[喷火管弦乐音源]Spitfire Audio Albion ONE v2.0.1 [KONTAKT](60Gb+)


[全家桶]Spitfire Audio 喷火系列合集 [KONTAKT](1655GB+)


P2P | 09 August 2024 | v2.0.1 Update | 7.13 GB
P2P | 09 August 2024 | v1.8.b30 Update | 269.53 MB
P2P | 11 December 2021 | v1.7 | 51.98 GB

特别提示:注意!更新仅需要先前安装的更新 v1.8!

Albion ONE 是一个著名的、行业标准的管弦乐样本库,可提供制作电影音乐所需的一切。该作品由 109 人的管弦乐队组成,并由雷鸣般的电影打击乐部分伴奏,全部在伦敦 AIR 工作室举世闻名的林德赫斯特音乐厅录制。此外,还有获奖工程师设计的可变形循环和巨大的蒸汽合成器。

Albion ONE 包含高动态和能量,同时可跨多种流派使用。您可以从四个麦克风位置和包括我们备受推崇的连奏在内的多种发音方式中进行选择,以获得额外的控制。这款行业标准产品同样适合初学者和成熟的作曲家,是您入门和深入学习的理想之选。

为了制作出色的电影配乐工具,您需要去录制最佳电影配乐的地方。伦敦的 AIR 工作室由传奇制作人乔治·马丁爵士创立,他通常被称为“披头士第五人”。多年来,AIR 的林德赫斯特音乐厅一直是好莱坞导演的首选,无数大片配乐都在这里录制(《指环王》、《星际穿越》、《正义联盟》、《哈利波特》、《加勒比海盗》–名单还在继续)。Albion ONE 管弦乐队的配乐由获奖工程师使用世界一流的设备录制:通过 Neve Montserrat 前置放大器的无价带状和电子管麦克风、世界上最大的 88R Neve 控制台录制到原始的 2 英寸磁带上,然后使用顶级的 Prism AD 转换器以 96k 进行转换。不惜重金以与电影完全相同的方式录制此合集。Albion

最初的概念很简单 – 它必须包含电影配乐所需的一切,并且包含在一个完整的产品中。 Spitfire Audio 汇集了 109 位伦敦最优秀的演奏家,他们经常参加奥斯卡获奖电影配乐会议和全球大型音乐会表演,并录制了他们演奏的各种不同技巧:短音符、长音符、颤音、拨弦等等。每种技巧都通过一系列音符和部分(低音铜管、中音和高音、高低音木管和弦乐)捕捉,让您可以灵活地完全控制和演奏您的管弦乐作品。Albion

ONE 具有 Spitfire Audio 标志性的连奏发音,结合相邻的样本以提供极致的音乐性,以及运行,其中信号音符触发部分演奏乐句的录制。


那么鼓呢?大多数电影配乐都需要某种节奏伴奏。无论是柔和的低音到全面的超级热门歌曲,Albion ONE 都能为您提供构建配乐所需的一切,并打下坚实的基础。同样在 AIR Studios 的 Lyndhurst Hall 录制的 Spitfire Audio 汇集了伦敦一些最大的鼓。从高鼓到低太鼓和通鼓,再加上最近添加的复活节岛热门歌曲,一些是分段录制的,一些是独奏,还加入了一些大片风格的打击乐,以达到良好的效果。最后,Spitfire Audio 经验丰富的首席工程师兼 AIR Studios 常驻人员 Jake Jackson 凭借其出色的混音为配乐增添了冲击力。

所有这些样本都可以通过 Kickstart 引擎访问 – 这个界面可以让您轻松地在您选择的 DAW 中映射和演奏鼓。

除了 AIR Studios 中的单曲之外,Spitfire Audio 还从 Spitfire Audio 工作室的原始录音中捕获了数百个原始和扭曲的循环,其中包括重量级打击乐手 Paul Clarvis(《007:幽灵党》、《黑暗骑士》、《哈利波特》、《星球大战》)。Brunel Loops 是一个基于功能强大的 eDNA 引擎的模块 – 是处理音乐的完美工具。它允许对两个输入源进行扭曲、排序、影响和混合,所有这些都是同步的 – 这意味着在创建听起来完全属于您自己的循环时有无限的可能性。

在 Albion ONE 的最新更新中,包含 100 个新的 Stephenson’s Steam Band 预设,由 Spitfire Audio 创始人兼作曲家 C​​hristian Henson 和 Paul Thomson 制作。

除此之外,录制的管弦乐材料已经被发挥到了极致 – 您能想象到的一切都被做过了。它被推、拉、拉伸、挤压和压扁; Spitfire Audio 使用各种工具对其进行了处理,从无价的复古外置音源到蹩脚的吉他踏板。与 Brunel Loops 非常相似,这个库包含在完全可调整的 eDNA 引擎中,使 Stephenson 的 Steam Band 合成器成为一款与众不同的动态、无限的管弦乐合成器引擎。使用它很容易,当您想要制作连接管弦乐和电子乐之间的垫子和效果时,它将成为您首先要使用的工具。Albion

