[超级鼓手3扩展库爵士鼓]Toontrack The Jazz Sessions SDX (SOUNDBANK)(149.77Gb)

爵士乐会话 SDX
为 Superior Drummer 3 录制的七个套件,由一位真正的工艺大师制作:James Farber。
录制和混音爵士乐本身就是一门艺术,尤其是当涉及到鼓乐时。它需要在微妙而轻盈的范围和生动而彻底爆炸的范围之间取得平衡。James Farber 就是这样一位能够捕捉到这些特点,并能够同时展现任何他放置麦克风的乐器的真正原声音色的人。在他的职业生涯中,他制作了超过1000张专辑,连续工作了40多年,制作了最高级别的唱片,他的唱片目录就像一本爵士乐的名人录。Michael Brecker、John Scofield 和 Joshua Redman 等人的开创性专辑,以及他与 Elvin Jones、Jack DeJohnette、Paul Motian、Bill Stewart、Brian Blade 和 Antonio Sanchez 等爵士鼓乐大师的合作,无疑是他行业地位的证明。
这个为 Superior Drummer 3 制作的 SDX 旨在精确捕捉从爵士鼓的早期到现在的重要声音和时代。还有什么地方比世界上爵士乐之都和最富传奇色彩的录音室之一——纽约市的标志性发电站更合适呢?除了可能比世界上任何其他录音室拥有更多传奇艺术家外,这里也是 James 度过成长岁月、录制了一些开创性作品,并仍然认为捕捉爵士鼓的最佳地点。
总共为这次会话精心挑选了七个套件,每个套件都代表了 James 职业生涯中一个独特的爵士时代、声音或里程碑唱片。除了每个套件都用鼓槌进行采样外,还选择了特定的套件和乐器,用刷子、杆、槌甚至手进行捕捉。
除了鼓乐器外,还为每个套件和配置提供了大量的混音预设,让您可以即时访问 James 本人制作的全套和平衡的鼓混音。这些混音可以按原样使用,也可以作为起点,以便根据您的想象创建几乎任何声音。
总之,这个 SDX 拥有工程师、套件和录音室。如果您对爵士乐充满热情,并希望将一套来自世界爵士乐之都和过去四十年最有影响力的爵士乐录音工程师的鼓声音集合添加到您的工具箱中,那么这就是您的选择。准备好体验一些爵士乐的魅力。
在纽约市的发电站由传奇工程师/混音师 James Farber 录制
四种不同的氛围(A 和 C 主要房间及其相邻的展位)
鼓和调音技术员:Artie Smith
附带大量 MIDI 库,包含为不同爵士风格、不同录音工具等量身定制的素材
助理工程师:Ben Miller
要安装此产品的完整版本,您将需要大约161 GB的可用硬盘空间,安装过程还需要额外的161 GB。
8 GB RAM(推荐使用16 GB RAM或更多)。
一个有效的 Superior Drummer 3.3.6(或更高版本)安装

Toontrack The Jazz Sessions SDX (SOUNDBANK) | 11 May 2024 | 149.77 GB

Seven kits for Superior Drummer 3 recorded by a true master of the craft: James Farber.

Recording and mixing jazz is an art in itself, especially when it comes to drums. It calls for balancing a dynamic range that spans the nuanced and feathery light to the vivid and utterly explosive. Someone who has an uncanny ability to capture exactly that and at the same time bring out the true acoustic voice in any instrument he puts a mic to is James Farber. With well over 1,000 albums to his name, more than 40 years of back-to-back work producing records of the highest echelon and a discography that reads like a who’s who of jazz, he is nothing short of an industry icon. The seminal albums by the likes of Michael Brecker, John Scofield and Joshua Redman as well as, not least, his work with jazz drumming greats like Elvin Jones, Jack DeJohnette, Paul Motian, Bill Stewart, Brian Blade and Antonio Sanchez are – to say the least – a testament to that.

This SDX for Superior Drummer 3 sets out to pinpoint the milestone sounds and eras of jazz drums from its early days until now. Where better to capture that than in the jazz capital of the world and at one of the most storied studios ever built: New York City’s iconic Power Station. Aside from having housed arguably more legendary artists than any other studio on the planet, it is also the very spot where James spent his formative years, recorded some of his seminal work and still considers the be-all-end-all place to capture jazz drums.

In total, seven kits were handpicked for the session, each selected to represent a distinct jazz era, sound or milestone record in James’ career. Aside from every kit being sampled with drumsticks, selected kits and instruments were also captured with brushes, rods, mallets and even hands.

In addition to the drums, an extensive collection of mix-ready presets for each kit and configuration are provided, allowing you instant access to fully fledged and balanced drum mixes by James himself. These mixes can be used as is or as starting points to venture off from in order to create sounds for virtually anything your imagination allows.

To sum this SDX up, it’s got the engineer, the kits and the studio. If you’re passionate about jazz and looking to add a bookend-type collection of drum sounds to your toolbox, straight from the world’s jazz capital and one of the most influential jazz recording engineers of the past four decades – here you go. Get ready for some jazz magic.

Recorded at Power Station in New York City by legendary engineer/mixer James Farber
Seven complete kits, each representing its own jazz era, style or sound
Features kits sampled with sticks, brushes, rods, mallets and hands
Four different ambiences (Studio A and C main rooms with respective adjacent booths)
Selected kits recorded with a 5.0 surround mic setup
Drum and tuning technician: Artie Smith
Comes with an extensive library of MIDI featuring material tailored for different jazz styles, the different tools recorded and more
Includes a broad collection of mix-ready presets for each kit and configuration
Assistant engineering by Ben Miller
For the full installation of this product you will need approximately 161 GB of free hard drive space, plus an additional 161 GB is required for the installation process.

8 GB RAM (16 GB RAM or more recommended).

A working Superior Drummer 3.3.6 (or above) installation

下载价格2 金币
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