[合成器] Plugin Alliance Dmitry Sches Thorn v1.3.2 U2B [MacOSX](26.3Mb)

Thorn 是一款用于制作现代电子音乐的优秀工具。我们的主要目标是开发一款一流的软件合成器,它能为您创造出强劲、爽朗、激进的现代音效。简单、灵活、高效是 Thorn 的主要原则。您只需浏览一下 Thorn 提供的精心制作的音效库(600 多种预设!)即可。我们希望它能为你提供许多你可能想立即用于混音的音效。

Thorn 的音效引擎基于频谱合成法(Spectral Synthesis),让你可以控制最终音色形成过程中涉及的谐波。三个谐波振荡器和一个附加谐波滤波器可满足制作各种现代音色的所有需要。

两个模拟建模的多模式滤波器带有零延迟反馈路径,可为你的声音充电,使其在混音中大放异彩。模拟包络、LFO 和多级包络可用于调制任何内部参数。

一套 9 种高品质效果器可润色你的声音,为其注入生命力。为了提供更多乐趣,DS Audio 在 Thorn 中采用了基于模式的 Glitch 音序器。如今,Glitch 效果已成为许多电子音乐流派的重要组成部分,我们希望你会发现 Glitch 模块非常实用,并能激发你的灵感。

请尽情享受 Thorn 带来的乐趣吧!

* 具有频谱效果、谐波滤波和 FM、RM、PWM、Hard Sync 支持的叠加合成引擎
* 模拟建模滤波器,具有灵敏的内部饱和阶段
* 3x ADSR、3x LFO、2x 多级包络线
* 9 种高品质效果
* Glitch 音序器
* 噪声振荡器,具有 WAV 采样回放功能

Plugin Alliance Dmitry Sches Thorn v1.3.2 U2B Mac [MORiA]| AUi | VSTi | VST3i | 26.3 MB

Thorn was made to provide you with a great tool for modern electronic music production. The main goal was to develop a top notch software synthesizer, which knows everything about creation process of punchy, snappy and aggressive modern sounds. Simplicity, flexibility and effectiveness are the key principles of Thorn. Just take a short tour through the carefully crafted sound library provided by Thorn (600+ presets!). We hope it contains lots of sounds you might want to put in your mix right away.

The sound engine in Thorn is built on Spectral Synthesis method, which gives you control over the harmonics involved into a forming process of a final timbre. Three Harmonic Oscillators with an additional Harmonic Filter cover all the needs for producing of a very wide range of modern sounds.

Two analog modeled multi-mode filters with a zero delay feedback path provided to charge your sound and make it shine through the mix. Analog envelopes, LFOs and multi-stage envelopes can be used to modulate any internal parameter you would like to.

A set of 9 high quality effects polish your sound and breathe life into it. In order to provide more fun DS Audio implemented a pattern-based Glitch sequencer in Thorn. Today glitch-effects become an essential part of many electronic music genres and we hope you will find Glitch module very handful and inspiring.

Have fun with Thorn!

* Additive synthesis engine with spectral effects, harmonic filtering and FM, RM, PWM, Hard Sync support
* Analog modeled filters with sensitive internal saturation stages
* 3x ADSR, 3x LFO, 2x Multi-stage Envelopes
* 9 high quality effects
* Glitch sequencer
* Noise Oscillator with WAV-sample playback feature

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