[萨克斯电子乐素材]Big EDM Saxophone For Electro [WAV, MiDi](752Mb)

Big EDM Saxophone For Electro WAV MiDi SERUM PRESETS 14/06/2024 | WAV MiDi SERUM PRESETS | 752 MB

用Big EDM的”Saxophone For Electro”体验夜晚平滑而迷人的音色。

萨克斯是一种多样化的乐器,具有多种个性特征。Big EDM包含了所有这些特征。从戏剧性的、悲伤的蓝调,时髦而诱人的R&B,到平滑的爵士乐。使用295种声音和预设中的任何一个来构建你自己的经典乐器和最新电子风格的迷人和催眠混合。对这种类型不熟悉?想要跟上最新的技术?或者只是寻找灵感?

那么加载包含的4个Construction Kits中的一个。Construction Kits让你亲身了解Big EDM的专业声音设计师在工作室中的工作。你将可以访问创建他们的样本伴奏音轨所使用的每一个声音和预设。现在所有工具都触手可及,解构并构建你自己的高质量混音。

我们的音频样本包和Construction Kits由经验丰富的声音设计专业人士创建。我们的目标是以最高的质量标准,为您提供最独特和创新的声音。

从Big EDM下载”Saxophone For Electro”,给你的混音增添一些灵魂,你可以听到,你的听众也会感受到。


在W. A. Production,我们坚持严格的质量标准。我们在控制台后面花费时间,亲力亲为,敞开耳朵,只接受最好的。我们的制作人在EDM领域非常熟悉,并且处于创作的前沿。我们不会随便冠名。这确保了没有昨天的陈词滥调。我们想要成为领导者,我们希望你的混音能够领先。我们始终保持领先地位,并将这些声音提供给你,以便你可以掌握你的技艺并获得你想要的结果。你期望最好的,我们也是。自信地购买我们的包,知道你将获得最新和最具创新性的声音,同时最大程度地尊重音频制作的质量。


– 80个萨克斯循环
– 4个Construction Kits(提供MIDI和预设)
– 115个鼓循环
– 21个低音射击
– 11个合成器射击
– 文件大小:1.6GB
– 295个声音 WAV/MIDI/预设

Experience the smooth sultry sounds of the night with “Saxophone For Electro” from Big EDM.

The saxophone is a diverse instrument with many personality traits. Big EDM has included them all. From dramatic, sorrowful Blues, swanky and seductive R&B, to smooth Jazz. Use any of the 295 sounds and presets to build your own alluring and hypnotic blend of classic instrumentation and the latest in electro style. New to the genre? Want to stay up to date on the latest techniques? Or just looking to be inspired?

Then load up 1 of 4 construction kits included. Construction kits give you a hands on look into the studio with the professional sound designers at Big EDM. You will have access to every sound and preset used to create their sample backing track. Now that all the tools are at your fingertips, deconstruct and build your own high quality mix.

Our audio sample packs and construction kits are created by experienced sound design professionals. Our goal is to provide you with the most unique and innovative sounds with our highest regard for quality.

Download “Saxophone For Electro” from Big EDM and give your mix some soul you can hear and that your listeners will feel.

The fine print:

Here at W. A. Production, we adhere to a strict standard of quality. We spend time behind the board with our hands-on and our ears open accepting only the best of the best. Our producers are affluent in the EDM scene and are at the forefront of creation. We won’t put our name on just anything. This ensures you that there are no regurgitated sounds of yesterday. We want to be the leader, we want your mix to lead. We stay one step ahead of the game and offer these sounds to you so that you can master your craft and get the results you want. You expect the best and so do we. Buy our packs with confidence and knowing that you’ll get the latest and most innovative sounds with the utmost respect for audio production quality.

This pack contains:

80 Saxophone Loops
4 Construction Kits (MIDI & Presets Provided)
115 Drum loops
21 Bass shots
11 Synth Shots
File Size: 1.6GB

295 Sounds WAV/MIDI/Presets


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