harmonically ideal matching Balinese female singer, the typical suling flute and the siter harp. ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete therefore offers the largest orchestral setup of gamelan instruments from Indonesia.
Best Service Ethno World 6 KONTAKT

ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete also unlocks an entire new region by offering a complete ensemble of alpine folk music including plucking instruments, brass as well as male and female yodelers. Find instruments like the Styrian harmonica, a nylon stringed concert guitar, zither, raffele, dulcimer, alpenhorn, flugelhorn, trumpet, trombone, tuba, folk-violin and two clarinets. And of course, an acoustic bass is not missing.

For historical contexts, such as historic drams and fantasy movies, ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete offers a large selection of medieval instruments, among them a hurdy gurdy, renaissance lute, fife, doucaine, shawm, pasalterium, pump organ and a shruti box. In short: all instruments needed for songs about fire and ice.


ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete uses the free Kontakt 5 Player by Native Instruments as its sample-engine and can of course be used with the full version of Kontakt 5, too. For the new version, the user-interface has been completely redesigned graphically and optimized for ultra fast access. There are numerous editing possibilities as well as innovative functions. ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete supports the Native Kontrol Standard (NKS), which allows tagging and interaction with the NI Komplete Kontrol keyboards and NI Maschine.
Best Service Ethno World 6 KONTAKT

Further additions are a new waveform display, visualization of the sample-start-offset as well as a clearer use of the effects where, among other features, delay times are now displayed in tempo-related note values and milliseconds. The Timemachine (TM PRO) delivers significantly improved audio results with tempo adapted material, especially for polyphonic licks and loops.

And this is not only a benefit for the newly recorded sounds of ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete but also for all sounds of ETHNO WORLD 5 which have been completely reworked in this regard. At the same time, the number of patches has been reduced leading to a clearer menu structure.
Best Service Ethno World 6 KONTAKT

Thanks to the integrated convolution reverb, all instruments and voices sound exceptionally realistic and natural. Solo instruments additionally offer a high-quality legato mode. Plus, the humanize mode will lend each new note as slightly changed timbre. The micro-tuning allows the use of multiple ethnical tunings and scales. By using top-quality filters, LFOs, tune, automation, harmonizer and further effects, all instruments and voices can be efficiently edited and manipulated if needed, allowing to create new sonic worlds equally suited for modern music genres and film productions.
Best Service Ethno World 6 KONTAKT

A unique feature of ETHNO WORLD 6 Complete is the integrated IDB-INFO (Information Database) being directly addressable from every instrument and voice. Via the menu entry “IDB-INFO”, you can access photos of the instruments as well as many details about their original play techniques and tunings, origin and variations. Also, you will find notes how play the corresponding instrument with realistic results using the key-switches.

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