[影视打击乐音源]Laboratory Audio STRIKEFORCE 2 v1.0.1 [KONTAKT](14.92Gb)

P2P | 15 August 2024 | 14.92 GB

STRIKEFORCE 2是一个好莱坞电影打击乐库,专为媒体作曲家量身定制。如果您正在为电视节目、电影配乐,或者创作一些史诗般的游戏音乐,STRIKEFORCE 2 将很快成为您武器库中最受欢迎的打击乐必备工具。STRIKEFORCE 2 是新推出的,受到许多好莱坞电影作曲家的喜爱,将用于电影和游戏项目,例如即将推出的漫威游戏“1943 九头蛇崛起”、“英雄联盟”和 Netflix 节目“失踪:死或生?”,仅举几例。

它带有大量富有表现力的合奏和独奏打击乐。所有这些乐器都是为这个库独特打造的。我们从最轻的触感到最重的鼓点都录制了下来。所有乐器在 6 个动态层上都带有 16 个循环,提供真实感、可玩性和大量的变化。

STRIKEFORCE 2 不是原始 Strikeforce 的更新或替代,而是一个完整的库,是扩展 Strikeforce 打击乐世界的绝佳补充。STRIKEFORCE 2 的

乐器种类与原始 STRIKEFORCE 截然不同。也就是说,它们都具有相同的布局和方法,因此,它们在会话中一起演奏效果很好。从风格上讲,如果原始 Strikeforce 是一种宏伟的角斗士类型的声音,那么 Strikeforce 2 更像是强劲的 Dune 或 Black Panther 类型的声音。如果

没有我们庞大的大型打击乐,SF2 就不会是一个史诗般的库,我们还拥有一大堆非常有用、较小、高能量的打击乐,可以在混音中脱颖而出。-

总共 145 种全新乐器!
– 92 种大型打击乐!(每 6 个动态层 16 个循环)
– 41 种中型到小型打击乐! (每 6 个动态层 16 个循环)
– 12 种杂项乐器 (16-32RR)

我们真诚希望 STRIKEFORCE 2 能够激发您的灵感!

42Gb 未压缩(磁盘上 16Gb,采用 NI 无损压缩)

– 145 个独特补丁
– 54 个大鼓合奏(6vl 16rr)
– 21 个小鼓合奏(6vl 16rr)
– 38 个独奏大鼓(6vl 16rr)
– 20 个独奏小鼓(6vl 16rr)
– 12 种杂项打击乐(钹、金属和嘀嗒声)(6vl 16rr)(2vl 32rr)
– 30 个多预设


– 单独循环选择器矩阵 – 循环播放模式(串行和随机)
– 近距离和远距离混音,具有单独音高和 ADSR
– 每个合奏/独奏补丁 5 种不同的鼓调音
– 每个调音部分的单独平移

STRIKEFORCE 在 Ocean Way 纳什维尔录音室以 24bit/192kHz 录制。最终母带以 24bit/48k 交付。

STRIKEFORCE 2 is a Hollywood cinematic percussion library tailored especially for media composers. If you’re scoring a TV show, a movie, or creating some epic game music, STRIKEFORCE 2 will quickly become a favorite essential tool for percussion in your arsenal. Brand new and loved by many Hollywood film composers STRIKEFORCE 2 is set to be used in film and game projects such as the upcoming game Marvel’s “1943 Rise of Hydra”, “League of Legends” and the Netflix Show “Missing: Dead or Alive?”, just to mention a few.

It comes with a massive selection of expressive Ensembles and Solo percussion. All of those instruments were uniquely build for this library. We recorded from the softest touch to the hardest drum hits. All instruments come with 16 round robins on each of the 6 Dynamic Layers providing realism, playability and loads of variation.

STRIKEFORCE 2 is not an update or a replacement of the original Strikeforce, but rather a complete library in its own right and a fantastic compliment expanding the Strikeforce percussion universe.

STRIKEFORCE 2 features a very different palette of instruments than the original STRIKEFORCE. That said, they both share the same layout and methodology and as a result, they play great together in a session. Stylistically, if original Strikeforce is a grand Gladiator type sound, then Strikeforce 2 is more of a hard driving Dune or Black Panther type sound.

SF2 wouldn’t be an epic library without our massive large percussion, we also have a whole bunch really useful, smaller, high energy percussion that can cut through in a mix.

– 145 brand new instruments total!
– 92 Big Percussion Instruments! (16 Round Robins per 6 Dynamic Layers)
– 41 Medium to Small Percussion Instruments! (16 Round Robins per 6 Dynamic Layers)
– 12 Miscellaneous Instruments (16-32RR)

It’s our sincere hope that STRIKEFORCE 2 will inspire you!

