[整合立体声频率和多种效果器的多功能移调器]Unfiltered Audio Fault v1.4.1 [WiN](7Mb)

TeamCubeadooby | 11 August 2024 | 6.22 MB

相关资源:[整合立体声频率和多种效果器的多功能移调器]Unfiltered Audio Fault v1.3.0 [MacOSX]


没有任何其他插件具有像 Fault 一样全面的音高和时间操控能力。无论是在混音时用来强化薄弱的音轨,还是在音效设计中用来彻底破坏乐器,Fault 的应用范围只受您的想象力限制。Fault 包含 100 多个原厂预设 – 包括来自 Richard Devine 和 The Crystal Method 的 Scott Kirkland 等贡献艺术家的设置 – 用 Fault 寻找创作灵感既有趣又引人入胜。

三个主处理器为 Fault 的全面频谱控制提供动力。双通道音高移位器可以在音乐上将声音调高或调低多达一个八度,步长最小为 0.1 个半音。立体声移频器可以通过精密 FM 控制进行调制,以创建美丽而不和谐的声音。立体声延迟使用跨通道反馈和滤波器来增加沉浸式深度。如果这还不够的话,每个控制旋钮和开关设置本身都可以通过最多八个强大而灵活的调制器动态控制,其中两个是 1.1 版中的全新调制器:步进音序器和 ROLI Lightpad(用于与 ROLI 最新的 MIDI 控制器硬件无缝集成)。


Fault 的精神分裂个性可以将您的音轨带向您想要的任何方向:让无聊的音轨听起来更丰富、更令人兴奋,或者将原始音轨带入频率调制混乱的下一个层次。将频率转换器置于环形调制模式,并添加短暂延迟,使沉闷、毫无生气的小军鼓像鞭炮一样发出嘶嘶声。对您的工业心脏来说还是太温和了?过滤和反馈 Fault 的音高转换器,并添加一点点瞬间延迟,使小军鼓敲击听起来像是在声纳搜寻潜艇!只要您能想象,Fault 就会带您到那里。

Fault 可自由分配的调制器可以为人声创建比大多数倍频器更逼真的 ADT(自动双轨)效果。使用第二个 LFO 调制连接到立体声音调转换器的 LFO,以创建类似于披头士乐队在其人声中使用的录音机风格的变速 ADT 效果!Fault 对于硬摇滚和另类摇滚制作也是必不可少的。在房间麦克风上创建沉重的低八度效果,让鼓声震撼人心。使用频率转换器的 FM 控制可以让三角钢琴音轨听起来像水下的电子键盘。或者像小鸟的鸣叫。Fault 无所不能。使用

基于正弦的调制器无法获得所需的模式?没问题 – 您还可以使用功能齐全的步进音序器调制参数甚至其他调制器,或者通过使用新的 ROLI Lightpad 控制器集成,用简单的手势轻松实时控制多个参数。

当然,Fault 还可以创建日常处理所需的所有常规效果,包括乒乓延迟、合唱、镶边等。独立的立体声参数有助于拓宽声音,而内部 M/S 矩阵允许宽度控制和可选输出到 Mid 和 Side 组件以进行进一步处理。但 Fault 与其他插件的不同之处在于它能够创造出令人震惊的、无法忽视的新声音。系好安全带——Fault 将震撼您的听众。


  • 超过 100 个预设,包括来自 Richard Devine、The Crystal Method、Mirrorball Entertainment 和 Air Studios 的 Toby Pitman 的设置
  • 无伪影的频率和音调调制
  • 双通道音调变换器可以立体声连接并量化为整数半音
  • 立体声移频器可使用高分辨率 FM 频率和深度控制进行调制
  • 立体声延迟可以与主机的节奏同步
  • 六条反馈路径(频率转换器和延迟器各三条),包括跨通道反馈
  • Unfiltered Audio 的旗舰调制系统提供了八个可自由分配且完全自动化的调制器,并带有拖放式虚拟修补:正弦波 LFO、锯齿波/三角波 LFO、方波 LFO、输入跟随器、采样保持噪声、宏控制旋钮、步进音序器和 ROLI Lightpad
  • 中/侧处理可将立体声图像从单声道调整到超宽,并提供 M/S 中的可选输出以供进一步处理
  • 高通和低通滤波器可以切换以仅处理湿信号或同时处理湿信号和干信号
  • 干/湿控制提供并行处理
  • 内置软限幅器、抗混叠滤波器、低保真采样率控制和环形调制器模式
  • 新的 25 Hz 高通滤波器选项可提高变速器性能
  • 改进的音调变换器,可通过“选项”菜单访问
  • 扩展接口扩展选项的选择
  • 随机预设功能
  • 现在包含一个 OpenGL 切换开关,适用于不支持显卡的 Windows 用户

x64:AAX、VST3、VST2 | x86:JBridge

只需安装。AppID 与上一版本相同。



No other plugin has the comprehensive ability to manipulate pitch and time like Fault. Whether used at mixdown to fortify weak tracks or in sound design to totally mangle instruments beyond recognition, Fault’s applications are limited only by your imagination. With over 100 factory presets included – featuring settings from contributing artists like Richard Devine and Scott Kirkland from The Crystal Method – finding creative inspiration with Fault is fun and engaging.

