Apple Logic Pro for iPad v2.0.1 [iOS](560Mb)

Apple Logic Pro for iPad v2.0.1 iOS| 11 June 2024 | 560 MB

Logic Pro for iPad 是一款专业的音乐创作应用程序,让您轻松体验录音室的强大功能。利用一整套先进的创作工具,您可以创作歌曲、制作节拍、编辑和混音,所有功能都通过专为 iPad 设计的界面实现。使用 Multi-Touch 只需轻点手指即可演奏强大的软件乐器,并通过直观的控件自然交互。创意插件(如 Beat Breaker 和 Sample Alchemy 插件)让您可以轻松制作节拍并探索新的声音领域。然后访问功能齐全的混音器和 Mastering Assistant,它们为您提供在 iPad 上完全创作专业混音所需的一切。

针对 iPad 优化的创意界面
• 弹奏强大的软件乐器并使用多点触控进行富有表现力的交互
• 通过捏合缩放和滑动滚动浏览大型复杂项目
• 使用插件磁贴快速塑造和调整声音
• 使用直观的多点触控编辑器微调 MIDI 和音频
• 通过集成的引导式课程发现强大的功能并加强您的技能
• 往返功能可让您在 Mac 版 Logic Pro 或 iPad 版 Logic Pro 之间来回打开项目*
• 使用 Apple Pencil 创建精确的编辑和详细的轨道自动化
• 使用分屏视图将语音备忘录中的录音直接拖放到您的项目中
• 从文件应用中一次拖放多个文件以快速构建鼓组或将词干添加到项目中

• 从一个位置快速访问所有 Logic Pro 声音
• 使用预测过滤系统轻松发现鼓舞人心的声音
• 使用声音库访问不断扩大的免费声音包集合

• 使用大量强大的软件乐器创作音乐
• 使用高品质效果(如复古均衡器和压缩器、高端混响和创意多重效果
• 使用 Amp Designer 和 Bass Amp Designer 构建您自己的吉他或贝斯装备
• 使用第三方音频单元**扩展您的乐器和效果库

• 使用 Beat Breaker(一种复杂的时间和音高变形乐器)彻底重塑和重新排列音频
• 使用 Sample Alchemy 将音频转换为全新的可塑声音
• 使用 Quick Sampler 将任何样本切碎或循环成可演奏的乐器
• 使用 Drum Machine Designer 使用样本和插件构建和演奏自定义鼓组
• 使用 Step Sequencer 创建鼓点、低音线和旋律部分,并随着时间的推移重塑声音
• 使用实时循环捕捉灵感,并通过混合和匹配循环、样本和您的录音快速构建编曲
• 通过连接音频接口或 MIDI 设备录制外部乐器或麦克风***

Session Players
• 使用 Session Players 组建您的乐队,五位专业虚拟音乐家旨在根据您的指示创造细致入微的表演
• 选择您的风格,让 Bass Player 演奏出完美的节奏
• 使用 Keyboard Player 添加各种伴奏风格
• 使用 Drummer 创建真实的打击乐部分和原声或电子鼓轨道
• 使用带有音量推子、声像控制、插件、发送和精确自动化的通道条塑造混音
• 通过同时移动多个推子使用 Multi-Touch 自然混音
• 使用仪表桥浏览所有轨道级别的概览 – 即使有数百条轨道
• 使用 Mastering Assistant 提供可立即发布的混音

• 使用超过 6,300 个鼓、人声、音效等样本构建套件和采样乐器
• 超过 4,800 个乐器和效果补丁
• 超过9,000 个循环,风格多样

兼容性: iPad
需要 iPadOS 17.4 或更高版本以及具有 A12 Bionic 芯片或更高版本的设备。

版本历史:v2.0.1 2024 年 6 月 6 日

Logic Pro for iPad is a professional music creation app that puts the power of the studio right at your fingertips. Tap into a complete collection of sophisticated creative tools for songwriting, beat making, editing, and mixing — all with an interface that’s been designed from the ground up for iPad. Use Multi-Touch to play powerful software instruments with the tap of a finger and interact naturally with intuitive controls. Creative plug-ins like Beat Breaker and Sample Alchemy plug-ins make it easy to cook up beats and explore new sonic territories. Then access a full featured mixer and Mastering Assistant to give you everything you need to create a professional-sounding mix entirely on iPad.

Creative Interface Optimized for iPad
• Play powerful software instruments and interact expressively using Multi-Touch
• Navigate large complex projects with pinch-to-zoom and swipe-to-scroll
• Quickly shape and tweak your sound using Plug-in Tiles
• Fine-tune MIDI and audio using intuitive Multi-Touch editors
• Discover powerful features and strengthen your skills with integrated guided Lessons
• Roundtrip capabilities let you open projects back-and-forth between Logic Pro for Mac or Logic Pro for iPad*
• Create precision edits and detailed track automation with Apple Pencil
• Use Split View to drag and drop recordings from Voice Memos directly to your project
• Drag and drop multiple files at once from the Files app to quickly build drum kits or add stems to a project

Sound Browser
• Quickly access all Logic Pro sounds from a single location
• Easily discover inspiring sounds with a predictive filtering system
• Use the Sound Library to access an expanding collection of free sound packs

Professional Instrument and Effects Plug-ins
• Create music with a massive collection of powerful software instruments
• Shape your sound using high quality effects like vintage EQs and compressors, high-end reverbs, and creative multi-effects
• Build your own guitar or bass rig with Amp Designer and Bass Amp Designer
• Expand your instrument and effects library with third-party Audio Units**

Beat Production
• Radically reshape and reshuffle audio with Beat Breaker, a sophisticated time and pitch morphing instrument
• Use Sample Alchemy to transform audio into entirely new malleable sounds
• Chop or loop any sample into a playable instrument using Quick Sampler
• Build and play custom drum kits using samples and plug-ins with Drum Machine Designer
• Create drum beats, bass lines, and melodic parts, and reshape sounds over time using Step Sequencer
• Use Live Loops to capture inspiration and quickly build arrangements by mixing and matching loops, samples, and your recordings
• Record external instruments or microphones by connecting an audio interface or MIDI device***

Session Players
• Build your band with Session Players, five professional virtual musicians designed to create nuanced performances, responsive to your direction
• Choose your style and let Bass Player lay down the perfect groove
• Add a wide range of accompaniment styles with Keyboard Player
• Create authentic percussion parts and acoustic or electronic drum tracks with Drummer
• Shape a mix using channel strips with volume faders, pan controls, plug-ins, sends, and precision automation
• Mix naturally with Multi-Touch by moving multiple faders at once
• Use the meter bridge to navigate an overview of all track levels — even with hundreds of tracks
• Deliver a release-ready mix using Mastering Assistant

Massive Library of Sounds
• Build kits and sampler instruments with over 6,300 samples of drums, vocals, sound effects, and more
• Over 4,800 instrument and effects patches
• More than 9,000 loops in a wide range of styles

Compatibility: iPad
Requires iPadOS 17.4 or later and a device with the A12 Bionic chip or later.

Version History: v2.0.1 Jun 6, 2024
This update includes stability improvements and bug fixes

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