[3套嘻哈陷阱鼓组采样FL模板]Steven Shaeffer Ultimate Drum Stash V3+V2+V1(621Mb+)

Steven Shaeffer Ultimate Drum Stash V3

Steven Shaeffer Ultimate Drum Stash V3 WAV FLP-TECHNiA| 06 August 2024 | 187.9 MB

探索声音的未来,拥有超过200多个WAV文件的集合,旨在将你的音乐制作推向新的高峰。本套装中包含了我创作的5个FLP工程文件,让你深入了解我的创作过程。这个声音库提供了一些最为非传统和独特的声音,让你能够轻松突破创意的界限。将不规则的808鼓声和贝斯、创新的打击乐和战鼓、清新的掌声、军鼓声和边击声融入你的曲目,赋予作品独特的魅力。我精心挑选了每一个声音,确保其顶级的质量和流畅的工作流程——只需将声音拖放到你的数字音频工作站(DAW)中,即可立即开始创作。受Kanye West、Travis Scott、WondaGurl、Baby Keem等艺术家的启发,这个套装提供了打造经典鼓点模式和节奏的工具。使用这个必备的声音库提升你的音乐,创作出经得起时间考验的经典作品。


Discover the future of sound with a collection of over 200+ WAV files, designed to elevate your music production to new heights. Included in this kit are 5 FLP project files of beats I made to give an in-depth look at my process. This sound library offers some of the most unconventional and unique sounds, allowing you to break through creative boundaries effortlessly. Incorporate irregular 808s and basses, innovative percussion and toms, and refreshing claps, snares, and rimshots to give your tracks a distinct edge. I curated each sound to ensure top-notch quality and a seamless workflow—just drag and drop the sounds into your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) and start creating instantly. Inspired by the likes of Kanye West, Travis Scott, WondaGurl, Baby Keem, and more, this kit provides the tools to craft classic drum patterns and rhythms. Elevate your music with this essential sound library and create timeless productions that stand the test of time.

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[嘻哈说唱采样FL工程模板]Steven Shaeffer Ultimate Drum Stash v2

Steven Shaeffer Ultimate Drum Stash v2 WAV FLP| 12 March 2024 | 386 MB

探索未来的声音–包含 300 多种由 Steven Shaeffer 制作的 wavs,让您的制作更上一层楼;扩展您的音效库,加入最非正统、最另类的声音,让您打破任何创作界限–从不规则的 808 + 低音到扭曲音调的打击乐 + 通鼓,再到您从未听过的拍子/军鼓/边鼓,应有尽有。

每种音效均由 Steven Shaeffer 制作、策划和混音,并注重细节,以确保尽可能达到最佳质量。

[灵感来自 Kanye West、Travis Scott、Wondagurl、Baby Keem 等人的声音]

共 309 种音效 – 详情

21 个 808 – 16 个低音 – 32 个拍子 – 28 个闭合嘻哈 – 32 个踢踏 – 17 个开放嘻哈 – 44 个打击乐单击 – 16 个边击 – 26 个军鼓 – 28 个通鼓 – 2 个 Vox – 25 个额外的鼓循环 – 20 个额外的旋律循环 – 1 个来自 Steven 的独家 FLP 项目文件

explore the sound of the future – featuring 300+ wavs created by Steven Shaeffer to elevate your productions; expand your sound library with the most unorthodox and left-field sounds that’ll let you break any creative boundaries – ranging from irregular 808 + basses to distorted tonal percussion + toms to claps / snares / rimshots that you never heard before.

designed for an easy workflow; just drag and drop the sounds into your DAW – each sound was created / curated / mixed by Steven Shaeffer with a lot of attention for detail to ensure the best quality possible.

[ inspired by the sounds of kanye west, travis scott, wondagurl, baby keem, and more]

309 sounds in total – details:

21 808s – 16 basses – 32 claps – 28 closed hi-hats – 32 kicks – 17 open-hats – 44 percussion one-shots – 16 rimshots – 26 snares – 28 toms – 2 vox – 25 bonus drum loops – 20 bonus melody loops – 1 exclusive FLP project file from steven

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Steven Shaeffer Ultimate Drum Stash WAV-FANTASTiC |Samples » loops| 46 MB


Ranging from crazy 808’s to unorthodox percussion sounds, this kit has everything you need to take your drums to the next level. These sounds helped my beats sound better in every way possible. Whether it was the overall texture, the way they smack, or the bounce ideas they can spark, this drum kit is a sure way to make your beats stand out. With amazing feedback from a lot of producers in the community, I know whoever buys this kit will be glad they did.

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