ONE 是一个样本库,旨在与 Native Instrument 的 Kontakt Player 无缝协作。它还支持 NKS – 预先映射并随时可播放,带有用于可视按键开关、分割和映射反馈以及硬件库浏览的指示灯。

在这款旗舰产品的最新版本中,为了庆祝 Spitfire Audio 成立 10 周年而进行了更新,最初的 Albion“传统”产品已经得到扩展和重新录制,以超越:

新的用户界面设计和支持 NKS 的集成
管弦乐:15 个新组合补丁,以令人兴奋的方式组合不同的技术和乐器组
打击乐:更多的复活节岛热门歌曲以及 Jake Jackson
Stephenson 创作的令人难以置信的新混音 Steam Synth:63 种新声音和 67 种预设,全部由 Spitfire Audio 联合创始人 Christian Henson
Brunel 创建 循环:78 个新录音,涵盖 8 度、16 度和 12 度节奏模式,外加 90 个新预设,其中 51 个由 Christian Henson 制作


~47233 个样本
87.4 GB 未压缩的 .WAV
55.7 GB 下载大小
111.40 GB 安装期间所需的磁盘空间

MAC 系统要求:
Mac OS X 10.10 或更高版本。最低:2.8GHz i5 最低(四核),8GB RAM。推荐:2.8GHz I7(六核),16GB RAM。 Apple Silicon/ARM 尚不受支持,但可通过 Rosetta 2 获得。安装过程中,机器必须连接到互联网。PC

Windows 7、Windows 8 或 Windows 10(最新 Service Pack,32/64 位)最低配置:Intel 2.8 GHz i5(四核)或 AMD Ryzen 5。推荐配置:Intel 2.8 GHz i7(六核)或 AMD R7 2700。安装过程中,机器必须连接到互联网。

注意!更新仅需要先前安装的更新 v1.8!
要求:Kontakt FULL 或 Kontakt Player v5.6.8 或更高版本!


以下新补丁中提供了新的超响 FFF 动态:

+ 铜管
̶ 铜管 XL – 长.nki
̶ 铜管 XL – 短 Marcato Dim.nki
̶ 铜管 XL – 短.nki

+ 角
̶ 角 XL -长.nki ̶
角 XL – 短 Marcato Dim.nki
̶ 角 XL – 短.nki

+ 弦乐低
̶ 弦乐低 XL 组合 – 8ves – 长.nki
̶ 弦乐低 XL 组合 – 8ves – 长 (无分层).nki
̶ 弦乐低 XL 组合 – 8ves – 短.nki
̶ 弦乐低 XL 组合 – 8ves – 短 (无分层).nki

+ 弦乐
̶ 弦乐 XL 组合 – 长.nki
̶ 弦乐 XL 组合 – 长 (无分层).nki
̶ 弦乐 XL 组合 – 长颤音.nki
̶ 弦乐 XL 组合 – 长颤音(无分层).nki
̶ 弦乐 XL 组合 – 短 Col Legno.nki
̶ 弦乐 XL 组合 – 短 Col Legno(无分层).nki
̶ 弦乐 XL 组合 – 短拨弦.nki
̶ 弦乐 XL 组合 – 短拨弦(无分层).nki
̶ 弦乐 XL 组合 – 短短拨弦.nki
̶ 弦乐 XL 组合 – 短短短拨弦(无分层).nki

+ 小号
̶ 小号 XL – 长.nki
̶ 小号 XL – 短 Marcato Dim.nki
̶ 小号 XL – 短.nki

– 高弦乐(八度)CS 不再复制弦乐连奏(八度)
– 弦乐 Col Legno/弦乐短 Col Legno:单击A4 和 A#4 RR1 已移除
– 弦乐低 8ves Longs 与弦乐低 8ves Legato 之间的音量差异已解决
– 弦乐高 – Runs Min. Desc. 1 Oct / Maj. Desc. 1 Oct 现在可演奏正确的音符
– 弦乐 – 低八度:Shorts 中的时间问题已解决。
– 添加了缺失的 NKS 艺术品


