[AI音频修复插件] Techivation T-DeEsser Pro v1.1.8 [WiN](3.52Mb)

Techivation T-DeEsser Pro v. 1.1.8 [MOCHA]| VST2 / VST3| 3.52 MB


T-De-Esser Pro 不仅是修复音频的工具;它也是一种创造性的工具,可以提高音质并赋予您的音乐独特的个性。它是免费的 T-De-Esser 和 T-De-Esser Plus 的增强版本,其中包括帮助您使声音不仅好而且完美的工具!


T-De-Esser Pro 具有专业声音所需的所有先进的行业标准功能。它使用尖端技术来帮助您显着改善音质。

少即是多,因此为了避免陷入进行无限、微小调整的陷阱,我们确保仅在 GUI 上为您提供基本选项。可用的选项组合在一起,只需进行一些调整即可快速为您提供悦耳的声音。


  •  为您的声音创建和添加独特的角色
  •  让您的声轨听起来明亮而没有任何刺耳感
  •  将你的背景人声粘在一个混音中
  •  通过控制音轨的顶端在混音中创造更多深度
  •  通过平滑高频声音,为音频母带制作过程准备更平衡的混音
  •  在录音或乐器跟踪中控制响亮的咝咝声辅音,即“s”、“z”、“ch”、“j”、柔和的“c”和“sh”
  •  让您的混响在您的混音环境中更好地融合
  •  在不牺牲整体冲击力的情况下预热您的鼓轨
  •  清晰的浑浊、隆隆和邻近效应


▬ 侧链频率模式:侧链频率模式包括四个特定的侧链频段来检测刺耳的声音。
▬ CPU 优化:针对 Windows 和 macOS 上的低 CPU 使用率进行了很好的优化。
▬ 过采样:T-De-Esser Pro 中的过采样通过以比主机更高的采样率执行内部处理来帮助您减少混叠,高达 16 倍。(换句话说,它将提高您的音频质量。)
▬ GUI Scale:根据您的喜好将 GUI 从 80% 放大/缩小到 150%。
▬ 撤消/重做:撤消和重做选项内置在插件内部,您不再需要担心丢失设置值。
▬ Mid/side 模式:T-De-Esser Pro 的 Mid/side 选项可让您单独处理立体声轨道的中心和侧面信号。
▬ Stereo Link:此选项平衡左右或中侧通道之间的处理深度,由立体声模式切换决定。
▬ A/B 切换:快速轻松地比较不同的选项,看看哪个效果最好。
▬ 试听:此功能可让您快速收听 De-Esser 滤波器的频率范围,或者只是 De-Esser 对您的信号的影响。
▬ Lookahead:Lookahead 功能允许去咝声器在处理之前“看到”输入信号,使其能够更好地处理瞬态信息,使攻击更顺畅。
▬ 混合:“混合”选项调节两个输入和输出信号的混合,使其成为并行处理的理想选择。
▬ 起音/释放控制:起音设置控制去咝声器需要多长时间,而释放设置控制松手需要多长时间。
▬ 自定义频率范围:此功能允许您在高频中选择自定义频率范围以获得更准确的结果。
▬ 饱和度:T-De-Esser Pro 中的饱和度功能为声音增添了独特的色彩和质感,在某些情况下帮助去咝声器发出更平滑的声音。
▬ 饱和度过滤器:此选项允许您仅将饱和度添加到特定选定的高频范围。
▬ Hi-cut:它是一种非常温和的滤波器,可以淡化一些刺耳的频率,与去咝声器一起使用时会产生更悦耳的声音。

快速、强大的 T-De-Esser Pro 延续了 T-De-Esser 最小且易于使用的界面,但它的功能要强大得多。De-Essers 通常是作为音频修复工具构建的,但这只是 T-De-Esser Pro 为您提供的几个选项之一。

更独特无论您是想让您的军鼓听起来更独特且具有特殊特性,还是您的吉他在混音中具有更多深度,或者后人声听起来更大等等,T-De-Esser Pro 都能为您提供支持。

