[独唱女声合集]Soundiron Voices of Wind Collection [KONTAKT](12.33GB)

Soundiron Voices of Wind Collection KONTAKT- 12,33GB

Voices of Wind Collection是我们Wind之声系列中所有独立模块化女性独唱人声库的集大成之作。这个合集中共有六位才华横溢的女歌手,每位歌手都有着自己独特的创作风格。它包含了一整套每个歌手的必备音阶和旋律演奏技法,声音优美,易于在任何音乐或视频制作项目中使用。除了我们之前发布的Adey、Audrey、Connie和Kimba等人声库,Voices of Wind Collection还引入了两位全新女歌手:Juliana和Phoebe。这两位新歌手同样包含了全套的音阶持续音、断奏和连奏,以及大量的短语和定制FX预设。此外,合集还提供了合奏持续音、连奏、断奏,以及20个全新设计的氛围音效预设,以大师级Ambience预设形式呈现。


这套Kontakt库采用了真实连奏,以及一套带有8x循环交替的断奏音节,覆盖了两个可演奏的八度范围。它包含了大量按100bpm和140bpm节奏划分的明亮和暗黑类别的现场短语,以及特别的120bpm哼唱类别。短语按基础节奏和情绪直观地组织起来。然而,节奏同步、时间拉伸和音高转调控制为你提供了完全的定制自由。你还可以通过我们的短语连奏、步进序列器、速度控制和实时波形编辑等功能,对短语进行塑造、混合和排序。库中包含120个定制设计的FX和氛围预设,以扩展你的创意调色板。我们还加入了全面的FX Rack,包括压缩、延时、滤镜、均衡、放大器/音箱模拟和卷积混响,后者包含了数十个房间、教堂和其他世界的FX,以开启无限的可能性。

我们在干燥的工作室环境中录制了Voices of Wind,使用了高动态范围、大振膜的Neumann录音棚麦克风和Sound Devices前置放大器,以获得最大细节、清晰度、保真度和干净的动态范围。这个库与NKS兼容,因此你可以无缝地在Kontakt 6 Player和Komplete Kontrol中使用。

– 自然真实的Ah、Eh、Ee、Mm、Oh和Oo连奏
– Ah、Eh、Ee、Oh、Oo的钢琴和强音动态层,Mm和La具有单一动态层。每个音符带有8种循环交替的断奏
– 100bpm和140bpm节奏,适用于明亮和暗黑短语类别
– 特别的120bpm哼唱短语类别
– 多个调性下的数千个旋律短语,包含音高转调、即时模式序列、连奏混合、节奏同步/时间拉伸、塑形等功能
– 按风格、原生节奏和基准音组织的易于导航的旋律短语
– 流畅的序列器允许每步设定短语的开始和结束标记
– 增加真实感的演唱呼吸声
– 膨胀控制允许实时动态表演塑形
– 全面的Multi-FX面板,包括合唱、压缩、失真、放大器和音箱模拟、均衡、延时和混响
– 我们的混响机架单元包含25个独特的创意FX卷积和45个优秀的现场房间、录音棚、厅堂、教堂、大厅和其他现实世界环境,具有灵活的音调、大小和混合控制
– 完全可自动化的,带有可自定义的按键开关和GUI控制
– 每个预设中都有方便的实时波形显示
– 来自6位女性歌手的元音持续音、断奏、人声FX和真实连奏
– 按情绪和基准音排序的现场短语,搭配强大的短语序列器
– 176个强大的Kontakt 6 Player格式NKI乐器银行
– 4个主合奏预设,具有单独的歌手控制和X/Y Pad Mixer
– 24位,48 kHz立体声无损NCW格式
– 安装后大小:12.3GB
– 20,235个锁定的.ncw格式立体声样本
– 适用于免费的Kontakt Player(版本6+)、Komplete Kontrol、所有S系列键盘以及Native Instruments的NKS软件和硬件
– 支持Kontakt“Libraries”浏览器和Native Access
这套库需要NI Kontakt Player或Kontakt FULL v6.2.2或更高版本!

