[风琴铜管弦乐复音合成器音源]Soundiron Elektronik 25 v1.1 [KONTAKT](3.28Gb)

Soundiron Elektronik 25 v1.1 KONTAKT- 3,28 GB

Soundiron的Elektronik 25捕捉到了罕见、历史性的独特Elektronika EM-25的声音。这款合成器产自苏联某地,如今已成为收藏家眼中的珍品。EM-25是一款以弦乐、风琴和铜管为主要特色的复音合成器,配备4个八度的键盘,以及用于控制包络、调制和滤波器的各种旋钮。Elektronik 25提供了持续音、断奏和一系列FX音垫声音。我们以宽立体声和直接线路输入的方式录制了乐器的各种演奏技法。之后,我们从源内容中精心制作了四十多种演变的大气音垫,以增强其可用性。Elektronik 25为人们提供了一窥备受追捧的苏联时代合成器的机会,其丰富的弦乐声音能够增强任何音乐作品。


Elektronik 25在干燥工作室中录制,使用一对Neumann TLM 103大振膜麦克风和直接线路输入。我们仔细录制了它的标准预设,包括持续音和断奏样本。包含的八度、颤音和FX架为你提供了一个易于使用的界面,可以完全自定义和塑造其饱满的模拟声音,以适应各种创意风格。


– 高级性能控制,包括颤音、滑动速度、LFO、滤镜、琶音和全FX架。
– 持续音、断奏、FX音垫和声音设计样本。
– 将Glide滑块向上转动,以实现单声道连奏功能,或将其向下转至0,恢复标准复音模式。
– 八度旋钮逐渐增加较低和较高的八度倍音效果,以获得更饱满和强大的音色。
– 卷积混响,包含119种不同的大教堂、教堂、厅堂、房间和特效冲击。
– 完整的多效果架,包括均衡器、滤镜、相位器、镶边器、延迟、失真、放大器和扬声器模拟等更多功能。

– 3款强大的开放式Kontakt .nki乐器
– 从源内容创建的43个氛围补丁
– 合成器持续音、断奏和FX音垫
– 20个定制的声音设计FX和氛围预设
– 安装后大小:3.6GB
– 2,036个立体声样本
– 24位 / 48kHz立体声未压缩PCM wav音频
– 解锁的wav样本可以直接导入几乎任何wav兼容插件或DAW中

该库专为Native Instruments Kontakt 5.5.2或更高版本的完整零售版设计!

Soundiron’s Elektronik 25 captures the rare, historic sounds of the unique Elektronika EM-25. This synthesizer was manufactured somewhere in the Soviet Union and has since become a bit of a collector’s item. The EM-25 is a polyphonic synthesizer with a strong focus on strings, organ and brass. It has a 4-octave keyboard, as well has a variety of knobs to control the envelope, modulation and filter. Elektronik 25 features sustains, staccatos and a collection of FX pad sounds. We recorded the instrument articulations in wide stereo and direct line in. After that, we crafted over forty evolving atmospheric pads from the source content to enhance usability. Elektronik 25 offers a rare glimpse at sought-after Soviet-era synthesizers and the rich strings sounds can enhance any composition.
We’ve packed the GUI with lots of great sound-shaping controls that give you the flexibility to warp the sound in many ways. You have control over Volume, Attack, Release, Transient Offset, Vibrato and Octave layering. The “Glide” control slider allows you to play legato and portamento leads. You’ll also find an adaptable LFO system, with selectable LFO shape, modulation target parameter, speed, intensity, tempo-syncing and fade-in time. You can also apply your choice of 13 lowpass, high-pass and FX filter, with assignable modulation con-trol options, including velocity, modwheel, expression, after-touch, key position and step-sequencer table control. You can also use our customizable arpeggiator, with a built-in velocity sequencer table and control over arp direction, note timing, swing, randomization and duration.
Elektronik 25 was recorded in a dry studio using a pair of Neumann TLM 103 large diaphragm microphones and direct line in. We carefully recorded its stock presets with sustains and staccato samples. The included octave, vibrato and FX rack give you an easy-to-use interface to completely customize and shape its fat analog sound to fit a variety of creative styles.

The library comes equipped with flexible control features, like Swell, pitch Glide, Attack, Release, Vibrato, and Octave. There’s also a complete DSP effects rack, including convolution reverb with dozens of unique spaces, such as cathedrals, churches, halls, bunkers, garages, tunnels, chambers, rooms and plenty of otherworldly FX impulses to fully explore and endless variety of strange and unexpected sonic manipulations.

– Advanced performance controls, vibrato, glide speed, LFO, Filter, Arp and full FX rack.
– Sustains, staccatos, FX pads, and sound-designed samples.
– Turn the Glide slider up for monophonic legato functionality, or turn it down to 0 for standard polyphonic mode.
– The Octave knob gradually adds a lower and higher octave doubling effect for more body and power.
– Convolution Reverb with 119 different cathedrals, churches, chambers, rooms, halls and special effect impulses.
– A full multi-effects rack, with EQ, filter, phaser, flanger, delay, distortion, amp & speaker simulation and more.
Product Specs
– 3 main powerful open-format Kontakt .nki instruments
– 43 Ambience patches created from the source content
– Synth Sustains, Staccatos, and FX Pads
– 20 Custom Sound-Designed FX and Ambient presets
– 3.6 GB Installed
– 2,036 Stereo Samples
– 24 bit / 48kHz Stereo uncompressed PCM wav audio
– Unlocked wav samples can be directly imported into almost any wav-compatible plugin or DAW
This library is designed for the FULL retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt 5.5.2 or later!


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