每次混音的主要目的不仅仅是修复和打磨声音,而是创造一种艺术、音乐和独特的声音来连接听众的感受。在 T-De-Esser Pro 中,您可以修复和修复刺耳的声音,同时创造出独特的感觉。

更精确 为什么不在您关注的频率范围内添加一些特殊字符以消除咝声?或者在较小的扬声器上让踢球的声音更清晰?你说对了。
在 De-Esser 中找到“Attack”和“Release”控件并不常见,但您拥有 T-De-Esser Pro。为什么?试着看看这些控件在混合中的必要性。它为您提供更多发挥创意的空间。想像你想消除你的踩镲并且你想让它们听起来有冲击力,同时受控。然后,以较慢的攻击和较慢的释放,并调整以找到完美的位置。

更多功能 T-De-Esser Pro 的多功能性可以帮助您避免在 DAW 通道上使用过多的插件。例如,当您需要将高切滤波器应用到轨道时,您不需要在链中插入 EQ,因为您可以使用 T-De-Esser Pro 中的内置滤波器以及加温用饱和度和一些削波来提升你的音频。这将为您节省大量的 CPU 资源和时间。

更动感 虽然 T-De-Esser Pro 并非设计为音频母带处理工具,但它可以帮助您在母带处理后的混音听起来更响亮、更清晰。它可以帮助您在不牺牲整体冲击力的情况下预热混音中的刺耳瞬态,并使声音保持良好平衡。流畅而干净的混音让您的母带工程师可以更好地控制响度或冲击力等内容。

实际操作 转动处理旋钮开始平滑操作,您可以使用“强度”和“锐度”旋钮根据自己的喜好设置想要的强度。T-De-Esser Pro 的自定义频率功能允许您将频率范围设置为 1kHz 至 20kHz。您对混音细节的关注越多,它就越能脱颖而出,这正是我们创建自定义频率范围部分的原因。

T-De-Esser Pro 中神奇的 Lookahead 按钮使其运行顺畅如黄油,因此您可以通过更快的“Attack”设置更精确,同时保持音频干净且不失真。在 T-De-Esser Pro 中使用强大的过采样(高达 16 倍),并避免因繁重处理而产生的锯齿伪影。


T-De-Esser Pro isn’t only a tool for fixing audio; it’s also a creative tool for improving sound quality and giving your music a distinctive personality. It’s an enhanced version of the free T-De-Esser, and T-De-Esser Plus, which includes tools to assist you in making your sound not just good but perfect!

Designed for professionals

The T-De-Esser Pro has all the advanced industry-standard features you need for a professional sound. It uses cutting-edge technology to help you make significant sound quality improvements.

Less is more, so to avoid getting caught in the trap of making infinite, minuscule tweaks, we made sure only to have the essential options available for you on the GUI. The options available are put together in a way to quickly give you a pleasant sound with just a few tweaks.

Common usage:
▬ Create and add a unique character for your sounds
▬ Make your vocal tracks sound bright without any harshness
▬ Glue your backing vocals together in a mix
▬ Create more depth in your mix by controlling the top end of your tracks
▬ Prepare a more balanced mix for the audio mastering process by smoothing the high frequency sounds
▬ Control loud sibilant consonants, i.e., “s”, “z”, “ch”, “j”, soft “c”, and “sh”, in voice recordings or instrument tracking
▬ Make your reverbs blend in more nicely in the context of your mix
▬ Warm up your drum tracks without sacrificing the overall punch
▬ Clear muddiness, boominess, and proximity effects


