Lightjams 1.x (x86/x64) | 30.9 MB
1.下载解压后,双击lightjams64.msi开始安装软件,点击browse更换软件安装目录,默认目录:C:\Program Files\LJ\Lightjams\!如图
2.安装之后,在软件右上角点击license-view license进入许可证查看界面,如图
3.将许可证查看界面左下角的Hardware ID复制到注册机对应的Hardware ID一栏。如图
4.点击generate获取注册码,注册码 jams_license.xml 将直接显示在桌面,如图
说真的,Lightjams有什么特别之处?这一切都是关于处理各种外部信号并实时生成照明。信号可以是有人打鼓和签名,或者它可以来自其他设备发送预先录制的信息通过MIDI, OSC和DMX。有了Lightjams,你可以使用实时功能创建一个完全互动的体验,或者使用列表、脚本和调度来创建一个完全自动化的表演。最后一件事,如果你对像素映射和合并视频和灯光感兴趣,Lightjams可以创造奇迹!
操作系统:Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Lightjams is a unique lighting control software making it easy to react to live events from music, midi, videos and more. Incredible interactivity and automation now possible and affordable! Perfect for live acts, art exhibits and architectural projects.
Why you need it? Create your very own interactive lighting effects. Avoid tedious sequencing. Give control to performers. How it works? Compatible with any DMX lighting fixtures and LED controllers. Run on all Windows™ computers.
Main Features
Seriously, what’s so special about Lightjams? It’s all about handling all sorts of external signals and generating the lighting in real-time. The signals can be someone playing the drums and signing, or it can come from other devices sending pre-recorded messages via MIDI, OSC and DMX. With Lightjams, you have everything you need to create a fully interactive experience using the real-time features or a fully automated show using cuelists, scripting and scheduling. And one last thing, if you’re into pixel mapping and merging video and lights, Lightjams can do wonders!
Lightjams is used by hundreds of people right now in nightly events and permanent installations. All its great features and unique abilities make it a ridiculously good deal for all lighting professionals and enthusiasts!
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OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Language : English