42Gb uncompressed (16Gb on Disk with NI lossless compression)

– 145 Unique Patches
– 54 Large Drum Ensembles (6vl 16rr)
– 21 Small Drum Ensembles (6vl 16rr)
– 38 Solo Large Drum (6vl 16rr)
– 20 Solo Small Drum (6vl 16rr)
– 12 Miscellaneous Percussion ( Cymbals, Metal and Tick Tocks) (6vl 16rr) (2vl 32rr)
– 30 Multi Presets


– Individual Round Robin Selector Matrix
– Round Robin Playback Modes (Serial & Random)
– Close and Far Mix, with Individual Pitch and ADSR
– 5 Different Drum Tunings per Ensemble / Solo Patch
– Individual Panning per Tuned Section

STRIKEFORCE was recorded in 24bit/192kHz at Ocean Way Nashville Recording Studios. Final master is delivered in 24bit/48k.

01 Big Percussion
04 Warrior Ens 2
01 Galaxy Drums Ens
02 AaaahhYeah Ens
03 Warrior Ens 1
05 Warrior Solo 1
06 Warrior Solo 2
06 Warrior Solo 3
3000 Army Ens 1
3000 Army Ens 2
Assassin Ens 1
Assassin Ens 2
Assassin Solo 1
Assassin Solo 2
Assassin Solo 3
Big Floppyhead Ens 1
Big Floppyhead Ens 2 loose
Big Floppyhead Flam 1
Big Floppyhead Flam 2
Big Floppyhead Solo 1
Big Floppyhead Solo 2
BiggieSmall Ens 1
BiggieSmall Ens 2 loose
BiggieSmall Flam
BiggieSmall Solo
Bison Drums Ens
Bison Drums Solo 1
Bison Drums Solo 2
Bounty Chaser Ens 1
Bounty Chaser Ens Bounty Chaser Ens 3
Bounty Chaser Ens 4
Bounty Chaser Solo 1
Buzz Drum Ens
Buzz Drum Solo 1
Buzz Drum Solo 2
Combat Ens
Combat Solo
Desert Fury Ens
Desert Fury Flam
Desert Fury Solo
Grand Diplomat Ens 1
Grand Diplomat Ens 2
Grand Diplomat Ens 3
Grand Diplomat Ens 4 loose
Grand Diplomat Felt Flam
Grand Diplomat Flam
Grand Diplomat Soft Ens 1
Grand Diplomat Soft Ens 2
Grand Diplomat Soft Felt Solo
Grand Diplomat Soft Flam
Grand Diplomat Solo 1
Grand Diplomat Solo 2
Grand Diplomat Solo 3
Grand Diplomat Solo 4
RattleDrum Ens 1
RattleDrum Ens 2 loose
RattleDrum Flam 1
RattleDrum Flam 2
RattleDrum Solo
Rustle & Bustle Ens
Sicario Ens 1
Sicario Ens 2
Sicario Ens 3
Sicario Solo
Skindrums Ens 1
Skindrums Ens 2
Skindrums Ens 3
Skindrums Ens 4
Skindrums Solo 1
Skindrums Solo 2
Skindrums Solo 3
Super Collegno Ens
Titan Drums Ens 1 Loose
Titan Drums Ens 1 Tight
Titan Drums Ens 2
Titan Drums Ens 3
Titan Drums Ens 4
Titan Drums Solo 1
Titan Drums Solo 2
Titan Drums Solo 3
Titan Drums Solo 4
Tribal Siege Ens 1
Tribal Siege Ens 2
Tribal Siege Solo
War Drums Ens 1
War Drums Ens 2
War Drums Ens 3
War Drums Solo 1
War Drums Solo 2

02 Small Percussion
Colossus Ens 1
01 Inferno Blaster Ens
Angry Octoban Ens 1
Angry Octoban Ens 2 loose
Angry Octoban Solo
Colossus Ens 2
Colossus Solo 1
Colossus Solo 2
Driver Ens 1
Driver Ens 2
Driver Solo 1
Driver Solo 2
Driver Solo 3
Fast Stick Drum Ens
Fast Stick Drum Solo
Firetoms Ens 1
Firetoms Ens 2
Firetoms Solo 1
Firetoms Solo 2
Mando Drums Ens 1
Mando Drums Ens 2
Mando Drums Ens 3
Mando Drums Solo 1
Mando Drums Solo 2 Flam
Mando Drums Solo 3
Sandrum Ens 1
Sandrum Ens 2
Sandrum Solo 1
Sandrum Solo 2
Sandrum Solo 3
Sardine Drum Ens 1 tight
Sardine Drum Ens 2 loose
Sardine Drum Flam
Sardine Drum Solo 1
Sardine Drum Solo 2
Small Collegno 1
Small Collegno 2 tight
Top Driver Ens
Top Driver Flam
Top Driver Solo 1
Top Driver Solo 2

03 Miscellaneous Percussion
Cymbal Dark Soft Bell
Cymbal Soft Bright
Metal Sheet
Standard Cymbal
Sticks 1
Sticks 2
Sticks Ens
TinkTink Cymbal
TinkTink Cymbal Dark
Trash Cymbal 1
Trash Cymbal 2
Trinkets n Tchotchkes (32 rr)


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