▬ Side Chain Frequency Modes: Side Chain Frequency Modes include four specific side-chained frequency bands to detect harsh sounds.
▬ CPU Optimized: Well optimized for low CPU usage on both Windows and macOS.
▬ Oversampling: Oversampling in T-De-Esser Pro helps you decrease aliasing by executing the internal process at a higher sample rate than the host, up to 16 times higher. (In other words, it will improve the quality of your audio.)
▬ GUI Scale: Scale up/down the GUI from 80% to 150% according to your preferences.
▬ Undo/Redo: Undo and redo options are built inside the plugin, you no longer need to worry about losing setting values.
▬ Mid/side Mode: T-De-Esser Pro’s Mid/side option lets you process a stereo track’s center and side signals individually.
▬ Stereo Link: This option balances the depth of processing between the left and right or mid and side channels, as determined by the stereo Mode toggle.
▬ A/B Switch: Compare different options fast and easily to see which might work best.
▬ Audition: This feature allows you to quickly listen to the De-Esser filter’s frequency range or just the effect of the De-Esser on your signal.
▬ Lookahead: The Lookahead function allows the de-esser to “see” the input signal before it is processed, allowing it to handle transitory information better and make the attack smoother.
▬ Mix: The “Mix” option regulates the mix of the two input and output signals, making it ideal for parallel processing.
▬ Attack/Release Control: The attack setting controls how long it takes for the de-esser to engage, while the release setting controls how long it takes to let go.
▬ Custom Frequency Range: This feature allows you to choose your custom frequency range in high frequencies for a more accurate result.
▬ Saturation: The saturation feature in T-De-Esser Pro adds a unique color and texture to the sound, helping the de-esser in some cases to make a smoother sound.
▬ Saturation Filter: This option allows you to add saturation only to the specific selected high-frequency range.
▬ Hi-cut: It’s a very gentle filter that may fade away some of the harsh frequencies, resulting in a more pleasing sound when used in conjunction with the de-esser.

Fast, and powerful T-De-Esser Pro follows up with the minimal and easy-to-use interface of T-De-Esser, yet it is much more powerful. De-Essers are usually built as audio repairing tools, but that is just one of the several options that T-De-Esser Pro gives you.

More Unique Whether you want your snare drum to sound more unique with a special character, or your guitars to have more depth in the mix, or the back vocals to sound bigger, etc. T-De-Esser Pro has got your back.

The main purpose of every mix is not just to have the sounds repaired and polished, but to create an artistic, musical, and unique sound to connect with the listener’s feeling. In T-De-Esser Pro you repair and fix the harsh sounds while creating a unique feel out of them.

More Precise Why not add some special character to the frequency range that you’re focusing on for de-essing? Or making that kick sound more audible on smaller speakers? You got it.
It is not usual to find “Attack” and “Release” controls in a De-Esser, but you have it T-De-Esser Pro. Why? Just try and see how necessary these controls can be in a mix. It gives you more room for being more creative. Imaging you want to de-ess your hi-hats and you want them to sound punchy, while controlled. Then, go with a slower attack and a slower release, and adjust to find that perfect spot.

More Versatile The versatility of T-De-Esser Pro can help you avoid using too many plugins on your DAW channels. As an example, you don’t need to insert an EQ in the chain when you need a hi-cut filter applied to a track, as you can use the built-in one in T-De-Esser Pro, as well as warming up your audio with saturation and a bit of clipping. This will save you a lot of CPU power and time.

More Dynamic Although T-De-Esser Pro isn’t designed as an audio mastering tool, it helps your mixes sound louder and cleaner after the mastering process. It can help you get the harsh transients in your mix warmed up without sacrificing the overall punch and keep your sounds in good balance. A smooth and clean mix gives your mastering engineer more control over things like loudness, or punchiness.

In Action Turning the processing knob starts the smoothing operation, and you can set how intense you want to go according to your taste using the “Intensity” and “Sharpness” knobs. T-De-Esser Pro’s custom-frequency feature allows you to set your frequency range from 1kHz to 20kHz. The more attention you pay to the details in a mix, the more it will stand out from others, and that’s exactly why we created the custom frequency range section.

The magical Lookahead button in the T-De-Esser Pro makes it operate smooth as butter, so you can be more precise with a faster “Attack” setting while keeping the audio clean with no distortion. Use the powerful oversampling (up to 16X) in T-De-Esser Pro and avoid aliasing artifacts from heavy processing.

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