[失真效果器插件]JMG Sound Cyberdrive v1.0 [WiN](16.6Mb)

TCD | 08.2024 | 16.6 MB

失真的最后话语刚刚被说出。现在,你可以把所有失真都扔进垃圾桶了。在 Distorstein 博士的大力帮助下,我们创造了一种大规模失真武器。我们写了最后一章,并制作了最失真的失真,粉碎了一切。最后的失真,让你疯狂的驱动,被称为 Cyber​​drive。

Cyber​​drive 的核心在于它的“Dist”模块。使用最多三个模块协同制作您独特的失真配置文件。每个模块都具有强大的过滤系统。它允许您使用高通、低通和多频带分频器微调失真的音调和特性。每个失真都有一个专用的增益补偿驱动器和混音,以达到完美的平衡。

从八个不同类别的 64 种失真类型中进行选择,每种类型都经过精心设计,可提供一系列声音可能性。控制旋钮可让您通过调整每个型号独有的参数来微调失真特性,从而让您精确控制声音的声音特征。

Cyber​​drive 的三种失真类别提供逼真的装备模拟。 您可以模仿模拟硬件的温暖和特性 (Classic)、捕捉标志性吉他踏板的精髓 (Pedal) 或利用著名吉他和贝司放大器 (Amp) 的强大功能。

Shape 和 Crush
其他失真类别供您探索。 Modern 部分使用多频带压缩器等尖端技术提供动态失真和波形折叠。 通过位压缩、速率降低和故障效果 (Pixel) 注入数字混乱,或使用波形整形技术(如整流和非对称削波)塑造您的声音 (Shape)。

Doom 和 Freak
通过极端自定义失真突破极限。Doom 部分有八种。 Freak 类别可让您尝试环形调制、FM 和频谱等前卫技术。

利用 FEED 模块的多功能性来创建一切,从微妙的增强到狂野、尖叫的反馈效果。此模块具有各种延迟模式,如同步、毫秒和音调,可让您完美地定时反馈。FEED 模块能够将反馈发送到其自己的输入或在其反馈路径中包含其他模块,让您探索未知的声音领域。FX

使用广泛的 FX 模块提升您的作品,每个模块都旨在为您提供精确的控制并完美补充您的失真。每个模块都经过直观设计,提供深度、速度和创作自由。



使用 Cyber​​drive 的高级随机化功能摆脱常规。使用随机模式轻松激发创造力,让您可以随机播放参数并偶然发现新的、鼓舞人心的声音。选择随机化特定部分或整个插件,并且能够撤消任何更改,您可以自由探索,无限制。


无忧的软件保护 激活


插件的真实感图形用户界面让您感觉正在触摸真实的硬件。但它很容易适应您的需求。您随时可以拖动右下角的箭头来更改其大小 – 使其更小以节省宝贵的屏幕空间,或放大它以使其更容易使用。

x64:AAX、VST3、VST2 | x86:VST3、VST2



The final word in distortion has just been said. You may throw all your distortions in the TRASH, now. With a great help of Dr. Distorstein we created a weapon of mass distortion. We wrote the final chapter and made the distortionest distortion that crushes everything. The last distortion standing, the insane drive that will drive you insane, is called Cyberdrive.

Key Features
Unleash the Power of Distortion
The heart of Cyberdrive lies in its “Dist” modules. Craft your unique distortion profile with up to three modules in synergy. Each module features a powerful filter system. It lets you fine-tune the tone and character of your distortion with high-pass, low-pass, and multiband crossovers. Each distortion has a dedicated gain-compensated Drive and Mix to dial in the perfect balance.

A Multiverse of Distortion Models
Choose from 64 distortion types across eight distinct categories, each meticulously designed to offer a spectrum of sonic possibilities. The Control knob allows you to fine-tune the character of your distortion by adjusting parameters unique to each model, giving you precise command over the sonic signature of your sound.

Analogue simulations
Three of Cyberdrive’s distortion categories offer realistic gear simulations. You can emulate the warmth and character of analogue hardware (Classic), capture the essence of iconic guitar pedals (Pedal), or engage the power of famous guitar and bass amplifiers (Amp).

Shape and Crush
Other distortion categories let you explore. The Modern section offers dynamic distortions and wave-folding using cutting-edge techniques like multiband companders. Inject digital chaos with bit-crushing, rate reduction, and glitch effects (Pixel), or sculpt your sound with wave-shaping techniques like rectify and asymmetric clipping (Shape).

Doom and Freak
Push the limits with extreme custom distortions that go HARD. There are eight in the Doom section. Freak category lets you experiment with avant-garde techniques like ring modulation, FM and spectral.

Feedback Like Never Before
Harness the versatility of the FEED module to create everything from subtle enhancements to wild, screaming feedback effects. This module features various delay modes such as synced, milliseconds and pitched, allowing you to perfectly time your feedback. With the ability to send feedback into its own input or include other modules inside its feedback path, the FEED module lets you explore uncharted sonic territories.

FX Arsenal
Elevate your productions with the extensive range of FX modules, each designed to give you precise control and perfectly complement your distortions. Each module is intuitively designed, offering depth, speed, and creative freedom.

Dynamics and tone
Tame or unleash your sound with compression, gating, and transient shaping (Dynamics), and shape the frequency content with EQs and filters, shaping your mix with precision (Tone).

Get creative
Other modules allow you to add movement with modulation effects like chorus, flanger, and tremolo (Motion), transform your audio with resonant effects, including cabinet simulations and metalizers (Profile), and craft lush soundscapes with time-based effects such as reverb, delay, and diffusion (Space).

Embrace the Unexpected
Break free from routine with Cyberdrive’s advanced randomization feature. Effortlessly spark creativity with the random modes, allowing you to shuffle parameters and stumble upon new, inspiring sounds. Choose to randomize specific sections or the entire plugin, and with the ability to undo any changes, you’re free to explore without limits.

Total Control Over Signal Flow
The Order section puts you in complete control of your signal chain. Drag and drop modules to reorder processing stages or double-click to enable or disable them, allowing you to tailor the plugin to your exact needs. Whether experimenting with complex routings or auditioning single modules, the ORDER section ensures your workflow is as smooth and intuitive as possible.

Hassle-free software protection
No iLok, no dongle, or internet access is required for activation. Our software uses license files to activate your software. You can freely use the purchased software on all your computers as long as you are the user.

Automatic Gain Compensation
Automatic gain compensation quickly adapts to current settings and ensures the output sounds as loud as the input. This even protects you from thinking that something sounds better. In some cases, it is just louder.

Realistic 3D yet flexible GUI
The photorealistic graphic user interface of the plugin gives you the feeling you are touching the real hardware. But it easily adapts to your needs. You can always drag the arrow in the bottom right corner to change its size – make it smaller to save valuable screen space, or enlarge it to make it easier to use.

x64: AAX, VST3, VST2 | x86: VST3, VST2

Just install.
Rock on and enjoy!


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