修复:eDNA 补丁 – 库 B 的 VU 表位于 B 上方
修复:Fat Pluck MW – Ocean – 音符丢失
修复:单个部分缺少 Brass Low (8ves) 和 Brass High (8ves)
修复:XXL 打击乐(立体声)预览有声音
修复:CHX brunel 预设 Modwheel 映射导致音量问题
修复:Albion ONE 弦乐运行未完全加载到内存中
修复:Albion ONE – 没有 Brass High Legato 或 Brass Low Legato 补丁
修复:CHX Brunel 和 Stephenson 预设仅映射到 Tape Sat
修复:所有组合 – Wd/Brs/Str.low. 释放触发器时反转音频
已修复:Woods High – Short 已安排。其中一个组走调。F3-C4
已修复:Albion One – Woods Low – Long:较低动态层中的 A4 和 A#4‘双音符’已
修复:Albion One – Woods Low – Short:G5 (RR1) 上的噪音
已修复:Albion One – 弦乐 – 跳奏:一些音符有瑕疵

Albion ONE is a renowned, industry-standard orchestral sample library that provides all you need to make film music. This title comprises a 109-piece orchestra, accompanied by a thunderous cinematic percussion section, recorded at the world-famous Lyndhurst Hall at AIR Studios in London. Plus, there are warpable loops designed by award-winning engineers and an enormous steam synthesiser.

Albion ONE contains high dynamics and energy while being versatile across multiple genres. Choose from four microphone positions and a high range of articulations including our esteemed legatos, for extra control. Equally suited to first-timers and established composers alike, this industry-standard product is the perfect place to start and go as deep as you want.

In order to create a great film scoring tool, you need to go where the best film scores are recorded. London’s AIR Studios was founded by Sir George Martin, the legendary producer often referred to as the “Fifth Beatle”. AIR’s Lyndhurst Hall has been the first choice of Hollywood directors for years, and countless blockbuster scores have been recorded there (Lord Of The Rings, Interstellar, Justice League, Harry Potter, Pirates Of The Caribbean – the list goes on). The Albion ONE orchestra was recorded by award-winning engineers using world-class equipment: priceless ribbon and valve microphones through Neve Montserrat preamps, the largest 88R Neve console in the world and onto pristine 2” tape, before being converted with top-of-their-class Prism AD converters at 96k. No expense was spared to capture this Collection in exactly the same way as is done for film.

The original concept of Albion was simple – it had to be everything you would need to score a film, in one complete product. Spitfire Audio brought together 109 London’s finest players, who regularly feature in Oscar-winning film score sessions and major global concert performances, and recorded them performing a range of different techniques: short notes, long notes, tremolos, pizzicatos and so forth. Each of these techniques are captured across a range of notes, and by section (Brass Low, Mid and High, Woods High and Low, and Strings), affording you the flexibility to program and perform your orchestral composition with complete control.

Albion ONE features Spitfire Audio’s signature legato articulations, combining adjoining samples to give ultimate musicality, and runs, where a signal note triggers the recording of a section playing phrases.

When it comes to microphone positions, there are four options (close, tree, outriggers and ambient) to suit the style of music you are writing and the scale you wish to achieve. You are also provided with a popular ‘ostinatum’ designer that allows for the instant creation of exciting, tense or action-packed rhythmic passages.

What about drums? The majority of film scores will benefit from some kind of rhythmic accompaniment. Whether it is gentle undertones right through to full-scale mega hits, Albion ONE has everything you need to build your score with a solid foundation. Also recorded at AIR Studios’ Lyndhurst Hall, Spitfire Audio gathered together some of the largest drums in London. From hi sticks to low taikos and toms, plus the recently added Easter Island hits, some in sections and some solo have been recorded with a dash of blockbuster-style hyped percussion included for good measure. To wrap things up, Jake Jackson, Spitfire Audio’s highly experienced Chief Engineer and AIR Studios resident brings added punch thanks to his superb mixes.

All these samples are accessed through the Kickstart engine – an interface that makes it simple to map and perform drums in your chosen DAW.

In addition to single hits in AIR Studios, Spitfire Audio has captured hundreds of raw and warped loops from original recordings made at the Spitfire Audio studio, featuring heavy-hitting percussionist Paul Clarvis (Spectre, The Dark Knight, Harry Potter, Star Wars). Brunel Loops is a module based on the highly powerful eDNA engine – the perfect tool for mangling your music. It allows two input sources to be warped, sequenced, affected and blended, all in sync – meaning there are endless possibilities when it comes to creating loops that sound completely your own.

With the latest update of Albion ONE, 100 new Stephenson’s Steam Band presets are included, made by Spitfire Audio founders and composers Christian Henson and Paul Thomson.

Alongside this, the recorded orchestra material has been taken to the absolute limit – everything that you can possibly imagine has been done to it. It has been pushed, pulled, stretched, squished and squashed; Spitfire Audio has processed it using everything from priceless vintage outboards to crappy guitar pedals. Much like Brunel Loops, this library is contained within the fully tweakable eDNA engine, making Stephenson’s Steam Band synth a dynamic, limitless orchestral-synth engine unlike any other. Using it is easy, and it will become the first tool you grab when you want to make pads and effects that bridge the gap between orchestral and electronic.

