[声学分析工具]AudioTools dB, Sound & Audio v17.12 iPhone iPad iPod Touch [iOS](45Mb)

Studio Six Digital 的 AudioTools 是一套专业级音频和声学分析应用程序。此应用程序的价格包含一系列专业工具 – SPL、RTA、FFT、扬声器极性测试、生成器、音频范围、CLF 查看器和录音机,以及根据需要添加更强大模块的框架。您可以随时

从 iOS 设备购买任何附加可选模块(如 Smaart Tools I、SPL Graph 或脉冲响应),以根据您的需要自定义 AudioTools。

我们测试每台 iOS 设备并校准麦克风级别和频率响应以获得最佳效果。我们可以关闭 Apple 低频滤波器,并且在许多设备上我们可以测量高达 120 dB 的 SPL。

添加 iTestMic、iPrecisionMic 或 iAudioInterface2 以获得完整的专业音频和声学测试和测量平台。


“…AudioTools 是一款‘没有它我怎么活’的应用程序”。



***** 包含在应用程序价格中 *****

* SPL 计
忠实再现了经典的模拟 SPL 计。包括 A 和 C 加权以及快速和慢速 ANSI 衰减模式。所有滤波器都符合或超过 ANSI 类型 1。

1/3 和倍频程实时分析仪。包括触摸式 GUI 范围控制、光标、最大/最小条和噪声曲线叠加。

详细的声学分析,最多 32876 个点。查看完整细节或平滑至 1/24、1/6、1/3 或倍频程。包括光标、可扩展图形和峰值跟踪。

* 极性

* CLF 查看器
显示扬声器数据,包括阻抗、轴向响应、灵敏度、极性响应和 6dB 覆盖范围的图以及 3D 彩色气球图。

* 延迟查找器

* 发生器

* 线路电平测试

* 音频示波器

* 录音机
单声道/立体声录音机,具有 WAV 和压缩格式以及 8k-48k 采样率。通过 WIFI 传输文件。

* 通过 wifi 将结果文件传输到 PC/Mac。

* 音频计算器

***** 可从 AudioTools 中购买的可选模块 *****

* Smaart® 工具 – 单通道模块。
移动平台上 Smaart® 的强大功能。包括 1/48 倍频程的 RTA 图表和光谱仪。iPad 上的分屏。

* 传递函数 – 需要双通道接口。
基于双通道 FFT 的测量。允许您使用音乐或粉红噪声作为信号源来分析音响系统性能。

能量时间曲线。绘制脉冲随时间的衰减图,并计算 RT60 时间。内部或外部触发器。

* 脉冲响应
记录和分析脉冲或正弦扫频,计算倍频程和 1/3 倍频程 ETC、T30、C50、C80、CT、定义。


* SPL Pro
数字 SPL 计,带有 ANSI 慢速、快速、峰值和脉冲模式以及 LEQ。包括 A 和 C 加权以及所有 10 个倍频程滤波器。

* SPL 图表
绘制长达 24 小时的逐秒 SPL 级别,并可选择录制音频。此外,添加可选的倍频程记录升级,可将此工具提升到与任何专业记录 SPL 计相媲美的水平。

* SPL 交通灯
监视器实时声级 SPL 和 Leq,并在简单的绿黄红显示中查看状态。

* STIPA 语音清晰度
符合当前 NFPA 代码标准,用于测试 evac 系统和学校。

* 扬声器失真
测量任何驱动器的 THD+n。

* THD+n(需要 iAudioInterface)

* 阻抗计和图(需要 iAudioInterface)

* 相位计

* 振幅扫描

兼容性: iOS 13.0 或更高版本

iPhone iPad iPod Touch

AudioTools from Studio Six Digital is a suite of professional-grade audio and acoustic analysis apps. Included in the price of this app is a great collection of professional tools — SPL, RTA, FFT, Speaker Polarity Test, Generator, Audio Scope, CLF Viewer, and Recorder, and the framework to add more powerful modules as you need them.

Customize AudioTools for your needs by buying any of the additional optional modules, like Smaart Tools I, SPL Graph, or Impulse Response, at any time right from your iOS device.

We test every iOS device and calibrate the microphone level and frequency response for the best results. We have the ability to turn off the Apple low frequency filters, and on many devices we can measure up to 120 dB SPL.

Add iTestMic, iPrecisionMic, or iAudioInterface2 for a complete professional audio and acoustic test and measurement platform.

Actual reviews:

“…AudioTools is a “how did I ever live without it” app”.

“I think this application is the best I EVER purchased.”

“I have used many thousands of dollars of complicated test equipment that doesn’t measure up to this app suite.”

***** Included in the app price *****

* SPL Meter
A faithful reproduction of a classic analog SPL meter. Includes A and C weighting, and Fast and Slow ANSI decay modes. All filters meet or exceed ANSI type 1.

A 1/3 and octave band Real Time Analyzer. Includes touch-GUI range control, a cursor, max/min bars, and noise curve overlays.

Detailed acoustic analysis, up to 32876 points. View full detail or smooth to 1/24, 1/6, 1/3 or octave. Includes cursor, scalable graphics, and peak tracking.

* Polarity
Speaker polarity checker. Route the test signal to a speaker, and read the polarity of the speaker on the screen.

* CLF Viewer
Show loudspeaker data, including plots for impedance, axial response, sensitivity, polar response, and 6dB coverage, and a 3D color balloon plot.

* Delay Finder
Measures the time it takes for a pulse to return from a speaker.

* Generator
Generates sine waves, square waves, white and pink noise.

* Line Level Tests
A line level measurement function and frequency counter.

* Audio Scope
A dual-channel audio oscilloscope that includes auto-triggering, variable gain and sweep rate, and storage of scope images.

* Recorder
A mono/stereo audio recorder with WAV and compressed formats and 8k-48k sample rate. Transfer files via WIFI.

* File transfer of results via wifi to PC / Mac.

* Audio Calculators

***** Optional modules available for purchase from within AudioTools *****

* Smaart® Tools – Single channel module.
The power of Smaart® on a mobile platform. Includes RTA graphs to 1/48th octave and Spectrograph. Split-screen on iPad.

* Transfer Function — Requires 2-channel interface.
Two-channel FFT-based measurement. Allows you to analyze sound system performance with music or pink noise as the signal source.

Energy Time Curve. Plot decay of an impulse over time, and compute RT60 time. Internal or External trigger.

* Impulse Response
Record and analyze an impulse or sine sweep, compute octave and 1/3 octave ETC, T30, C50, C80, CT, Definition.

Fast and accurate sine-sweep measurement of loudspeakers and rooms.

* SPL Pro
Digital SPL meter with ANSI Slow, Fast, Peak, and Impulse mode, along with LEQ. Includes A and C weighting, and all 10 octave band filters.

* SPL Graph
Plot second-by-second SPL level for up to 24 hours, and optionally record the audio. Also, add the optional Octave Band Logging upgrade to elevate this tool to rival any professional logging SPL Meter.

* SPL Traffic Light
Monitor live sound levels SPL and Leq and see status in a simple green-yellow-red display.

* STIPA Speech Intelligibility
Meets the current NFPA code standards for testing evac systems and schools.

* Speaker Distortion
Measure THD+n of any driver.

* THD+n (requires iAudioInterface)

* Impedance Meter and Plot (requires iAudioInterface)

* Phase Meter

* Amplitude Sweep

Compatibility: iOS 13.0 or later
iPhone iPad iPod Touch

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