[影视游戏恐怖紧张音效FX采样]Epic Stock Media Devils Bane Trailer [WAV](2.51Gb)

Epic Stock Media Devils Bane Trailer WAV | 01 May 2024 | 2.51 GB

隆重推出《Devils Bane Trailer》,这是一首令人毛骨悚然的恐怖交响曲,封装在 533 个精心制作的声音文件中,随时准备向观众释放恐怖。潜入一个噩梦般的领域,每一个吱吱声、耳语声和尖叫声都经过精心设计,让你的脊椎不寒而栗。

这个险恶的集合中包含 3.5 GB 的电影预告片和游戏音频资产,所有这些都以令人毛骨悚然的 96k 24 位.wav格式呈现。从令人毛骨悚然的气氛到令人毛骨悚然的尖叫声,每个元素都经过精心制作,让您的观众沉浸在一个充满恐惧和绝望的世界中。在里面,你可以接触到跳跃恐慌、紧张的过渡、揭示、恐怖的摩擦、电影般的打击、弯曲、黑暗合成器的布拉姆、尖叫声、上升的嗖嗖声、可怕的撞击、令人毛骨悚然的紧张无人机、纹理和美学的活力,所有这些都层层叠叠,完美无缺。创建引人入胜的黑暗和不祥的动态图形、电影过场动画、特效、预告片和史诗般的音频动态。

Devils Bane Trailer 在设计时考虑到了易用性,包括整个库的多种格式:96kHz/24bit 。WAV,44.1k 16 位。WAV 和 Mp3。借助嵌入式 Soundminer 元数据和 UCS 合规性,在恐怖深处导航从未如此简单。Devils Bane Trailer 是数月来致力于录制、完善和完善声音设计的结晶,我们很高兴推出专为您打造的省时解决方案

无论您是在制作令人毛骨悚然的预告片、令人毛骨悚然的游戏音景,还是令人难以忘怀的电影体验,《Devils Bane Trailer》都是您唤起恐惧的终极工具包。拥有超过 58 分钟的音频和大量令人心碎的热门歌曲、诡异的气氛和折磨人的轰鸣声,您的创作仅受您的想象力的限制。

Devils Bane Trailer 非常适合电影剪辑师、YouTuber、游戏开发人员和声音设计师,它是免版税和 RTU-OTB(开箱即用),确保无缝集成到您的项目中。你准备好释放内心的黑暗了吗?

• 533 文件

• 3.5 GB 游戏音频资产
• 全部采用 96k 24 位.wav
• 所有文件都支持游戏,母带和内存占用优化
• 非常适合电影剪辑师、YouTuber、游戏开发人员和声音设计师
• 包括整个库的多种格式:96kHz/24bit 。WAV,
• 包括嵌入式 Soundminer 元数据
• 符合UCS标准
• 包括超过 58 分钟的音频
• 19 大气
• 21 个弯管
• 48 个吊杆
• 16 个布拉姆
• 64 部电影命中
• 40 拟音
• 17 摩擦
• 80 次点击
• 21 揭秘
• 46 个立管
• 14 声尖叫
• 104 受折磨
• 14 武器冲击
• 4 耳语
• 25 嗖嗖声
• RTU-OTB(开箱即用)

Introducing Devils Bane Trailer, a chilling symphony of horror encapsulated in 533 meticulously crafted sound files, ready to unleash terror upon your audience. Dive into a nightmare realm where every creak, whisper, and shriek is meticulously designed to send shivers down your spine.

Contained within this sinister collection are 3.5 GB of movie trailer & game audio assets, all presented in spine-tingling 96k 24bit .wav format. From bone-chilling atmospheres to blood-curdling screams, every element is masterfully crafted to immerse your audience in a world of dread and despair. Inside you’ll get to access jump scares, tension transitions, reveals, horror friction, cinematic hits, benders, dark synth braams, screams, rising whooshes, ghastly impacts, eerie tension drones, a vibrance of textures and aesthetics, all layered to perfection. Create compelling dark & ominous motion graphics, cinematic cutscenes, FX, trailers and epic audio dynamics.

Designed with ease of use in mind, Devils Bane Trailer includes multiple formats of the entire library: 96kHz/24bit .WAV, 44.1k 16 Bit .WAV, and Mp3. With embedded Soundminer metadata and UCS compliance, navigating through the depths of terror has never been easier. Devils Bane Trailer is a culmination of months dedicated to recording, refining, and perfecting sound design, we’re thrilled to unveil a time-saving solution crafted just for you

Whether you’re crafting spine-chilling trailers, bone-rattling game soundscapes, or haunting cinematic experiences, Devils Bane Trailer is your ultimate toolkit for invoking fear. With over 58 minutes of audio and a vast array of bone-crushing hits, eerie atmospheres, and tortured booms, your creations are limited only by your imagination.

Perfect for film editors, YouTubers, game developers, and sound designers alike, Devils Bane Trailer is royalty-free and RTU-OTB (Ready to be used out of the box), ensuring seamless integration into your projects. Are you prepared to unleash the darkness within?

Product Details:

• 533 Files
• 3.5 GB of game audio assets
• All in 96k 24bit .wav
• All files are game ready, mastered and memory footprint optimized
• Perfect for film editors, youtuber’s, game devs & sound designers
• Includes multiple formats of the entire library: 96kHz/24bit .WAV,
• Includes embedded Soundminer metadata
• UCS Compliant
• Includes over 58 minutes of audio
• 19 Atmospheres
• 21 Benders
• 48 Booms
• 16 Braams
• 64 Cinematic Hits
• 40 Foley
• 17 Friction
• 80 Hits
• 21 Reveals
• 46 Risers
• 14 Screams
• 104 Tortured
• 14 Weapon Impacts
• 4 Whispers
• 25 Whooshes
• All sound effects are youtube friendly & royalty free
• RTU-OTB (Ready to be used out of the box)


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