[游戏角色巫师语音库采样]Epic Stock Media AAA Game Character Adult Wizard [WAV](179.22Mb)

Epic Stock Media AAA Game Character Adult Wizard WAV| 29 March 2024 | 179.22 MB

AAA Game Character Adult Wizard 配音音效库为您提供了超过 320 个身临其境的游戏配音音效文件、发声、打斗和疼痛音效、自定义角色特定对话台词、非玩家角色对话台词,以及创建引人入胜的电影场景、角色和出色的游戏音频体验所需的一切。

我们的 AAA 级游戏角色成人魔法师配音库为您的下一款游戏音频制作提供了一个黑暗的魔法使者,该配音库收集了专为写实到奇幻的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏和预告片设计的人类配音声音文件,既狡猾又自信。该配音音色库中的法师、男性反面角色游戏角色的灵感来自魔法、术士、巫师、巫师、网络游戏、冒险等。

成人巫师的声线阴沉、平静,音调深沉。它非常适合游戏中的 NPC、BOSS、反面角色、坏人、舰队指挥官以及其他任何需要设计出敌人游戏角色美感的角色。如果您想用声音效果对其进行进一步处理,我们的声音可以以纯净的音频格式提供,并可原样用于您的游戏。它是任何戏剧性游戏或电影制作的重要资产,因为它的画外音声音文件提供了从普通语言到特定游戏短语的各种发声方式。

符合 UCS 标准

所有音效标签都符合 UCS 标准,并按类别进行了组织,使用户能非常轻松地找到正确的音效。包含 323 个配音音频文件和 100 句自定义对话,如 “Your Soul Is Mine, Look Deep Within The Flam, All Shall Go In Your Favor”。这个音效包有大量选项,能让你的游戏角色栩栩如生。

AAA Game Character Adult Wizard 的配音音效包不仅包含高质量的录音,还包括经过深思熟虑、连贯的脚本对话和发声,可帮助您构建动态的西部故事、游戏预告片、游戏中的角色、戏剧性时刻等。


– 323 个男性配音音频文件
– 542 MB 的语音样本
– 全部为 24bit/96k .wav 文件格式
– 9 分钟以上的游戏准备和优化音频
– 包含 Soundminer 元数据
– 符合通用分类系统 (UCS)
– AAA 级游戏角色配音音效库
– 完美适用于主角、NPC、老板、克星、巫师
– 24 种呼吸
– 19 种吟唱/咒语
– 100 句自定义对话
– 30 种战斗音效
– 21 笑声
– 25 痛苦声
– 104 句现有 NPC 对话
– 可与任何 DAW 或游戏引擎配合使用
– 所有音效均免版税,支持 YouTube
– RTU-OTB(开箱即可使用)

AAA Game Character Adult Wizard voiceover sound library provides you with more than 320+ immersive, game-ready voice-over sound files, vocalizations, fighting and pain sounds, custom character specific dialogue lines, stock non-player character dialogue lines, and everything needed to create compelling cinematic scenes, character, and outstanding gameplay audio experiences.

Call upon a dark enchanter of magic in your next game audio production with our AAA Game Character Adult Wizard voice library featuring a devious and confident collection of designed human voice over sound files created for realistic to fantasy MMORPG games & trailers. This voice-over sound library features a mage, male antagonist game character inspired by magic, warlocks, sorcerers, shamans, MMO, adventure & more.

The vocal profile of the Adult Wizard is dark, calm and has a deep tone. It is ideal for in-game NPCs, boss, antagonist, bad guy, fleet commander, and any other characters that call for a designed enemy game character aesthetic. If you want to further process it with vocal effects, our voice is available in clean audio format and is prepared for your game as is. It is a great asset to any dramatic game or movie production because of its voice-over sound files, which offer a wide range of vocalizations from common language to particular in-game phrases.

UCS Compliant

All sound effects labeling is UCS compliant and is organized into categories to make it super easy to navigate to the right sounds. With 323 voice over audio files and 100 custom dialogue lines such as “Your Soul Is Mine, Look Deep Within The Flam, All Shall Go In Your Favor”. This pack has plenty of options to help your game characters come to life.

AAA Game Character Adult Wizard’s voice over sound effects is not only packed with high-quality voice recordings but includes thought out, cohesive scripted dialogue and vocalizations to help you build dynamic western stories, game trailers, in-game characters, dramatic moments and so much more.

Product Details:

• 323 Male voice-over audio files
• 542 MB of voice samples
• All in 24bit/96k .wav file format
• 9+ Minutes of game ready & optimized audio
• Includes Soundminer Metadata
• Universal Category System (UCS) compliant
• AAA Game Character Voice-Over Sound Effects Library
• Perfect for protagonist, NPC, boss, nemesis, wizard
• 24 Breathing
• 19 Chants / Spells
• 100 Custom dialogue lines
• 30 Fighting sounds
• 21 Laughing sounds
• 25 Pain sounds
• 104 Stock NPC dialogue lines
• Works with any DAW or Game Engine
• All Royalty Free & YouTube friendly
• RTU-OTB (ready to use out of the box)

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