Albion ONE is a sample library built to work seamlessly with Native Instrument’s Kontakt Player. It’s also NKS-ready – pre-mapped and ready to play, with light guides for visual key switches, splits and mapping feedback, and hardware library browsing.

In the latest edition of this flagship product, updated to celebrate Spitfire Audio’s landmark 10th anniversary year, the initial Albion “legacy” product has been expanded and re-recorded to go beyond:

New user interface design and NKS-ready integration
Orchestral: 15 new combination patches, combining different techniques and instrument groups in exciting ways
Percussion: additional Easter Island hits plus incredible new mixes by Jake Jackson
Stephenson’s Steam Synth: 63 new sounds and 67 presets, all created by Spitfire Audio co-founder Christian Henson
Brunel Loops: 78 new recordings across 8th, 16th and 12th rhythmic patterns, plus 90 new presets, including 51 made by Christian Henson


~47233 SAMPLES

Mac OS X 10.10 or later. Minimum: 2.8GHz i5 minimum (quad-core), 8GB RAM. Recommended: 2.8GHz I7 (six-core), 16GB RAM. Apple Silicon/ARM not yet supported but available via Rosetta 2. Machine must be connected to the internet during install.

Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 (latest Service Pack, 32/64-bit) Minimum: Intel 2.8 GHz i5 (quad-core) or AMD Ryzen 5. Recommended: Intel 2.8 GHz i7 (six-core) or AMD R7 2700. Machine must be connected to the internet during install.

ATTENTION! Update ONLY Requires previously installed update v1.8!
Requirements: Kontakt FULL or Kontakt Player v5.6.8 or higher!
v2.0.1Additions/New content:
New super loud FFF dynamics available in the following new patches:+ Brass
⁃ Brass XL – Long.nki
⁃ Brass XL – Short Marcato Dim.nki
⁃ Brass XL – Short.nki+ Horns
⁃ Horns XL – Long.nki
⁃ Horns XL – Short Marcato Dim.nki
⁃ Horns XL – Short.nki+ Strings Low
⁃ Strings Low XL Combined – 8ves – Long.nki
⁃ Strings Low XL Combined – 8ves – Long (unlayered).nki
⁃ Strings Low XL Combined – 8ves – Short.nki
⁃ Strings Low XL Combined – 8ves – Short (unlayered).nki+ Strings
⁃ Strings XL Combined – Long.nki
⁃ Strings XL Combined – Long (unlayered).nki
⁃ Strings XL Combined – Long Tremolo.nki
⁃ Strings XL Combined – Long Tremolo (unlayered).nki
⁃ Strings XL Combined – Short Col Legno.nki
⁃ Strings XL Combined – Short Col Legno (unlayered).nki
⁃ Strings XL Combined – Short Pizzicato.nki
⁃ Strings XL Combined – Short Pizzicato (unlayered).nki
⁃ Strings XL Combined – Short Spiccato.nki
⁃ Strings XL Combined – Short Spiccato (unlayered).nki+ Trumpets
⁃ Trumpets XL – Long.nki
⁃ Trumpets XL – Short Marcato Dim.nki
⁃ Trumpets XL – Short.nkiFixes:
– Strings High (octave) CS no longer replicates Strings Legato (Octave)
– Strings Col Legno/Strings Short Col Legno: Click on A4 & A#4 RR1 removed
– Volume disparity between String Low 8ves Longs & String Low 8ves Legato resolved
– Strings High – Runs Min. Desc. 1 Oct / Maj. Desc. 1 Oct now play the correct notes
– Strings – Low Octaves: Timing issues in Shorts resolved.
– Added missing NKS artwork


FIXED: eDNA Patches – VU meter for bank B is placed over B
FIXED: Fat Pluck MW – Ocean – Notes Dropping Out
FIXED: Previews missing/Need Updating
FIXED: Brass Low (8ves) andBrass High (8ves)missing from individual section
FIXED: XXL percussion (Stereo) previews has voices on
FIXED: CHX brunel presets Modwheel mapping causes volume issue
FIXED: Albion ONE String Runs not loading into memory fully
FIXED: Albion ONE – No Brass High Legato or Brass Low Legato patches
FIXED: CHX Brunel and Stephenson presets only mapped to Tape Sat
FIXED: All Combination – Wd/Brs/Str.low . Reversed Audio On Release Triggers
FIXED: Wd/Brs/Str. Low has odd reversing samples
FIXED: Woods High – Short Arranged. One of the Groups is Out of Tune. F3-C4
FIXED: Strings. Longs. C0-D#0. Double note on sample
FIXED: Albion One – Woods Low – Long: A4 and A#4 ‘double notes’ in lower dynamic layers
FIXED: Albion One – Woods Low – Short: Noise on G5 (RR1)
FIXED: Albion ONE – Strings – Spiccato: Some notes have artifacts

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