Team R2R | 2024.04.03 | 43.6 MB/236.4 MB
Hyperion 是一款功能强大的 VST3/AU 插件和独立合成器,适用于 Windows 和 Mac,具有多种合成类型、完全灵活的补丁,以及多达 16 层的 MPE 多声道音效,并带有单独的键和速度区、音高弯曲范围、调音、琶音器和单独的每层效果。
模块化音频节点包括经典振荡器(带波形塑造功能)、带立体声扩展功能的单音解调、波序振荡器、4 个操作符调频、波序调频、拨弦模型、长笛模型、采样回放和声音字体(多采样)。
Hyperion 具有多种滤波器、失真和总线效果,以及用于生成补丁设计的逻辑和数学节点。
辅助效果总线可以在层与层之间发送音频,控制数据和 MIDI 音符也可以从一层发送到另一层,从而实现深度调制。
声音处理元件的数量仅受可用 CPU 能力的限制。
Wavesequencer Hyperion v1.50 Incl Keygen (WiN and macOS)-R2R | 2024.04.03 | 43.6 MB/236.4 MB
Hyperion is a powerful VST3/AU plugin and standalone synthesizer for Windows and Mac which features multiple synthesis types, totally flexible patching, and up to 16 layers of MPE capable polyphonic sounds with individual key and velocity zones, pitch bend ranges, tuning, arpeggiator and individual per-layer effects.
Modular audio nodes cover classic oscillators with wave-shaping and unison detunes with stereo spreading, wave-sequencing oscillators, 4 operator FM, wave-sequenced FM, a plucked string model, a flute model, sample playback, and sound-fonts (multi-samples).
Hyperion features multiple kinds of filters, distortions and bus effects as well as logic & math nodes for generative patch design.
Patches can have an unlimited number of nodes, and node control inputs can have multiple modulation sources allowing extremely complex modulations.
Auxiliary effect buses allow to send audio between layers, and control data and MIDI notes can also be sent from one layer to another allowing for deep modulation.
The number of sound processing elements is limited only by the available CPU power.