Three main processors power Fault’s comprehensive spectral control. Dual-channel Pitch Shifters musically retune sounds up or down as much as a full octave, in steps as small as 0.1 semitone. The stereo Frequency Shifter can be modulated by precision FM controls to create beautiful and discordant sounds alike. Stereo Delays use cross-channel feedback and filters to add immersive depth. And if that weren’t enough, every control knob and switch setting can be itself controlled dynamically by up to eight powerful and flexible modulators, two of which are brand new in version 1.1: Step Sequencer, and ROLI Lightpad (for seamless integration with ROLI’s latest MIDI controller hardware).

Medicine or Mutilation—You Choose!

Fault’s schizophrenic personality can take your tracks in any direction you want: make boring tracks sound richer and more exciting, or take pristine tracks to the next level of frequency-modulated mayhem. Place the Frequency Shifters in ring modulation mode and sprinkle with short delays to make a dull, lifeless snare drum sizzle like a firecracker. Still too tame for your industrial heart? Filter and feed back Fault’s Pitch Shifters and add a smidgen of split-second delays to make snare hits sound like sonar hunting for submarines! If you can imagine it, Fault will take you there.

Fault’s freely assignable modulators create more realistic-sounding ADT (automatic double tracking) effects for vocals than most doublers. Modulate an LFO—patched to the stereo Pitch Shifters—with a second LFO to create tape recorder-style varispeed ADT effects like the Beatles used on their vocals! Fault is indispensable for hard rock and alt-rock productions, too. Create heavy sub-octave effects on room mics to send drums to the depths of Hell. Use the Frequency Shifters’ FM controls to make a grand piano track sound like an electric keyboard under water. Or like tiny birds chirping. Fault knows no bounds.

Not getting the patterns you want with sine-based modulators? No problem – you can also modulate parameters or even other modulators with a full blown step sequencer, or effortlessly control multiple parameters in real time with simple gestures by using the new ROLI Lightpad controller integration.

Of course, Fault can also create all the conventional effects you need for everyday processing, including ping-pong delays, chorus, flanging and more. Independent stereo parameters facilitate the ability to broaden sounds while an internal M/S matrix allows for width control and optional output to Mid and Side components for further processing. But what sets Fault apart from other plugins is its ability to create startling, new sounds that can’t be ignored. Hand out seatbelts—Fault will shake your listeners to their core.


  • Over 100 presets featuring settings from Richard Devine, The Crystal Method, Mirrorball Entertainment, and Toby Pitman of Air Studios
  • Artifact-free frequency and pitch modulation
  • Dual-channel Pitch Shifters can be stereo-linked and quantized to whole-integer semitones
  • Stereo Frequency Shifter can be modulated using high-resolution FM Frequency and Depth controls
  • Stereo Delays can be synced to host’s tempo
  • Six feedback paths—three each for the Frequency Shifter and Delays—including cross-channel feedback
  • Unfiltered Audio’s flagship modulation system provides eight freely assignable and fully automatable modulators with drag-and-drop virtual patching: sine LFO, sawtooth/triangle LFO, square-wave LFO, input follower, sample-and-hold noise, macro control knob, Step Sequencer, and ROLI Lightpad
  • Mid/Side processing adjusts stereo image from mono to super-wide, and provides optional output in M/S for further processing
  • High Pass and Low Pass filters can be switched to process just the wet signal or both wet and dry
  • Dry/Wet control provides parallel processing
  • Built-in soft clipper, anti-aliasing filters, low-fi sampling rate control and ring-modulator mode
  • New 25 Hz high pass filter option for improved shifter performance
  • Improved pitch shifter, available through the Options menu
  • Expanded choice of interface scaling options
  • Randomize Preset feature
  • Now includes an OpenGL toggle switch, for Windows users with unsupported graphics cards

x64: AAX, VST3, VST2 | x86: JBridge

Just install. Same AppID as previous release.

Plugins will show under “Plugin Alliance.”

Rock on and enjoy!



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