[吉他插件包合集]Aurora DSP Everything Bundle 2024.07.29 [ MacOSX](2.84GB)

Aurora DSP Everything Bundle 2024.07.29 macOS [HCiSO]| 29 July 2024 | 2.84 GB

Aurora DSP 是一支由声音工程师、制作人和开发者组成的团队。拥有超过 10 年的声音工程经验,Aurora DSP 明白最终决定一切的是声音。

→ 包含的内容:

✓ Absylon 是 Aurora DSP 最新推出的插件,专为敢于挑战极低调音的吉他手设计。使用强大的 200 瓦吉他/贝斯放大器制作而成,Absylon 能够轻松驾驭 8 弦吉他 E 调的基音,带来震撼人心的音色,足以摧毁您音乐的基础。

✓ Banshee Nano 是我们全新系列的声乐工具中的第一款产品。这款简单而高效的声乐插件设计得极其节省 CPU 资源,使其成为录音室不可或缺的一部分。

✓ DriveThru: Cerbes 是即将推出的 Aurora DSP DriveThru 套件的一个引人入胜的预览。这款动态套件将一系列吉他踏板无缝集成在一个强大的软件包中。从基础的增益踏板和过载踏板到能够替代传统放大器的强劲前置放大器,DriveThru 承诺以无与伦比的多功能性和便利性彻底改变您的音色。

✓ Mammoth 是一款强大且直观的贝斯插件,采用两频段信号处理,包括贝斯最大化器、四种驱动类型、音色堆栈、扬声器模拟等功能。

✓ Gorilla – 不同的怪物适用于不同的流派:Gorilla 插件包含 3 个前置放大器和 3 种标准录音室贝斯放大器的模拟。

✓ Rhino – 一款强大的吉他插件,能够应对挑战。从细腻的干净音色到填满整个混音的厚重音墙,Rhino 发展了一个已被证明的公式,包含了一切实现广泛吉他音色所需的元素,全部集于一款插件之中。

✓ The IronHeart 插件是一款现代高增益音色的代表作。使用 IronHeart 插件,您可以选择来自 Laney 系列的两款杰出扬声器柜。还有两个 Black Country Customs 踏板,以数字形式完美重现。

✓ Laboga Chainsaw Distortion 吉他踏板。受 Laboga Amp Tubes 启发,这款插件带来了强烈的老派死亡金属音色,带有一丝失真效果。

✓ Mr. Hector – 硬件放大器的手工制作工艺与 DSP 的灵活性相结合。这一切都始于 Mr. Hector,这是一款来自 Laboga 的广受欢迎的精品放大器。数字化重建。调校至完美。每个细节都被精心模拟,以实现准确、熟悉的声音。

✓ The 510EQ 是一款轻量级插件,基于著名的美国均衡器设计,用于 500 系列模块,并配备复古输出变压器,用于平滑驱动和着色。

✓ The Rotten Pool Verb 结合了两个混响部分、一个滤波器和迷人的失真效果。您可以将大型池塘的高扩散混响与更短的池塘更衣室的混响混合在一起。

+ 所有免费插件均包含:
• FenrIR
• Goblyn
• Invisible Verb Pro
• Liver6
• Tuna
• Unified Preamplifier

• macOS 10.11 / 10.13 或更高版本
• Apple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器

Aurora DSP is a team of sound engineers, producers and developers. With over 10 years of experience in sound engineering, Aurora DSP knows that ultimately it’s the sound that counts.

→ What’s inside:

✓ Absylon is the latest plugin from Aurora DSP, designed specifically for guitarists who dare to dive into extremely low tunings. Created using a monstrous 200-watt guitar/bass amplifier, Absylon effortlessly handles the fundamental notes of E tuning on 8-string guitars, delivering a bone-crushing tone that will obliterate the very foundations of your sound.

✓ Banshee Nano is the first product in our new series of vocal tools. This simple yet highly effective vocal plugin is designed to be exceptionally CPU-friendly, making it an indispensable addition to your recording studio.

✓ DriveThru: Cerbes is a tantalizing glimpse into the forthcoming Aurora DSP DriveThru suite. This dynamic suite will feature an array of guitar pedals seamlessly integrated into one powerful software package. From essential boosters and overdrives to robust preamps capable of replacing traditional amplifiers in your signal chain, DriveThru promises to revolutionize your sound with unparalleled versatility and convenience.

✓ Mammoth is a powerful yet intuitive bass plugin featuring two-band signal processing that includes a bass maximizer, 4 types of drive, a tone stack, cabinet simulations and much more.

✓ Gorilla – Different monsters for different genres: the Gorilla plugin includes 3 preamps and the simulation of 3 studio standard bass amps.

✓ Rhino – A powerful guitar plugin that rises to the challenge. From delicate, clean tones, all the way to the heaviest wall of sound filling the entire mix. Rhino advances a proven formula, containing everything that’s needed to achieve a wide spectrum of guitar sound, all within a single plugin.

✓ The IronHeart plugin is a beautifully representation of a modern sounding high gain tone powerhouse. With the IronHeart plugin you get the choice of 2 outstanding cabinets from the Laney range. Two Black Country Customs pedals, plotted in all their digital glory.

✓ Laboga Chainsaw Distortion guitar pedal. Inspired by Laboga Amp Tubes, this plugin delivers an intense, old-school death metal tone with a touch of fuzz.

✓ Mr. Hector – The craftsmanship of Hardware Amplifiers meets the versatility of DSP. And it all starts with Mr. Hector a well-known and universally loved boutique amplifier from Laboga. Digitally recreated. Tuned to perfection. Every detail profiled for accurate, familiar sound.

✓ The 510EQ is a lightweight, plugin modeled on the famous American equalizer used as 500 modules boosted with a vintage output transformer for smooth drive and color.

✓ The Rotten Pool Verb combines two reverb sections with a filter and a tasty distortion. You can blend the highly diffuse verb of the big pool with a shorter slap verb from the pool’s locker rooms.

+ all free plugins are included:
• FenrIR
• Goblyn
• Invisible Verb Pro
• Liver6
• Tuna
• Unified Preamplifier

Supported Operation System:
• macOS 10.11 / 10.13 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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