[智能自动EQ]Soundtheory Gullfoss v1.10.0 READ NFO [WiN](206Mb)

Team RET | 02 Sep 2021 | 205.6MB


Gullfoss 是一款易于使用的工具,适合从业余音乐家到专业母带工程师的所有人。其简洁的用户界面提供了一组基本参数,可以调整这些参数,在几秒钟内改善混音或录音的清晰度、细节、空间感和平衡性。

Gullfoss 是一款智能均衡器,它可以监听信号并决定如何准备音频,以便您的大脑可以从中获取最多的信息。Gullfoss 的实时分析使用 Soundtheory 的计算听觉感知模型来了解哪些可听元素在争夺您的注意力。Gullfoss 可以快速准确地修复这些原本无法解决的问题,或者需要大量时间和经验才能解决。Gullfoss

甚至能够修复不同声音元素之间的平衡问题,而无需访问单个音轨。内部听觉模型允许 Gullfoss 对感知到的声音做出客观的判断。因此,使用 Gullfoss 处理的混音通常会在不同的聆听情况下更一致地转换。

Gullfoss 采用正在申请专利的新型均衡器技术,能以无与伦比的音质处理音频。均衡器每秒能够改变其频率响应超过 300 次,且不会引入可听见的伪影或降低信号质量。加上 Soundtheory 开发的高度先进的计算听觉感知模型,Gullfoss 是同类产品中第一款也是唯一一款。

macOS 10.9 或更高版本 / Windows 7 或更高版本。Intel、AMD 或兼容处理器不早于 2008 年且支持 SSE3。
图形处理器支持 OpenGL 3.2 或更高版本。
用于激活的 iLok 许可证管理器(无需加密狗)。64位插件主机,支持 AU、VST、VST3 或 AAX Native。

单声道到单声道或立体声到立体声处理。立体声处理与 M/S 通道兼容。
支持的采样率为 16 kHz 至 384 kHz。
Gullfoss 和 Gullfoss Master 的处理延迟约为 20ms,Gullfoss Live 的处理延迟约为 2ms。
每秒约 1000 次听觉感知模型更新。
每秒约 300 次均衡器更新。

* 无需安装 iLok 驱动程序。
* 它比原版启动速度更快,对内存更友好。R2R

的最新版本无法正常工作。在 v1.4 之后,Gullfoss 具有

* 它从计算机获取个人信息(MachineGUID、EnvironmentPath、
iLokLicenseNumber、iLokUserID 等)。这些信息将被加密
并复制到 Gullfoss 的内存中。
* Gullfoss 读取自身并检查是否已解压/破解。检查
过程变得复杂。它不是简单的 TRUE/FALSE 保护。

无论如何,它已经完成了。是时候删除那些实时文件访问保护了 :)

Gullfoss is an easy-to-use tool for everyone from the amateur musician to the professional mastering engineer. Its clean user interface offers a set of basic parameters that can be adjusted to improve the clarity, detail, spatiality, and balance of a mix or recording in a matter of seconds.

Take control
Gullfoss is an intelligent equalizer that listens to a signal and decides how to prepare the audio so that your brain can get the most information out of it. The realtime analysis of Gullfoss uses Soundtheory’s computational auditory perception model to understand which audible elements are competing for your attention. Gullfoss allows for quick and precise fixes that would otherwise be unsolvable or would require significant time and experience to resolve.

Gullfoss is even capable of fixing balancing issues between different sound elements without access to the individual tracks. The internal auditory model allows Gullfoss to make objective decisions about the perceived sound. As a result, mixes processed with Gullfoss will generally translate more consistently between different listening situations.

Gullfoss, enabled by new patent-pending equalizer technology, processes audio with unrivaled sound quality. The equalizer is capable of changing its frequency response more than 300 times per second and without introducing audible artifacts or degrading signal quality. Together with the highly advanced computational auditory perception model that has been developed by Soundtheory, Gullfoss is the first and only product of its kind.

Tech Specs
System Requirements
macOS 10.9 or greater / Windows 7 or greater.
Intel, AMD or compatible processor not older than 2008 and with support for SSE3.
Graphics processor with support for OpenGL 3.2 or later.
iLok License Manager for activation (dongle is not required).
64 bit plug-in host with support for AU, VST, VST3 or AAX Native.

Mono-to-mono or stereo-to-stereo processing. Stereo processing is compatible with M/S channels.
Supported sample rates from 16 kHz to 384 kHz.
Approximately 20ms of processing latency for Gullfoss and Gullfoss Master and 2ms for Gullfoss Live.
Approximately 1000 auditory perception model updates per second.
Approximately 300 equalizer updates per second.
Artifact-free processing enabled by perception-aware equalization.
Preservation of perceived loudness and dynamics.

* No iLok driver installation needed.
* It launches faster and more RAM friendly than original.

Last release from R2R does not work correctly. After v1.4, Gullfoss has
custom protections.

* It gets personal information from computer (MachineGUID, EnvironmentPath,
iLokLicenseNumber, iLokUserID etc). Those information will be encrypted
and copied to the Gullfoss on memory.
* Gullfoss reads himself and check if it is unpacked/cracked. The checking
process is made complicated. It’s not a simple TRUE/FALSE protection.

Anyway, it’s done. Time to remove those real time file access protection :)

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