Voices of Wind Collection is the culmination of all our individual modular female solo vocal libraries in the Voices of Wind series. This ensemble features a total of six stunning vocalists, each with a distinct creative style of their own. It comes complete with a full package of vital chromatic and melodic articulations for each singer that sound great and are easy and convenient to use in any music or video production project that comes your way. In addition to our previously released libraries, Adey, Audrey, Connie, and Kimba, Voices of Wind Collection features two brand new vocalists: Juliana and Phoebe. Both new vocalists include the same gamut of chromatic sustains, staccatos, and legato as well as a vast plethora of phrases and Custom FX presets. The collection also comes with Ensemble Sustains, Legato, Staccato, and 20 brand new sound-designed ambiences in a master Ambience preset.

This 12.3 GB library includes over 20,000 samples, featuring sustain, staccato (8x round-robin) and true legato chromatic articulations for 6 core vowels: Ah, Eh, Ee, Mm, Oh and Oo. It also includes over 7,000 live dynamic, melodic phrases organized by mood, key and tempo. This huge collection of live phrases is divided into 100bpm and 140bpm tempos with Bright and Dark categories, as well as a special 120bpm Hummed category. We’ve also added 20 brand new sound-designed ambiences in a master Ambience preset to expand your creative palette. It all comes together in a complete, efficient and deeply-refined toolbox of chromatic articulations and powerful melodic elements with tempo-syncing and key options, all built into a flexible, full-featured user interface.
This Kontakt library features true legato, plus an array of staccato syllables with 8x round-robin, spanning over two playable octaves. A huge collection of live phrases that are divided into 100bpm and 140bpm tempos for both bright and dark categories, as well as a special 120bpm hummed category. The phrases are intuitively organized by root tempo and mood. However, tempo-syncing, time-stretching and pitch transposition controls give you complete freedom to customize. You can also shape, blend and sequence phrases, with our phrase-legato, step sequencer, speed-control and live waveform editing. The library includes 120 sound-designed custom FX and ambient presets to expand your creative palette. We’ve also included our comprehensive FX Rack, with compression, delay, filter, EQ, amp/speaker simulation and convolution reverb, featuring dozens of rooms, cathedrals and otherworldly fx to open endless possibilities.

We recorded Voices of Wind in a dry studio environment, using a high dynamic range, large-diaphragm Neumann studio microphone and Sound Devices preamps to get maximum detail, clarity, fidelity and clean dynamic range. This library is NKS compatible so you can use it seamlessly in Kontakt 6 Player and Komplete Kontrol.

– Ah, Eh, Ee, Mm, Oh and Oo natural true legato
– Ah, Eh, Ee, Oh, Oo in both piano and forte dynamic layers and Mm & La with a single dynamic layer. Staccatos with 8 round-robin variations per note
– 100bpm and 140bpm tempos for both Bright and Dark phrase categories
– A special 120bpm Hummed phrase category
– Thousands of melodic phrases in multiple keys, with pitch transposition, instant pattern sequencing, legato blending, tempo-synching/time-stretching, shaping and more
– Easy to navigate melodic phrases, organized intuitively by style, native tempo and root key
– Fluid sequencer allows for per-step phrase start and end markers
– Vocal performance breaths for added realism
– Swell control allows real-time dynamic performance shaping
– Full Multi-FX rack panel with Chorus, Compression, Distortion, Amp and Cab simulation, EQ, Delay and Reverb
– Our Reverb rack unit includes 25 unique creative FX convolutions and 45 excellent live rooms, studios, chambers, cathedrals, halls and other real-world environments, with flexible tone, size and mix controls
– Fully automatable, with customizable key switch and GUI controls
– Convenient real-time visual wave-form display in every preset
Product Specs
– Vowel Sustains, Staccatos, Vocal SFX and True Legato from 6 female vocalists
– Live Phrases sorted by Mood and Root Note with a powerful Phrase Sequencer
– 176 powerful NKI instrument banks in Kontakt 6 Player format
– 4 Master Ensemble presets with individual singer controls and X/Y Pad Mixer
– 24-bit, 48 kHz Stereo Lossless NCW Format
– 12.3 GB Installed
– 20,235 stereo samples in locked .ncw format
– Made for the free Kontakt Player (version 6+), Komplete Kontrol, all S-Series Keyboards and NKS software and hardware by Native Instruments
– Works with the Kontakt “Libraries” browser and Native Access
This library requires NI Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v6.2.2 or later!

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