[乐句处理插件]Sugar Bytes Looperator v1.1.0 [MacOSX](70Mb)

P2P | 21 September 2022 | 70 MB

特别推荐:[乐句处理插件]Sugar Bytes Looperator v1.1.1 [WiN]

安装方法:安装之后,您需要 r2r keygen 来解锁它。

输入 FX 矩阵!Looperator 会截断您的音频并将其变成新的东西。在此过程中,您可以处理经典的过滤器和混响,也可以处理幻觉循环和乙烯基操作。 Looperator 让你听起来好像你在你的轨道上工作了几个小时,实际上只需要点击一个按钮。

带反向模式的 Looper
使用 MIDI 音符调用预设
每个效果和步骤 5 个参数


Looperator 结合了两个概念:您可以使用切片器重新排列材料,并以手术精度放置效果。从一开始,我们就瞄准了一种易于操作并产生良好结果的工具。

预设工具可以创建滚动、循环和口吃编辑,只需点击几下鼠标,就可以在 DAW 中轻松构建。


广泛的 MIDI 集成和适度在您的 CPU 上

Looperator 可以与 DAW 的传输控制同步触发,或者通过 MIDI 轨道中的音符触发。在经典的 DJ 设置中,它会同步到您的 DJ 软件。

您可以将完整的效果序列分配给 MIDI 音符——这样您就可以触发单独的模式。在现场环境中对音频信号应用魔法时,这为您提供了很大的灵活性。




尽管它的界面很简单,但如果你真正深入研究,Looperator 是一个令人惊讶的深度插件。

每个效果都有其单独的参数(5 个设置),每个参数都可以通过 20 种可选择和可调节的包络形状、简单的自动化参数拨盘、包络跟随器或随机发生器中的一种进行控制。





例如,如果切片器低于 FX1,则 FX1 的结果将在您对它们进行排序时包含在切片中 – 之后它们将通过 FX2 和包络进行过滤、循环和处理。

每个效果模块都有单独的干/湿,全局混音控制拥有 6 种不同的设置。

所有 UI 元素都将焦点放在手头的任务上,并通过视觉反馈直接响应用户的每个操作。

看看手册 – 或者不要。

不要想太多! Looperator 允许无限的撤消步骤。这种安全性鼓励实验。让你批评的声音静音,画一些图案,当听起来不错时,保存预设。

功能和逻辑将通过使用变得明显,您会亲耳听到 Looperator 从一开始就输出的新想法令人陶醉。

从细微的增强到壮观的烟火效果: Looperator 的表现潜力迅速接近乐器的特性。

注意:您需要 r2r keygen 来解锁它

Enter the FX matrix!
Looperator chops up your audio and turns it into something new. In the process, you can dispose of the classics like Filters and Reverbs, but also trippy Loop and Vinyl manipulations. Looperator makes you sound as if you worked on your track for hours and hours and really all it took was a click of a button.

Key Features:
16-Step Sample Slicer
Looper with Reverse Mode
Time Stretch & Talkbox Filter
Recall presets with MIDI notes
Independent Control for left/right Channel
Unlimited Undo/Redo
Intelligent Random
5 Parameters per effect and step

Patterns over your sound
Plug in and let loose!

Looperator unites two concepts: you can re-arrange the material with the Slicer and place effects with surgical precision. Right from the start, we aimed at a tool that is easy to handle and produces favourable results.

The preset tools make creating of rolls, loops and stutter edits, that can be fiddly to build in a DAW, a matter of a few mouse clicks.

And when inspiration has left the room, the smart random algorithms with detailed programming options will generate sequences with a high chance of sounding balanced and useable.

Hands-on control
Extensive MIDI integration & modest on your CPU

Looperator can be triggered in sync with the DAW’s transport controls, or via notes from a MIDI track. In a classic DJ setup, it syncs to your DJ software.

You can assign complete effect sequences to MIDI notes – this way you can trigger individual patterns. This gives you plenty of flexibility when it comes to applying magic to audio signals in a live environment.

Find a boring drum loop! In under a minute, you’ll have something sounding not only completely different, but truly compelling.

It’s undemanding on your resources, so running a number of instances and incorporating the results into a broader project is a truly effortless process.

User Steps
The beauty of under the hood editing power

Despite its simple interface, Looperator is a surprisingly deep plug-in if you really dig in.

Each effect holds its individual parameters (5 settings), each of which can be controlled by one of 20 selectable and adjustable envelope shapes, a simple automation-ready parameter dial, an envelope follower, or a randomizer.

Much of the time, you won’t need to go any further than the ready-made steps, but when you do, the four user-defined steps per track give you full and precise control of vital effect parameters on a per-step basis.

When it comes to animating lively sequences on a detailed level, the possibilities are literally endless.

Free Signal Flow
Dynamics and Depth

The processing chain runs from top to bottom and you can alter the order of the six lanes by a simple vertical drag–and–drop.

If, for example, the Slicer is below FX1, then the results of FX1 will be included in the slices as you sequence them—after which they’ll be filtered, looped and processed through FX2 and the envelopes.

Each effect module has an individual dry/wet and the global mix control boasts 6 different setups.

All UI elements put the spotlight on the task at hand and directly respond to every user action with visual feedback.

In other words: Go outside and Play!
Take a peek at the manual – or don’t.

Don’t overthink it! Looperator allows unlimited undo steps. This security encourages experimentation. Silence your critical voice, paint some patterns, and when it sounds good, save the preset.

Features and logic will become apparent through use and you’ll hear for yourself that Looperator’s output of new ideas from the first moment is intoxicating.

From subtle enhancements to spectacular effect pyrotechnics: Looperator’s expressive potential quickly approaches the character of an instrument.

Note: You need r2r keygen to unlock it

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